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Everything posted by Mezo

  1. Most Wanted Bounty System Download INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS Fix for NaN database errors - Cheers @MGTDB SERVER OWNERS, PLEASE READ A note on exploiting. A lot of time, effort and Redbull went into making sure exploiting was difficult and a pain in the ass to do with this script. If you find an exploit or notice players finding exploits, DO NOT POST THEM ON THE FORUMS OR IN THE TOPIC COMMENTS. To properly report these: Private message Mezo or WolfkillArcadia Include, in detail, how to replicate the exploit, providing step by step instructions. We will look into the proper way, if any, to keep it from happening. ArmA will be ArmA in some cases. Credits: @Grim - Original "Looks Like Shit" Dialog. @Shix - Edited Dialog
  2. Allows players to claim server-spawned non-persistent vehicles with a codelock. Download ^ Install Instructions ^ Note: This was tested with Vanilla Exile and Arma3 Vehicles. There's no reason why it shouldn't work with 3rd party vehicle mods, But if it doesn't I won't be making it work
  3. Error on launching arma server processor failed with error - invalid file name (empty filename)Nothing in the logs what-so-ever. Any ideas? Thanks, Mezo
  4. [19:26] Mezo: Hey Vish. Just to let you know I removed all of Crazy Mike's Posts as requested by him. Also could you remove my mod :stuck_out_tongue: [19:26] Vishpala: You're quitting? [19:27] Mezo: I've been banned from Discord for nearly 2 weeks :stuck_out_tongue: [19:27] Mezo: So Yes :smiley: Same tbh pal. I was never removed I was just banned from Discord which nobody could do anything about because your special self made it
  5. Some top notch manipulation of the truth going on here. And yeah, you're damn right I'm "lurking"... Why the fuck are you worried about "Heavy" liking the post, as if to say that's me.... I liked it personally because Floss makes me giggle. It amazes me how much he loves me. Even while I was working on your server, you messaged me everyday accusing me of stealing from you. Was beyond a joke. You then didn't pay for your server and lost everything I uploaded. Waste of fucking time. Give up on Arma, get a life and stop sending me creepy messages. sidenotes; pliss don't ban me... /sarcasm Oh and also, I never left the mod team because of anything to do with you, not sure what gave you that idea... but I'm glad you thought you had some influence on that for a while... Gonna go back to having fuck all to do with this retarded game/people now.... Peace
  6. Mezo

    How to override existing class values?

    If you want to store stuff in the exile_client config you need to make another mod. (pointless). either store it in the server or the mission file.
  7. EDIT: See here. A whoopsy happened and went unnoticed in 1.0.3. Some have noticed that changing anything in the loot tables simply does nothing.. Here's a temporary fix; Open @ExileServer/addons/exileserver_config/config.cpp Search for CfgExileLoot Rename to CfgExileLootServer Unpack(De-Pbo) @ExileServer/addons/exile_server/code Find ExileServer_system_lootManager_initialize and replace with
  8. Mezo

    Server Mods

  9. Mezo

    reduce the number of vehicles spawned

    Anyone know how to reduce the number of support posts in general discussion?
  10. Honestly, if I see this same comment on one more thread I'm banning you... seen it on about 10 threads now.
  11. Mezo


    @Grim in 2017 LUL
  12. You wouldn't be hosting Arma 3 if you wanted a simple life
  13. You can't have tried very hard if you didn't manage to find a tutorial on how to schedule a task through wts bud.
  14. Mezo

    Breaching Charge Timer

  15. Mezo

    Exile Malden.

    so is my.....
  16. Works fine for me?
  17. Mezo

    1.0.3 Custom Loot Table Hotfix

    Well if a building is identical only a different colour, you can just copy the entire class and change the class name. Exile is built to support Altis, Tanoa and Namalsk, it's up to server owners to make it work with the other maps they want to use.
  18. Mezo

    1.0.3 Custom Loot Table Hotfix

    Have a look at the loot table compiler wiki page
  19. Mezo

    PUID - Unban Request

    I don't know which part disgusts me more... the fact you use addactions or the part where you genuinely believe you can be banned by infistar in single player
  20. Mezo

    PUID - Unban Request

    Well, when @infiSTAR sees this he'll be able to tell you why you were flagged Were those VAC bans just Gabe Newell's take on "Banta"?
  21. Mezo

    PUID - Unban Request

    Given that you have a VAC and a game ban on record, I'm reluctant to believe you weren't hacking..... Not to mention the fact a global infi ban isn't added by a server admin, it's a feature of the anti-hack... and it definitely doesn't ban you for "being near a group of hackers".
  22. Mezo

    Username change

    Deffo could be worse.... could be "Flosstradamus"
  23. Mezo

    [SOLVED] DLC Jets

    By the way, if they haven't already implemented that. It's something I will work on in the near future... always wanted better aviation in Arma. Even with the jets it shit...