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Everything posted by Banzak

  1. Hello, today i finally managed to install the exile mod, but i get stuck after loading here the first time i try to login into the server: and after that always here in the server log i get the following error-message. I think this is a problem with the mysql-connection, but I am stuck. I am running Arma 3 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I have also now entries in /Steam/arma3/@exileserver/extDB/logs/2017/12/29 and the content of the latest log is that: Can anybody give me a hint how to fix that? Thank you & Best regards. Banzak [SOLVED] I solved the problem with that: The problem was the MYSQL_STRICT_MODE.
  2. Banzak

    problems with database - dedicated server install

    can you also add your extDB2.log, i cannot see anything about the database connection. check your database, in my case the settings for the extDB2 was not correct. I also upgraded to the extDB3, the 64-bit version, for that you also have to launch the arma3server_x64.exe Here is my start_server.bat: start arma3server_x64.exe -port=2302 -config=config.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -profiles=profiles -name=Server -mod="@Exile;@EnhancedMovement;@ryanzombies;@Items_Pack;@RZInfection;@Extended Survival Pack;@Extended Fortifications Mod" -servermod="@ExileServer;@extDB3;@infiSTAR_Exile;" -autoinit
  3. Banzak

    Exile Scavenge Framework - 0.7 BETA (23.10.2017)

    i have no access to read that.
  4. Banzak

    Exile Scavenge Framework - 0.7 BETA (23.10.2017)

    ok, I finshed to get almost all the objects from the editor and finished my LootTables and LootGroups. Here you can see all the objects and files for the Malden-map: Just now rebooting the server... let's see if everything works as intended... !Update!: Everything is working except the fruits from "LordRampantHumps Items Pack", have to figure why... the search action works and I find something, but no apples or fruit appear on the ground or in the inventory. !SOLVED! I solved the issue with that, I had a typo in the "CfgExileScavenge", I wrote the wrong name for the loottable... Here is the CfgExileScavenge: CfgScavengeRecipes: and the added part for: LottTables.h: LootItemGroups.h: The LootTableCompiler you find here : Here is the best description I found for editing the LootTables and -Groups: STEP 1: download the ExileLootCompiler from the download section. STEP: 2: add all thing you wanna add or remove. like the default entry. STEP 3: Use the compile.bat to compile the loottable result is an CfgExileLootServer.hpp STEP 4: Open your Exile_Server_config.pbo inside your can find an config.cpp STEP 5: Find the "class CfgExileLootServer" and remove the whole entry. STEP 6: Add the new one too the File. STEP 6 (optional): you can add in example #include "CfgExileLootServer.hpp" into your config.cpp and place the compiled file CfGExileLootServer.cfg inside your Exile_server_config.pbo next too your config.cpp. This makes edit thing easy. Then you dont need to opend you config.cpp and edit them with copy pased on stuff. simple Drag&Drop for future editing. :) STEP 8: If you have done all thing above packages it again to you .pbo file and load them on the Server. Enjoy :) Regards Banzak
  5. Banzak

    Exile Scavenge Framework - 0.7 BETA (23.10.2017)

    Can anybody tell me if and how it's possible to loot money from phonebooths or atm for example.. how do i code this? examples are appreciated! I tried this, but it's not working: class ScanvengePopTabs: Exile_ScavengeCraftingRecipe { returnedItems[] = { {5, "ExileMoney"} }; }; Is it possible to attach other sounds to the actions? Thanks for the answers. Regards Banzak
  6. Banzak

    Exile Scavenge Framework - 0.7 BETA (23.10.2017)

    Just starting to make a list for all the objects on the Malden map. Here is the link: If anybody want to help, I will grant write-access. When the list is complete i will sort the objects and define loot-tables for them. Regards Banzak
  7. Banzak

    Exile Scavenge Framework - 0.7 BETA (23.10.2017)

    Hello, for everybody the fix for infiStar Exile V88 - kick: in the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp change BlockHoldActions to false /* Checks player Actions (mousewheel actions, userinterface actions and inputactions) */ BlockHoldActions = "false"; /* STRONGLY recommended! /* in EXILE_AH.sqf search for "exile only", then you will find this part of code: } forEach [ ':dh:','map esp','inf ammo','delete cursor','destroy target','delete target','carpet bomb', 'godmode','no grass','jail cursor','map tp','rapid fire','creation list','spawn gear loadouts', '===','back to main menu','exile only','back to main menu','____',' ' ]; and remove the last ,' ' repack the pbo and restart your server. this is still an issue..... I found that after i did that on my server the Framework is not working at all... I still try to figure how to fix it. I will keep you updated. it work's now in infiStar Exile V89 with the following settings in the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp: BlockHoldActions = "false"; /* STRONGLY recommended! */ BadActionCheck = "false"; /* log and remove all actions that are not white-listed */ allowedActions[] = {"Break free","Use AutoLockPicker","Craft Vehicle","Hack UAV"}; /* needs the "title" of the action! */ allowedActionsPartial[] = {"paint"}; BadActionContentCheck = "false"; /* Check the functions assigned to all actions, regardless any white-list */ Regards Banzak
  8. Banzak

    Moving and removing construction items

    .. thank you anyway for the reply
  9. just do a database-dump before, so you can make sure you have the working database. Export the sq to a file, so you can later re-import it. I also do a backup of my important files to a different directory. Do something like this if you are on Windows: Create a SRV_Backup.bat with the content below.
  10. Banzak

    Moving and removing construction items

    how you solved this? I have the same issue on my server. SOLVED somehow my server crashed, i restarted the armaserver and everything works now.
  11. XM8 with no content Hello, I installed the complete ExAd-package and in the game when I go to settings I only get a blank screen with no possiblity to get back to the main menu. The statbar is working as you see.. any hints to fix that? Thank you! Regards Banzak
  12. Banzak

    problems with database - dedicated server install

    yes, I also managed to get the x64 running with the extDB3. I have now ExileZ with DMS running and I can tell you this is f... crazy good!
  13. Banzak

    problems with database - dedicated server install

    yes, I already installed a new virtual machine with Win7 and now everything is running smoothly...
  14. Banzak

    problems with database - dedicated server install

    i am struggeling with mysql still... In my mysql.log i see this: but in the database itself there are no entries: is the ExtDB2 V71 running with Ubuntu 16.04 or do I need the V70 or even V65, anybody has any hint? Thank you! Regards, Banzak
  15. Banzak

    Signature Mismatch

    Ubuntu server directory: Windows on the client: I copied the mod manually, I tried A3Launcher (delete,load again, verify)... everything failed. When I start Arma3 with the A3Launcher i get the following error: I found the error myself... I forgot to copy the exile.bikey into the keys-folder.... now I have to figure how get the extDB2 working...
  16. Banzak

    Signature Mismatch

    i just have the same problem. I have the exactly same mod on the client and my own dedicated server.... the funny part is that the same mod was working before i reinstalled everything. Server is running on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Anybody knows how to fix that? Thank you! Regards, Banzak
  17. Banzak

    [Linux] Restart Script for ExileMod

    no. the stderr.log is created from the armaserver and the I created on linux with nano. I now did it like you suggested and the script is working. the only thing to do is to remove the restart from the exile config. Thanks.
  18. Banzak

    [Linux] Restart Script for ExileMod

    i modified the script from @Kugane and i get the following error when I run the script. I am running Exile on a Ubuntu-system. ./ line 47: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' ./ line 51: syntax error: unexpected end of file the script looks like this: #!/bin/bash # Made by Kugane # Fork by Banzak #################################################################### ### Logfiles #################################################################### logfile="stderr.log" #name of your logfile logdir="logs" #################################################################### ### Directory's #################################################################### executabledir="home/steam/arma3" #location of your server script #################################################################### ### Do not edit!!! #################################################################### stored_logfile="$logfile"_"$(date '+%H-%M-%S')$file_extension" stored_logdir="$logdir/$(date +%Y)/$(date +%m)/$(date +%d)" if [[ ! -f /$executabledir/$logfile ]]; then clear echo "No $logfile found!" echo "" echo "==========Debug==========" echo "" echo "Your log should be in: /$executabledir/ echo "" exit; else if clear [ "$(grep 'READY FOR RESTART' /$executabledir/$logfile)" ]; then echo "Create Directory for old Logfiles = $stored_logdir" cd /$executabledir && mkdir -p $stored_logdir sleep 2 echo "Move old Logfile in $stored_logdir" mv /$executabledir/$logfile /$executabledir/$stored_logdir/$stored_logfile sleep 2 echo "Restart Server" ./arma3server -enableHT -port=2304 -profiles=logs -name=steam -config=config.cfg "-mod=@exile;@Ryanzombies" "-servermod=@exileserver;@infistar_exile" -nosound -nosplash -nopause -world=empty -autoInit > stdout.log 2> stderr.log & echo "Server Restart should be done...!" else echo "No Restart required" exit; fi fi I think there is a problem with grep... Can anybody help me with that? Thanks & Regards
  19. Hello, can anybody help my with that issue? my extDB-log: extDB2: Version: 70 extDB2: extDB2: Linux Version Message: All development for extDB2 is done on a Linux Dedicated Server Message: If you would like to Donate to extDB2 Development Message: Message: Also leave a message if there is any particular feature you would like to see added. Message: Thanks for all the people that have donated. Message: Torndeco: 20/02/15 extDB2: Found extdb-conf.ini extDB2: Detected 4 Cores, Setting up 4 Worker Threads [20:59:13 +01:00] [Thread 3346] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL [20:59:13 +01:00] [Thread 3346] extDB2: Database Session Pool Started [20:59:13 +01:00] [Thread 3346] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Loading Template Filename: /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/@exileserver/extDB/sql_custom_v2/exile.ini [20:59:13 +01:00] [Thread 3346] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Version 12 Detected, Latest Version 12 Available [20:59:17 +01:00] [Thread 3346] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:exile:SQL_CUSTOM_V2:818027:exile [20:59:17 +01:00] [Thread 3346] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [20:59:17 +01:00] [Thread 3346] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN my server-log: 20:59:21 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 70" 20:59:21 "ExileServer - Connected to database!" 20:59:21 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!" 20:59:21 "ExileServer - Please have a look at @ExileServer/extDB/logs/ to find out what went wrong." 20:59:21 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Failed to initialize database protocol: [0,"Error Invalid Format"]" 20:59:21 "ExileServer - Server will shutdown now :(" Thank you! Regards
  20. Thank you for your reply. I found the error myself, taking a closer look into the server-log: ExileServer_object_tree_network_chopTreeRequest ExileClient_object_item_craft I forgot to put this two files into my mission.pbo. Regards
  21. Banzak

    Battleye Restriction #32

    As you remember, I installed your latest filters in the night. I think the problem is another mod statusBAR or VEMF maybe, but I didn't figured it out yet. The server will start when I delete the scripts.txt, but then the antihack is not working nor the statusbar.