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About g0thic_ice_cre

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  1. g0thic_ice_cre

    Xm8 Apps

    I have one coming soon Maybe another week
  2. g0thic_ice_cre

    Anti-Teleport Issue Incorrect Speed

    A2 infiSTAR has this problem as well if you're in there fixing things
  3. g0thic_ice_cre

    [SOLVED] Possible File Block

    Shouldn't since the client won't be doing anything with that. infiSTAR only does client side filtering/checking.
  4. g0thic_ice_cre

    ExileZ 2

    That's not too bad. What's your average server fps under a normal load like that? Sorry for all the questions, I'm trying to gauge what to expect when I finally put up an A3 server. I most likely will end up doing an fsm anyways and a custom spawner. I want a little different logic on how to spawn zombies. But if I can skip doing the fsm right away, that would be a plus
  5. g0thic_ice_cre

    ExileZ 2

    It's not ExileZ that spawns the threads, this spawner is fairly tame in what it does. It's Z&D that does the extra threads with the zombie logic How many people on your server and how many zombies max have you seen?
  6. g0thic_ice_cre

    ExileZ 2

    I've seen some profiling of some servers running DMS and Z&D and the fps hits below 5fps, so yeah, the more populated, the worse it gets. Z&D having over 150+ active threads serverside.
  7. g0thic_ice_cre

    ExileZ 2

    The plan is to figure out what needs to be done to make it run well in multiplayer, then I'll make a suggestion to Ryan on the steam workshop. Either way, once I get through finalizing my setup for Exile, I'll work on the zombies and figure out something to make them not kill server performance. I've seen a lot of posts where people have their server performance tank and it usually boils down to 100s of threads being spawned server side b/c of the zombies This will be my first attempt at writing an fsm lol - we'll see how it goes
  8. g0thic_ice_cre

    ExileZ 2

    @yesyesjo I decompiled the pbo and it seems his "fix" for the invisible AI in the driver's seat was to wait 0.5 seconds before hiding it and then deleting it. I hope this is a temporary fix. On that note though, I've done a pretty extensive examination of the Z&D mod and have determined it is absolutely not good to run mulitplayer. There are a few problems with it, namely every zombie has an sqf that runs it's "logic" that gets spawned on creation. So you're looking at 100s of threads server side, which will basically kill your server's performance. Unless you're going to limit it to 10 zombies a person and max of 100 zombies period on your server, your server will pretty much just tank in performance eventually. He did not write an fsm for the AI logic, which is the way it should have been done. Honestly, in it's current state, I would not recommend using this mod at all. There is a way to shut off his AI script when you spawn them. I'm working on figuring out if I want to use his AI method but run the zombie.sqf client side, or just write an fsm for the zombies instead. The mod graphically is great, and is a great concept, and has great ideas, but it is really poorly implemented.
  9. g0thic_ice_cre

    No map markers

    You can get it working by opening the eden editor > tanoa map, then drop a unit or something, exit, then go to game settings and switch it to recruit difficulty.
  10. g0thic_ice_cre

    Drag body script

  11. g0thic_ice_cre

    Drag body script

    I'm at the gym, look at this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/attachTo
  12. g0thic_ice_cre

    Drag body script

    Had another thought, body has simulation disabled?
  13. g0thic_ice_cre

    Drag body script

    Interesting, maybe just try executing an attachto from the console and see if it works at all? Maybe it's a locality thing?
  14. g0thic_ice_cre

    Drag body script

    Infistar could be preventing the attachto
  15. g0thic_ice_cre

    Server: Object n:nnnn not found

    https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/89234-find-object-name-and-type-script-for-rpt/ You can always run this every once in a while to actually get things identified (note: not tested, just an example): {_objNetId = netId _x; diag_log format["object: %1 netid: %2",typeof _x,_objnetid];} foreach allmissionobjects; From what I've seen a getposatl/setposatl on units could be causing these messages to be logged. Changing to getpos/setpos has been reported to reduce the amount of log spam.