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Everything posted by Xanto

  1. We were actually talking about it in this topic and it seems that it is hard to fill such a Server, since the hardcore Players switched to other Survival mods or Games.
  2. Xanto

    Exile: Too Easy?

    I dont really mind if its first or third person, atleast the items are more rare so battles against good geared groups are fun, challening and rewarding again. Also base raiding is even a "choice" since on normal servers you can just sell all shit to store it in a 132753k(maximum-limit) 100% save locker and dont even need a base since you can buy all shit you want for playing. On normal Servers the only thing you do to get the most money is missions, missions, missions and missions. And like I said on a more hardcore server it could even be more worth to fight against good geared players and sell/use their high end gear or raid a base that got all their poptabs/high end gear stored in their safes, since the missions are rare or only contain low gear.
  3. Xanto

    Exile: Too Easy?

    Hmm I dont know how Dayz standalone manage to get ~10k players and breaking point ~1k but here we are with ~4k Exile players struggling to get one hardcore Server full. Kinda sad.
  4. Xanto

    Exile: Too Easy?

    My thoughts exactly. There are enough hardcore players its just hard to gather them together, and since there are alot little hardcore communitys having some Players it would be amazing if we could create one populated hardcore Server together.
  5. Xanto

    Exile Getting Exiled?

    It was just a little rage because of a dumb answer/question from someone. I think they want to spend some time without coding and want to do a little break, you cant blame them for it look what an awesome job they did till now (for free) so give them some time to relax.
  6. Xanto


    Cooldown times on spawns that Serverowners can adjust would be awesome.
  7. Xanto

    Gratis Admintool das sich lohnt?

    Was ich als Spieler besonders an Infistar liebe ist der anti wall glitch bei exile Wänden. Ich meide sogar Server ohne dieses Feature, weil es sonst kinderleicht ist sich in fremde basen zu glitchen.
  8. Xanto

    Tanoa is the balls

    I hope you got a good pc because the map is aids for your fps and I sadly had to experience it myself after buying it -.- Yet I will still play it if I find a server with settings that I like.
  9. Xanto

    Loving Exile less than yesterday

    Normaly I would agree with you but a zombie script is something different. He is talking about exile adding a zombie script, which would would add another huge feature for exile that alot of players would like or why even alot of players started with exile. (the whole fucking arma hype started with arma 2 DAYZ) And since we know that Exile are AWESOME in coding/designing, the zombies would be really well made.
  10. Link: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/140837-development-branch-changelog/?p=3027032
  11. Maybe it have something to do with this: Added: New #maxPing, #maxPacketLoss and #maxDesync commands for server administrators (documentation WIP)
  12. Xanto

    Kiwi - Base Raiding explosives.. WTF?

    You could try it out, because if the community want something then its that this app is also free. So its a big reason for them to donate and if it wont work you could use the old system again.
  13. Since Server Owners cant change Weapons, only remove them i suggest Exile to add 2 nerfed versions of the Navid and Spmg. So if they would implement these 2 new "balanced" Weapons nothing would change on the Exile Servers, there still would be the old Navid and Spmgs. But it would simply open the opportunity to switch the old Navid/Spmg to the new balanced version for the Server Owners, so no drama just a good solution when it comes to the heated discussion "Remove Navid/Spmg" or "Add Navid/Spmg" on Exile Servers. And the fact that there will be more REAL choices when it comes to chosing a favorite Weapon, since my and I think alot others people favorite Weapons must be atleast decent or OP in order to be a favorite Weapon. I think it only requires to tweak some numbers and change some names in order to add these 2 new balanced Weapons so it shouldnt be much effort.
  14. Xanto

    Cannot construct Razor Wire

    I remember that a dev said he disabled it, because it is somehow a problem.
  15. Xanto

    Exile VS Rust which is prefered

    Also alot of changes that arent in the devblogs
  16. Xanto

    Exile VS Rust which is prefered

    Now is kinda a bad time to argue about that, since there is the biggest exile update around the corner. But one big contra in Rust for me is that the servers always wipe after some weeks or one month, because rust isnt made for long term database since it will become laggy as fuck and everyone will have full gear bases everywhere...
  17. Xanto

    Heads up for the future

    Never saw someone complaining about griefers and since you have infinity money and a truck full of stuff every 10 minutes there is nothing you could lose while getting killed. It just would be more work for the devs and it would be annoying for the testers to wait.
  18. Xanto

    Heads up for the future

    True it is because if you click on Servers the first Server is always [OFFICIAL] Exile Mod Team Server and the players think its a normal official exile server so they want to play on it. The message thing could be a good idea but they could also just put TEST SERVER in the name. There is no reason for a white list, since the server is never full and the non tester players dont slow down the test process.
  19. Xanto

    Heads up for the future

    I think you should mention it somewhere because it takes really long time to travel and farm respect/poptabs on a Altis server without ai missions, thats why alot of players wont spend time for testing and just leave because they dont know it. Another Idea for the future tests would be that you add a Trader that sells everything for zero poptabs (just the 3 Exile base raiding bombs no other mines or satchels lol) so the players could test everything without needing an admin. I was online a few times and I dont read somewhere that the admins spawn stuff but I saw Eichi active in all chat 2 times and till now I dont knew that you spawn stuff with everything inside or give away poptabs.
  20. Xanto

    [SOLVED] You expelled from the game

    The current browser download is @Exile-0.9.8-RC10 but the Server Name is [ OFFICIAL ] Exile Mod Team Server RC12 (Altis|0.9.8|1.60) so your version should be right.
  21. Xanto

    [SOLVED] You expelled from the game

    Isnt @Exile-0.9.8-RC10 the current patch?
  22. Xanto

    Mobile XM8 App

    There are some good emulators out there for android apps on pc, so maybe it could be a solution till exile implement it on pc.
  23. Xanto

    Mobile XM8 App

    Even without jobs, kids these days get the newest mobile phones even in primary school.
  24. Xanto

    Mobile XM8 App

    Never knew why bombs,traps or dumb ai should stop a offline base raid, when they simply spawn and walk to the base again or his friends can pick him up in a helicopter for 3 minutes.