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Everything posted by Tomm121

  1. Tomm121

    Exile on Australia

    Would just like some help and hopefully someone could explain how I put exile on a map such as Australia or Taviana. What do I need to change in files and how easy it it to do? Thanks
  2. Tomm121

    MBCon - Open Source BEC Replacement

    not sure if i've not something stupid but when i start MBCon it fails to load all plugins. These are the logs i get and hopefully i can be sorted
  3. Tomm121

    HALO Jump

    That sounds like just what I've been searching for and would love to see what someone can come up with on this!
  4. Tomm121


    Everyone gets this error when trying to connect, I have tried everything, wiping database, reinstalling. I tried all things i could find on this forum. Could someone maybe take a look or give help in anyway.
  5. Tomm121


    I apologise but i see loads of people posting issues in there and it seems that its the only place people actually answer them
  6. Tomm121


    Things I have done to try resolve: -delete database -reinstall mysql -delete mysql strict line Mods installed: -exile -esseker -AIA -CBA_A3 -a combination of mod add-ons All these mods have worked in the server before and am only suddenly getting this bamboo error. Have I missed anything that may help me solve this issue?
  7. Tomm121

    RHS vehicles pop up message

    when ever i join my server that i have put RHS on i get a message that take s abit of time to disapear. How do i stop this completely?
  8. Tomm121

    Esseker server key

  9. Tomm121

    Esseker server key

    Currently am unable to set signatures to 2 as I am unable to find the server keys for Esseker. Does anybody have access to or know how i can get my hands on these server keys?
  10. Tomm121

    Esseker-requesting bambi character

    I have recently installed an esseker mission file and it all loads fine but when i log on to the server I get stopped at requesting bambi character. I have deleted that line in the mysql ini file, that didn't work. Any other suggestions as how to fix would be great.
  11. Tomm121

    weather change mid game

    As owner of an exile server how am i able to change weather and time mid game? do i have to be ingame or can it be done from Rcon?
  12. Tomm121

    Anti VDM Script

    I am looking for a script that will in some way stop people using vehicles to ram people rather than using tactics and shooting. Could someone make or point me to a script that either deducts poptabs from the driver or damadges the vehicle when a player or AI is hit by a vehicle. Thankyou
  13. Tomm121

    Anti VDM Script

    Thanks, just like to check but does that work on AI aswell? If not how do I deduct points for killing AI by running them over?
  14. Tomm121

    Hotkey for Vehicle locking/unlocking

    What other custom keys can we bind on exile to do things faster?
  15. Tomm121

    Airport objects duplicating

    It currently likes like this inside the initplayerlocal.sqf: //#include initServer.sqf. So what else could be the problem?
  16. As anyone else experienced objects on the ground at the airport have duplicated. Some of the things include: Crates, airport equipmwnt and lots of other Things. Could someone help me solve this please
  17. Tomm121

    weather change mid game

    Thankyou very much, I will start using marma :)
  18. Tomm121

    weather change mid game

    I don't have/want infistar so if there is another solution that would be great
  19. Tomm121

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Okay thanks
  20. Tomm121

    Slower Hunger and Thirst

    I was a little confused but what out of this: _hungerFactor = 1;_thirstFactor = 1;if (ExileClientPlayerIsInfantry) then { if (ExileClientPlayerVelocity > 0) then { _hungerFactor = 0.7 + ExileClientPlayerVelocity / 64 * _timeElapsed; _thirstFactor = 0.6 + ExileClientPlayerVelocity / 48 * _timeElapsed; };};ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [2, ((((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2) - (100 / 5400 * _hungerFactor * _timeElapsed)) min 100) max 0)];ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [3, ((((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 3) - (100 / 3600 * _thirstFactor * _timeElapsed)) min 100) max do I need to change in order to slow the rate at which first and hunger decrease?
  21. Tomm121

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I couldn't see how i enable roaming AI for this addon, anyone know how? Also how do I change the AI difficulty as couldnt find where to change it.
  22. Just a quick one but how do i change AI difficulty and want are the presets? Also slow down hunger and thirst? Thanks in advance
  23. Tomm121

    Script Restriction #4

    Didn't see that post an dsorted it now thabks
  24. Tomm121

    Script Restriction #4

    Hi I am very new to this all so need as much help as possible but recently i added a couple of addons and they seemed to work fine yesterday. As of this morning anyone that joins gets kicked for script restriction #4, If anyone know how to fix this it would be much appreciated. I am happy to provide any files in order to get this fixed as soon as possible This is what the console says: 9:32:13 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 Tom - #4 ")} do { 9:32:13 _posV = getPos _v; 9:32:13 _smoke1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v; 9:32:13 _smoke1 attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"engine_effect" 9:32:13 Player Tom kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #4 9:32:13 Player Tom disconnected. The latest rpt file: Thanks in advance
  25. Tomm121

    For the upcoming patch

    is there a way to do it without loosing database stuff and keeping ingame vehicles, bases and such