[O4CE] Johnjohns

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Everything posted by [O4CE] Johnjohns

  1. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    AFD Exile Altis Militarized

    This is it. AFD's Premiere Militarized Exile Experience. Engage in combat against other players and NPCs in a cutthroat world as you rise up the ranks an make a name for yourself among the Exiles. A collaboration between AFD Gaming and Omega Force Gaming Communities. If you have any questions or would like to give us a try, please feel free to visit us at the following locations: Exile Server IP: Website: http://afd-gaming.com Teamspeak: Required Mods: Exile Mod Arma 3 CBA CUP Units CUP Weapons CUP Vehicles AFD Gaming's Militarized Exile Server includes the following: Dedicated Server with optimized scripting for Maximum Client and Server FPS! PVP and PVE Combat. Custom crafted missions not found on any other server. A 50,000 poptab starting bonus for new players. A wide range of Military-Style Vehicles, Weapons, and Gear available. Attack helicopters, Tanks, IFVs, etc. Custom Loot Spawns. Custom Base Improvement catalog only found on AFD Gaming Servers. Purchase Concrete Mixers, Virtual Garage Slots, Defensive Turrets, Base Respawns, Teleportation Systems and more! Balanced Item and Vehicle Pricing. Player wages rewarded every ten minutes. Roaming and Headhunter NPCs. Virtual Garage. Deployable Bicycles. All world-spawn vehicles are persistent. Persistent Vehicle Ammunition with balanced ammo pricing. Players can receive Emails containing cool prizes. Bury bodies to gain additional respect. Many fixes and improvements for issues found in Vanilla Exile. Access your locker from your Base Laptop! MarXet Peer-to-peer Marketplace. Territory owners can safely pack up their own base without the need for an admin! Ability to loot garbage piles for items. And much MUCH more.
  2. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    HUD/UI questions

    I'm not going to go into much detail, but you are going to want to use the Arma 3 GUI editor to create a HUD in the manner that you wish it to appear. After that I would recommend loading it as an RscTitles class display, call the display on each client using cutRsc or another applicable function and then modify ExileClient_gui_hud_renderWeaponPanel.sqf so that it will constantly update the information on your display.
  3. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    First off, thank you for your work in establishing extDB3 compatability with AVS. I know you posted this 20 days ago, but on the offchance that you were still stuck on this, it is because the Commander Turrets on the tanks are technically a FFV (Fire From Vehicle) turret, which "configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleType >> "Turrets" will not return. To counter this, I manually added the missing cost to the total, using lines like: if (_vehicle isKindOf "B_MBT_01_TUSK_F") then { _totalCost = _totalCost + 30020; }; and if (_vehicle isKindOf "CUP_B_LAV25M240_USMC") then { _totalCost = _totalCost + 608; }; and if (_type in ["CUP_B_M7Bradley_USA_D","CUP_B_M2Bradley_USA_D","CUP_B_M2Bradley_USA_W","CUP_B_M2Bradley_NATO_T","CUP_B_M6LineBacker_USA_D","CUP_B_M6LineBacker_USA_W","CUP_B_M2A3Bradley_USA_D","CUP_B_M2A3Bradley_USA_W","CUP_B_M2A3Bradley_NATO_T","CUP_B_M7Bradley_USA_D","CUP_O_BMP2_TKA","CUP_B_BMP2_CDF","CUP_O_BMP2_RU","CUP_O_BMP2_CHDKZ","CUP_I_BMP2_UN","CUP_O_BMP2_SLA","CUP_O_BMP2_CSAT","CUP_O_BMP2_CSAT_T","CUP_I_BMP2_NAPA","CUP_B_BMP2_CZ","CUP_B_BMP2_CZ_Des"]) then { _totalCost = _totalCost + 20; }; to the bottom of AVS_fnc_getRearmCost to allow rearming of tanks.
  4. If it is at all possible, I have 6 old servers that I would appreciate being removed from my console. Thank you! SERVER HAS MOVED TO NO WIPE! SERVER HAS MOVED TO NO WIPE! SERVER HAS MOVED TO NO WIPE! SERVER HAS MOVED TO NO WIPE! O4CE EXILE REBORN ESSEKER| Zombies | 5K Start | HARDCORE SURVIV O4CE EXILE REBORN NAMALSK| Zombies | 5K Start | HARDCORE SURVIV
  5. As it turns out, the Exile Development Team is actually the Red Hammer Studio Team, and this is most obviously the correct place to report such an issue. Don't worry Mocha, Eichi will fix it next patch.
  6. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    K:D Ratio in XM8

    I would talk to the owner of the server that you play on, as the newer versions of A3 DMS include a config variable that allows AI kills to be saved. A3XAI also saves AI kills by default. I'm not sure about VEMF or any the other AI spawners available, as I do not use them. The Exile Devs really have no control over what these AI scripts do as they do not develop their programming around these Third-Party scripts. They have to stick to their plans so that Exile continues to develop the way they want Exile to develop. It is up to the third-party scriptwriters to develop their code AROUND what the Exile Devs have built, not the other way around. This is something that only the server owner can change.
  7. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    Sqm Mission Help

    Your missiom.sqm has been rapified, which means it has been encoded in Dos format, a format not designed to be understood by any human beings less intelligent than those who created Dos itself. You can edit/view a rapified .sqm file with a program such as eliteness. Installing all the the Mikero PBO tools will give you what you need to edit/view this file. You can get them all here: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files Install each one, then run Eliteness. Eliteness will let you edit this file. When you are done making the desired edits, DO NOT save the file as this will corrupt it. Just click the little button in the menu call "Rapify" and overwrite your desired mission.sqm.
  8. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    O4CE Exile Altis PVP

    Omega Force Gaming Exile Mod Servers bring a unique militarized approach to the Exile Mod genre. Our players have access to many vehicles and weapons not encountered in traditional Exile. Brief Overview of Features: Fully Militarized (Hundreds of Vehicles and Weapons to Choose From) Indestructible Bases Virtual Garage (For Safe Storage of Your Vehicles) Revive Using Defibrillators Teleport Between Safezones Heavly Customized DMS Missions Heavily Customized Roaming AI Customized PVP Capture Points Ebase Scratchie Lottery Lots of Funny Jokes Set View Distance Deploy Bike Server Mod Requirements: Latest Exile Mod Version RHS: United States Armed Forces RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation MAS Weapons MAS Vehicles TRYK Uniforms
  9. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    GamersRoost Australia

    Beware the aborigine...
  10. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    GamersRoost Exile Namalsk

    The aborigines took a canoe from Australia to Namalsk, bringing all their advanced weaponry with them. Eliminate them!
  11. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    O4CE Exile Namalsk PVP

    Omega Force Gaming Exile Mod Servers bring a unique militarized approach to the Exile Mod genre. Our players have access to many vehicles and weapons not encountered in traditional Exile. Brief Overview of Features: Fully Militarized (Hundreds of Vehicles and Weapons to Choose From) Virtual Garage (For Safe Storage of Your Vehicles) Revive Using Defibrillators Teleport Between Safezones Heavly Customized DMS Missions Heavily Customized Roaming AI Customized PVP Capture Points Ebase Scratchie Lottery Lots of Funny Jokes Set View Distance Deploy Bike Server Mod Requirements: Latest Exile Mod Version RHS: United States Armed Forces RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation MAS Weapons MAS Vehicles TRYK Uniforms
  12. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    O4CE Exile Altis PVE

    This is Omega Force's PVE ONLY Exile Altis Server. Not to be confused with our Exile Altis PVP Server Omega Force Gaming Exile Mod Servers bring a unique militarized approach to the Exile Mod genre. Our players have access to many vehicles and weapons not encountered in traditional Exile. Brief Overview of Features: Fully Militarized (Hundreds of Vehicles and Weapons to Choose From) Indestructible Bases Virtual Garage (For Safe Storage of Your Vehicles) Revive Using Defibrillators Teleport Between Safezones Heavly Customized DMS Missions Heavily Customized Roaming AI Customized PVP Capture Points Ebase Scratchie Lottery Lots of Funny Jokes Set View Distance Deploy Bike Server Mod Requirements: Latest Exile Mod Version RHS: United States Armed Forces RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation MAS Weapons MAS Vehicles TRYK Uniforms
  13. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    No, no additional scripts needed. It's built in. When purchasing, in the left hand trader menu box thing, navigate to the drop-down window and drop it down. From there you can select from a list of inventories available for the item to spawn in. If the player has a vehicle within 50m of the trader, they will have the option to select the vehicle's inventory and have the rocket launcher spawn inside.
  14. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    Hey Josh. Your players need to purchase rocket launchers into a Vehicle's inventory, rather than their character's inventory in order for it to spawn. Not 100% sure why this is, but that's how it works.
  15. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    [SOLVED] Jumping players (update infiSTAR)

    Was having the same issue on my servers. Confirmed changing wall_look_2 from "true" to "false" solved the problem.
  16. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    Only 6 out of 9 Traders Exist

    I would double check your initPlayerLocal.sqf for any syntax errors. If every trader up to trader #6 is showing up, check your trader #7. It's possible that you may have accidentally deleted a semicolon at the end of one of the lines, or accidentally removed another important character. If trader #7 has an error somewhere in the code, every line of code and every trader beneath the line that contains the error will fail to initialize.
  17. [O4CE] Johnjohns

    Indestructible Bases

    Not sure if this is still helpful to anyone, but I just saw this thread and figured I would share what I use on my server. The following script modification forces all player-built constructions to take no damage after the server has restarted. Newly built objects can still be destroyed up until the server restarts. Once the server reloads the objects, they will remain indestructible unless moved, in which case this process repeats. Working as of Exile Version Step 1: Open up the following path in your @ExileServer folder. Either use a .pbo editor or extract the folder completely. @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code Step 2: Open the file ExileServer_object_construction_database_load.sqf in a text editor of your choice. Step 3: In between these two lines of code... _constructionObject setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent",true]; and _pinCode = _data select 15; insert the following line of code: _constructionObject allowDamage false; Alternatively you can just cut out the whole chunk of code and paste the modified version... /** * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ private["_constructionID","_data","_position","_vectorDirection","_vectorUp","_constructionObject","_pinCode"]; _constructionID = _this; _data = format ["loadConstruction:%1", _constructionID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle; _position = [_data select 5, _data select 6, _data select 7]; _vectorDirection = [_data select 8, _data select 9, _data select 10]; _vectorUp = [_data select 11, _data select 12, _data select 13]; _constructionObject = createVehicle [(_data select 1), _position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _constructionObject setPosATL _position; _constructionObject setVectorDirAndUp [_vectorDirection, _vectorUp]; _constructionObject setVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", _data select 0]; _constructionObject setVariable ["ExileOwnerUID", (_data select 2)]; _constructionObject setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent",true]; _constructionObject allowDamage false; _pinCode = _data select 15; if !(_pinCode isEqualTo "000000") then { _constructionObject setVariable ["ExileAccessCode",_pinCode]; _constructionObject setVariable ["ExileIsLocked",(_data select 14),true]; }; _constructionObject addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { if !(isServer) exitWith {}; (_this select 0) call ExileServer_object_construction_event_onMpKilled; }]; if (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (_data select 1) >> "exileRequiresSimulation") isEqualTo 1) then { _constructionObject enableSimulationGlobal true; _constructionObject call ExileServer_system_simulationMonitor_addVehicle; } else { _constructionObject enableSimulationGlobal false; }; _constructionObject Step 5; Save the file, repack your .pbo and call it a day.