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About thegoon84

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  1. thegoon84

    Base Raiding

    Whats to stop base owners putting sandbags up that need to be removed to access pole and safe rooms?
  2. thegoon84

    Tanoa Island Access

    Exile requires the ability to travel between cities with the vehicles you've bought/fought for. Its limited in that you'll likely find two clan bases on each section of the map. I.e the main island and the sub south islands. Looking at the map and taking into account resources and server strain.... Would it be worth adding 2/3 bridges to at least connect all bar one island? People cry "so what, people can put IED's along it".... Yes exactly that. All my time playing Epoch Vanilla Tavi i can honestly say the bridge battles and ambushes have been the best. It doesn't matter if you're in a LAV or on a bike.... Crossing a bridge is single handily the most deadly of actions and is only done by the Smart, Brave and the reckless! So i ask that Dev's to look at if its possible to do something like the following:
  3. thegoon84

    Base Raiding

    expect that one time haha
  4. thegoon84

    Base Raiding

    Absolutely amazing!! One thing i've learnt tonight is crying on the forms gets you everything you want hahahahaha! Good job WOW - This time varies depending upon the territory level, starting at 150 seconds for a basic level one territory, with a multipliers of 1.5 per level. In layman’s terms, it’s going to take up to sixteen minutes to take a level 10 territory. The base owner must then purchase the flag back from the Office trader and “Restore” their flag at their pole before they can repair or maintain their base, leaving it very vulnerable in the meantime! They have a time frame of 3 days by default to do this before the base is removed! Also, all safes and doors are unlocked one day before the base is being removed!
  5. thegoon84

    Base raiding is a joke

    Thats great, especially given it sounds like you're in a similar position to myself... Will take your word for it pal. Thanks. Dont get me wrong i dont want happy exile adventure island where we all sit around a fire and sing "Kum By Yar My lord" haha. I just want to at least have a chance to defend what i've earnt. Then you never played it properly... Epoch/Overpoch allowed you to try and get your way in, steal the flag pole and you'd have to wait 7 to 10 days for the safe to unlock.... That to me is ample time to get back and defend it! We used to love to see bases start to erode, we'd quickly get in, dig the pole up and stick a new one down, lock it off and come back in a few days!
  6. thegoon84

    Base raiding is a joke

    Thats great cheers for the reply! It just seems like its been one massive jump forward which has royally f'd anybody who has job/family who cant be on to protect the base 24/7! Please can you implement something that will give at least the casual player the chance to save any physical money if and when the patch drops. Right now, base raiding is amazing if you can spend each day everyday... but if you have life then all your grinding/ gathering is pointless or you'll spend all your time collecting just to keep up. IMO base raid needs to go until a more fair system can be put in place!
  7. thegoon84

    Base raiding is a joke

    You've completely over-looked the casual exile player!!!! The more video's I see of base raiding the more I'm getting put off. While its absolutely perfect for the lucky people who get to spend all day and night playing the game, its completely unfair on the people who can only manage a few evenings a week. I just don't want to spend hours grinding out items and materials to constantly have my stuff stolen by guys who don't work and can afford to mess about all day and night. What's more, when this new patch comes in replacing virtual currency to physical is going to make it FAR worse! Safes should be altered and have 2 sections, money and items. If a safe is hacked into only 10-20% of the balance can be taken in a 24 hour period. There should also be an un-hackable safe which has 20% capacity and 10times the price of the regular safe for storage of the higher end items and precious loot! I'm really not happy with the direction this is going from a casual gamers perspective! Granted this looks like toys out of the pram, but my god its going to be impossible to get anything done.
  8. thegoon84

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    I'm in... Wife is out tomorrow night and will be hung over Sunday... So he'll yeah!!
  9. thegoon84

    Car Keys and Locking

    Better idea..... Why not just add bit more depth... The key has a unique number, if you lose your key and have written the code down you can buy a lock pick kit/hot wire kit where you can put the code in and unlocks the car, but only ever works once.
  10. thegoon84

    Car Keys and Locking

    FINALLY ADDING A BIT OF SUBSTANCE TO THE GAME!!!!! BRAVO EXILE! To the guys who are crying about losing your vehicles, i bet you're the same guys crying about trader zone campers. This isn't hello kitty island adventure, where rainbow rachel holds your hand when all the baddies are around you! This game should all be about risk, if you stop to engage then you should stand to lose everything. Not be a little puss, dump your good gear in the car and YOLO players you've spotted. You need to either risk it all or run the opposite direction!
  11. thegoon84

    Car Keys and Locking

    YEah bring back keys, but have an option to still upgrade to lockpad.
  12. thegoon84

    A reason to kill people.

    Every server I've played on have locked on restart
  13. thegoon84

    A reason to kill people.

    In a nutshell - * Bring back banks * Implement "clan bank accounts" which take 10% (or what ever the leader sets) from all members sales and stored in a Base bank account (CLAN ATM) * Add a tool ( laptop) to "hack" ATM that take up to 5mins to work that steals 10% of the value in account, with a cool down of 48 hours * increases risk of travelling to Buy high end gear. ___________ These days I don't even bother to loot players I kill as 1) I can't carry their weapon 2) they have nothing I cant get anywhere else and have no world value to search them. The 100+ respect is also pointless as I can earn 10times that by selling items. You've created an amazing mod, yet have not grasped the fear value of losing everything. Raiding bases doesn't yield much, you can't ever steal and keep someone's car as it locks on respawn and sells for half the value. What is the point in PVP? As much as the pop tabs stored in your xm8 is great. It does make the game easier, less risky and bambish. Tbh sometimes I think playing wastelands would be more rewarding. Right now it's edging toward a gathering/building sim... With a chance of PvP MY IDEA - scrap the pop tabs perma stored on you. Bring back the days of withdrawals to buy kit... Bring in a series of town banks. Some in safe zones aka your central bank. Bring back the risk of drawing 400,000 out to buy an attack heli.. Make money worth something again. Allow AI to. Spawn with money. BEST BIT - Allow Base owners to construct a "mini bank" which is stored at Base and has a limit. Add a new tool which allows Base raiders to steal 10% of the bank balance in a 48 hour window. To expand further, if and when clans get implemented add a tax ratio on members which takes 10% of all sales and goes into a central clan bank account, which can be used to purchase high end gear without all the "you got way more than me attitude".... This way everyone puts their fair share in.
  14. thegoon84

    Server wipe

    Yeah after i posted this saw the FB update... With CCG so it'll roll out quick!
  15. thegoon84

    Server wipe

    I know you guys haven't got an ETA on server wipe.... Please could you at least put a lite version of the update which implements the basics of the update before the christmas holiday? Finally have 2 weeks off work and can sink some time in to the game..... Will be absolutely deverstating if the wipe doesn't come in the new year! Also, great work on the mod! First post *******