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About XxRTEKxX

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  1. XxRTEKxX

    Admins who play

    Problem is not whether admins play or not. The problem is whining, entitled gamers who usually are little kids. They will endlessly complain about anything. My old A2 Epoch server I had 1 major rule. No bitiching. Anyone who complained got teleported to admin island where we would setup using a macro, over 100 satchel charges. We'd then blow them to hell, then kick them from the server.
  2. XxRTEKxX

    Why do you host an exile-server?

    I host my own with my friends so we have our own custom playground with all the exact mods we want. I have tanks, jets, launchers, thermals, etc all on my server. I even have the AI in heavy equipment so its more like im playing true Arma and not some watered down version. My friends and i like to blow shit up, so we do everyday.
  3. XxRTEKxX

    Admins who play

    I have Arma 3 and my own server so i can have fun. If players dont like that i play on my own server then they can leave and go play on another server.
  4. XxRTEKxX

    issues joining ANY server

    I have all the mods I use on my server listed and linked to a OneDrive server for easy download. Problem is people are too lazy to get the right mods to join my server. Also, getting mods from A3 Launcher or Play With Six doesnt mean you will have the correct mods. I went as far as putting my website phantomrecon.com in the name of the server. But people still try to join without the right mods.
  5. XxRTEKxX

    Mas vehicles and weapons

    If its a vehicle in the classnames.txt then yes you can use it. Those letters do stand for the faction, that's correct.
  6. XxRTEKxX

    Mas vehicles and weapons

    If a price shows as 0, that means that item doesn't have a price set or isn't listed at the bottom lists in the config. Make sure that each and every item is at the top section where the prices are, and down towards the bottom where their classnames are listed with quotation marks.
  7. XxRTEKxX


    #35 "fnc_addWeaponCargoGlobal","CBA_fnc_createCenter","CBA_fnc_createMarker","CBA_fnc_createTrigger","CBA_fnc_defaultParam","CBA_fnc_"
  8. XxRTEKxX

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    I've had the same exact issue, just didnt know it was this that was the cause. I thought it was a fluke with my database. Good to hear others have experienced the nullification of their poptabs. Only vehicles I've use in fighting the AI are helicopters or while im on foot. Although the zeroing out of poptabs has happened before i ever installed these missions. I have no idea if its A3XAI, DMS, Zombies or what, but this has been happening for quite a while.
  9. XxRTEKxX

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Yes I tried them all. Which is why i was confused with the customization as there was no option to alter swat specifically, just police, which a SWAT officer is still a police officer in real life. Im not knocking the lack of config for the swat missions, was simply asking if I was missing something in the config. Thats all. It would be a very nice feature if we had the option to configure the SWAT loadouts.
  10. XxRTEKxX

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    So I was confused as SWAT are police, but the config has a police section which is different than the SWAT load outs. So i saw police in config and didnt know why the swat police load out werent changing. I didnt know you considered SWAT different than police when SWAT are police in RL, hence my confusion with the config.
  11. XxRTEKxX

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Thats odd because the police config has option for uniform.
  12. XxRTEKxX

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    So I changed all the AI gear, weapons and uniforms in the config. However, every mission in a town has the AI wearing the Exile_Customs uniform. Looks cool, but thats not the uniforms I've chosen in the config. Am I missing something in the config?
  13. XxRTEKxX

    Mas vehicles and weapons

    If your mission.sqm is right, but you get the errors, look inside your mod folder and make sure those .pbo the rpt says are missing are actually there. If they are not, then you either had a bad download or something.
  14. XxRTEKxX

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    How can we add goggles in the config load outs? I want to add balaclavas to the AI.
  15. XxRTEKxX

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Adding goggles to the config loadouts. Anyone know how? And i do not mean nvgoggles, i mean balaclavas, glasses etc.