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Everything posted by Lightseb

  1. Bonsoir Chez nitrado aussi, j'aimerai avoir un petit coup de main, enfin plutôt quelqu'un qui se connecte sur le serv pour me faire un retour. J'ai tout fraichement installé exile tanoa, missions dms, zcp, status bar... tout se lance bien, j'arrive à m'y connecter avec un pote depuis le début. MAIS, cela fait 3 jours que je vois des gens se connecter mais ils n'arrivent jamais en jeu. Et rien dans les log à part xxxx connecting, xxxxx disconnected Donc j'aimerai un retour direct ici pour davoir si le serv a un probleme et enfin pouvoir le résoudre Merci d'avance Pour la statusbar, j'ai utilisé celle là, fonctionne impec et installation très simple ! N'hésites pas au besoin
  2. Lightseb

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    Hello I am having this BE error now I did everything on your tuto to install, and I see in the RPT the addon is successfuly loaded Whats wrong ? When I connect to my serveur right after install, my character doesnt load, I'm "inside" the ground and have to suicide > respawn > Error character request timed out
  3. Lightseb

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I set it to 0 and got this
  4. Lightseb

    Chop Wood Script directly in Vehicle

    Thank you !!! But I having one probleme. It says "vehicule is full" but no^^
  5. Lightseb

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    how to know what is the good value ?? 14 13 12 11 10... ?
  6. Lightseb

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hello I am having these issues on my new fresh server : What I have to do ? Thanks !
  7. Lightseb

    Les Batisseurs

    Bonjour Vous êtes les bienvenus sur notre tout nouveau serveur. Les admins sont moi-même et KwistaX. (+30ans tous les deux) Nous jouons depuis quelques années à Arma, Dayz... et à force d'écumer les serveurs, nous nous sommes lancé récemment dans le notre. Nous souhaitions un serveur "light". Pas trop de mod, plutôt basé sur l'expérience originelle d'Exile/Arma. En détail : Pour les règles, elles sont simple : Le serveur est assuré pour au moins les 6 prochains mois. Nous avons une vie, en travail... mais nous nous efforçons d'être présent au maximum pendant notre temps libre et si l'un de nous n'est pas en jeu, n'hésitez pas à laisser un message dans le chat, j'ai aussi souvent le rcon à côté de moi Et sinon un petit message sur notre facebook. Nous sommes bien sûr à l'écoute des joueurs sur les propositions d'évolution et d'ajouts de mod. Mais nous tenons à ce que cela reste "simple". Pour commencer, nous avons limité le serveur à 50 slots et nous le ferons évoluer au besoin. Ambiance plutôt fun, entraide, pvp, comme vous le sentez. Le tout est de s'amuser ! Au plaisir de vous croiser
  8. Lightseb

    Chop Wood Script directly in Vehicle

    Hello And for Apex vehicules ?
  9. Lightseb

    Statusbar Script?

    Starting a server on Tanoa I follow all your instruction on a fresh installed server and I get the BE #40 error... scripts.log is 19.08.2016 00:11:02: Lightseb (xxxxx:2304) xxxxxxx7137149f60d3c - #40 "#line 1 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tanoa\init.sqf" [] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf";"
  10. Hello Where is the good version to add ?
  11. Lightseb

    Grinder not dropping ?

    Yeah how we build fortified walls, like before the update... ?
  12. Hey Man ! I have this when I try to connect on the serv


    17:37:47 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/ExileRegular/Flags.StaminaBar'.
    17:37:47 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
    17:37:47 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
    17:37:47 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
    17:37:47 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
    17:37:47 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/ExileHardcore/Flags.StaminaBar'.
    17:37:47 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
    17:37:47 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
    17:37:47 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
    17:37:47 Cannot evaluate '' - no file



    Can't lof, is it me ??

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lightseb


      Hello Baron
      Ty for the works and update :)

      We are experiancing the same issues before update. When you log off and reco, black screen.

      Then I leave, and I saw that the server doesnt kick our character, I stay "connected & live" for gametracker and A3 luncher. I'm not the only one, asked to a friend to test same, and 3 others players too atm I was connected. (now its 11:25, I left the serv 15min ago and still online for the serv)

      Some player 4 or 5 get the problem with spawning and parachute, they die or crash and get kicked. They were bored and left the serv. I told them to report this on the gogsworld forum.

      Server keep crashing, just @ 10:30pm and now 11:15, serv stop responding, we can move, empty our inventory, but we cant take anything or can't do any action like close door, lock, unlock...

      Do you have the limit objets number by lvl base ? I upgraded my base 2 times and can't place any objets "limit reached" I would like to see/know which lvl I need to move objets :)

      Thanks for everything again


      Best regards

    3. Lightseb


      Tonight session

      4 5 new players having the problem with parachutes they commit suicide, they are kicked after.

      Big lags when someone enter in a citie, the zombie spawn and all the serv get a big lag, each time.
      Fisrt hour, no zombies, Can't find them ^^ but I dont know why, they started to spawn like that, with no reason after one 1.5 hour of play.
      Zombies are spawning everywhere :D Some players said "impossible to play on" cause they cant do missions, building... THEY said, not me heh ^^
      I think, yes it's hard but have to be carefull, but people think they are too many, I dont know I dont go in cities, when I do mission they are few Z around I can car kill or just kill, but sometime there is a party with 10 15 Z under my base :D

    4. BaroN


      Hey man, lets bring this over to our forums on gogsworld. It will help debugging as others may also comment on their experiences.

      I'm worried about your base, as that date looked corrupted to actually has 0 for the month if you look closely.

      I had to take zeds off again for the crashes but, as I mentioned above, lets shift your superb feedback to our web as it may help others...