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About Vonsweetz

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  1. Vonsweetz

    Installing Australia

    Here is the DB log
  2. Vonsweetz

    Installing Australia

    wow thanks for finding that, I scoured through that rpt for hrs and didnt notice that. Will check now
  3. Vonsweetz

    Installing Australia

    Hello all!! I am running into a issue when installing Australia. Before Australia we where using Esseker. Heres what has been done so far: Uploaded Australia to server root directory / Removed Esseker Changed command lines, adding in @australia and removing @esseker Changed the config to reflect Exile.Australia Simply changed Exile.Esseker to Exile.Australia < Maybe this is causing issues? Atm using AIA full not lite When I first tried booting the server, I was getting add on errors. Fixed that issue but now the server goes into a crazy restart mode or something along the sorts. Server boots up, loads all addons/scripts and then restarts the process continuously.
  4. Vonsweetz

    how to make Cfg Buildings Esseker.h

    Look here
  5. Vonsweetz

    Esseker loot tables.

    Look here
  6. Vonsweetz

    Built a trader town with Map Builder

    I would scrap that editor and start over with M3Editor. Im still new to map editing but after reading this editor, map builder wiki, I dont think it works correctly? I could be wrong. I used M3Editor to make three traders on esseker. And I have no previous experience in map editors. So I would suggest using that to add traders/items to your map. As it seems more user friendly. And theres a tut thread in these forums for using it
  7. Vonsweetz

    Battleye Restriction #31

    Yea I did arma 2 servers and now a few Arma 3 servers. BE filters have always been a pain. Having to post them and wait on a response So I figured I should learn them. Trust me you will be happy with yourself when you do learn and no more waiting!!!!!! Im not a scripter either, Im a 28 yr old construction worker who builds underground houses all around the U.S. But if I can learn it, anyone can lol. I never took a single class for coding either. Study, learn, break the server, fix, and repeat.
  8. Vonsweetz

    Battleye Restriction #31

    Honestly, if you are going to mod a server/own a server you should read, study, and learn to do these yourself. You will constantly be adding/updating be filters. != ""ition _x,position player,%1];\n} foreach groupSelectedUnits player;\n};\n",\n_colorSelect\n]\n];\n};\n};\n};\n}"" At the end of line 36
  9. Vonsweetz

    @mas on vert

    When you say got it all working, does that mean you can buy and find in game? If so everything is working correctly. The Additions to mission.sqm are to show users / launchers what mods you use. And depending where you add them, forces the client to have them installed before joining. Could you provide a rpt?
  10. Vonsweetz

    BE Restriction #44

    11 post down in this same section is the exact same post When saying you tried everything make sure you TRY everything/ Including search or just manually using your eyes to read the threads in here. This is the most common and most asked BE question. !=""andledPlayers pushBack _unitVar;\n\n\n\n\n"@" addPublicVariableEventHandler [_x,\n{\n_this set [0,"update"];\n_this call bis_fnc_sharedO"
  11. Vonsweetz

    RPT error, Need help plz

    Thanks for the replies! Appreciate the feedback.
  12. Vonsweetz

    @mas on vert

    In the MPMissions section you will have two files to edit. Unpack the Exile.Altis.pbo Next you to find and locate mission.sqm > Edit with notepad++ (Do not use regular notepad) At the very top of this file, you will see addOns and addOns auto. You need to add this to addOns section: *Note: If you add this after last entry in addOns section, remove the , after mas_weapons_nw. I would suggest adding it to the middle of addons so you dont have to worry about it. NOW WE are done with this file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next file is config.cpp > Again open with notepad++ This needs to be edited twice and yes, each individual weapon and ammo at a time. Weapons will take the longest. A lot of the mas weapons already use ammo within the game. So after adding gun, check what ammo they use and see if its in exile already. If so dont add the ammo class, if not add the ammo class. Example. M4s and L1191A1 or w/e all use 30rnd 5.56. So you would not need to add ammo for these guns. RPKs/PKPs/Shotguns and more DO NOT have ammo in game. So you must add these. The first section they need to be added to is the trader section. Line 693ish, under CfgExileArsenal is the trader section. Make sure to add new guns/ammo in same format. There are sections for Rifles/LMGs/Ammo etc. So study and pay attention As you begin to add items, keep track of what you are adding, you will have add it ALL again. K, so we finished that. Now we go down to line 2668 is where the next section begins. Just like in the first section, everything is broken down in its own category, so add the items/ammo again to the right category. Example: http://pastebin.com/DP6L3um4 **NOTE** - DO NOT USE THIS .CPP This is for review purposes only. I have added content in there from other mods/allowed spmgs/navids back in trader. So it wont work with yours.
  13. Vonsweetz

    Test Server

    I have been looking into this. But atm I only have a 250gb SSD and its close to max. Should've told the wifey I wanted a new HDD fer christmas lol
  14. Vonsweetz

    RPT error, Need help plz

    Honestly just making sure these errors, the item listed twice error most importantly, are not critical errors that break something else down the road. And just curious as to why. Before I add, I dont see these errors. After I add I see them. Why exactly?
  15. Vonsweetz

    RPT error, Need help plz

    Added mas weapons and vehicles and started getting this error. I can log into server, buy all the guns/vehicles I added and use them. No issues there, just need to start fixing the rpt errors now before I try to move any further.