Jckz (Youtube)

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About Jckz (Youtube)

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  1. Jckz (Youtube)

    Help Required!

    I will try these later when i get home but i do have one of each of the exemptions on the txt so ill try the other
  2. Jckz (Youtube)

    Help Required!

    I have tried everything to get rid of these two restrictions but nothing seems to be working? My scripts.txt I don't know what else to do to fix it, any suggestions?
  3. Jckz (Youtube)

    Open Chernarus Problem

    Thankyou it worked, but I tried this before and it didn't so i'm confused as what happened
  4. Jckz (Youtube)

    Open Chernarus Problem

    i have completely reinstalled the server with no luck
  5. Jckz (Youtube)

    Open Chernarus Problem

    Yes it definitely has got them in it
  6. Jckz (Youtube)

    Open Chernarus Problem

  7. Jckz (Youtube)

    Open Chernarus Problem

    I updated my server with OCP from the old version but all I get now is: 21:16:45 Missing addons detected: 21:16:45 ds_houses 21:16:45 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.ds_houses my mission.sqf: addOns[]= { "exile_client", "cup_chernarus_config", "CUP_Core", "DATA_HOUSES_DS", "ds_houses" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "exile_client", "cup_chernarus_config", "CUP_Core" }; My startup params : @ExileServer;@extDB2;@infiSTAR_Exile;@CBA_A3;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@OCP;@Jbad;@CUP_Terrains_Maps;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@ArmaEnhancedMovement;@a3_dms I have tried OCP With Jbad requirement too and no luck, I don't know what else to do
  8. Jckz (Youtube)

    Loot tables

  9. Jckz (Youtube)

    Loot tables

    anyone able to help?
  10. Jckz (Youtube)

    Loot tables

    Anyone know how to fill these in? class Military { count = half = halfIndex = sum = items[] = { Loot table:
  11. Jckz (Youtube)

    Marker Help

    anyone able to help?
  12. Jckz (Youtube)

    Chernarus Loot Problems

    I found a lovely little addon that you can make loot positions with http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625259647&searchtext=Exilemod+Loot
  13. Jckz (Youtube)

    Marker Help

    How do I use the Marker code that is given form the 3DEN plugin? class Entities { class Item1 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12111.4, 0, 12625.6}; name = text = ""; type = "ExileAircraftTraderIcon"; id = 101; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item2 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {8827.99, 0, 11640.9}; name = "ExileMarker2"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 150; b = 150; drawBorder = 1; id = 102; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item3 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {8827.99, 0, 11640.9}; name = "ExileMarker3"; text = ""; type = "ExileTraderZoneIcon"; id = 103; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item4 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {6320.31, 0, 7803.25}; name = "ExileMarker4"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 150; b = 150; drawBorder = 1; id = 104; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item5 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {6320.31, 0, 7803.25}; name = "ExileMarker5"; text = ""; type = "ExileTraderZoneIcon"; id = 105; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item6 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12046.1, 0, 9097.79}; name = "ExileMarker6"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 106; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item7 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12046.1, 0, 9097.79}; name = "ExileMarker7"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 107; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item8 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {13425.1, 0, 6265.54}; name = "ExileMarker8"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 108; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item9 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {13425.1, 0, 6265.54}; name = "ExileMarker9"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 109; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item10 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10344.6, 0, 2133.2}; name = "ExileMarker10"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 110; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item11 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10344.6, 0, 2133.2}; name = "ExileMarker11"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 111; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item12 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {6808.35, 0, 2568.98}; name = "ExileMarker12"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 112; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item13 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {6808.35, 0, 2568.98}; name = "ExileMarker13"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 113; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item14 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3666.24, 0, 2477.93}; name = "ExileMarker14"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 114; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item15 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3666.24, 0, 2477.93}; name = "ExileMarker15"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 115; atlOffset = 0; }; items = 15; };
  14. Jckz (Youtube)

    Chernarus Loot Problems

    I added the names and loot positions to work with OCP with Jbad but still no military loot, any ideas?
  15. Jckz (Youtube)

    Chernarus Loot Problems

    Non of them are on the list, guess I'll have to add them all manually. Fun... Thanks for the help hopefully this should work