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About DropBear

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  1. DropBear

    Kill bonus system

    hmm... 500m would probably be too much so say like 400m
  2. DropBear

    Someone had to kick off the English side...

    This is not a laughing matter... scones are serious business.
  3. DropBear

    Stronger Buildings

    even if they made buildings stronger 1 satchel would still break down the walls. If a satchel charge can destroy a tank outright i don't see a weathered building made of wood and plaster holding up that well.
  4. straight up, I suggest not parking vehicles on any form of built base platform
  5. DropBear

    Kill bonus system

    300 m would be too short most base engagements would start outside of 300 m.
  6. DropBear

    Tin cans and toilet paper

    what if you could use them to make like a grenade?
  7. DropBear

    Branch Out... Use different map!

    tbh I wouldnt mind namalsk. But Altis is liked because it doesn't require a download People like Taviana, chernarus and Lingor because they were successful dayZ maps
  8. the title of this sounds like a craigslist ad....
  9. DropBear

    Rep/PopTabs transferred on death

    actually what if there was a bank and wallet system? when you die you lose the money in your wallet but your bank is safe?
  10. DropBear

    Rep/PopTabs transferred on death

    tbh its not really a loop hole, its counter acted by the fact an offroad costs close to 20k.... which is more than some people make in 3 days of playing.
  11. DropBear

    [SOLVED] Can't Unlock Vehicles

    no, its built into the mod, just bind the key and itll work
  12. DropBear

    [SOLVED] Can't Unlock Vehicles

    if you bind custom key 1 to a key you can use that to unlock your car, I had the same problem but this fixed it
  13. they are adding it back, I think it already is. They have added bandages
  14. DropBear

    Your favorite survival mod for A3

    probably exile, I played epoch but found it too barren
  15. DropBear

    MEME FIGHT!!!!
