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  1. Dreamless

    Script restriction #38

    And this error occured in your script.log? If ya its strange that it won´t work after your added the rule :C . greetings
  2. Dreamless

    Script restriction #38

    Add this in line 40 ! !="f (_team != \"\") then {\n_x assignTeam _team;\n};\ntrue\n} count allUnits;\n};\n};\n" greetings
  3. Dreamless

    BE Filter #31

    You made a mistake forming your rule It´s true that you have to escape " with a \ , but the whole rule has to be inside "". Means that you cant escape the " at the end of your rule. Add this in line #33. !="OfTerritories = _numberOfTerritories + 1;\n};\n}\nforEach allMissionObjects \"Exile_Construction_Flag_Static\";\n_numberOfTerritories" hopefully you get it running. greetings
  4. Dreamless

    Question about RCON Chat protocoll

    So it seems more people are having problems / are interested in the topic. So I just found out that the problem lies in chat isn´t logged through BattlEye. DaRT is 100% able to log the chat on Arma Server and I tested the logging local on my server and on our root. Booth were setup by 2 different persons on different iOS. I also found out BattleNET API supports the chat, but since the problem mentioned before occured it wasn´t able to provide it to my RCON tool nor DaRT which uses BattleNET API aswell btw. greetings
  5. Dreamless

    Hardcore Exile (vorhandener oder neuer Server)

    Es freut mich zu hören, dass die Community sich auch Hardcore Server wünscht, ich hab das Moondye7 Video auch gesehen und werde mich mit unserem anderen Server Admin an einen Essecker Hardcore Server mit Zombies setzen sobald unser Chernarus Server läuft (dieser ist auch ein Highloot Server da darauf wohl 90% der Community steht ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). grüße
  6. Dreamless


    Da man auch einen VAC Ban bekommt wenn man zum Beispiel etwas per Lastschrift oder Kreditkarte bestellt und das Konto nicht gedeckt ist würde ich die Leute nicht sofort anprangern. Es gibt auch Personen wie zum Beispiel professionelle Counter Strike Spieler oder auch Leute aus meiner Friendlist die einen VAC Ban haben, weil sie früher in MW2 gescripted haben und das dann auf einen Schlag verboten und mit VAC Ban bestraft wurde. Wenn sich solche Leute bei dir auf dem Server natürlich daneben benehmen oder von anderen als Cheater gemeldet werden, dann solltest du dich der Sache annehmen und sie gegebenenfalls bannen. grüße
  7. Dreamless

    [BE KICK #39]

    Thats not how it works. Take a look at the following thread to understand how to apply battlEye filters yourself. http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/74-how-to-battleye-filters-do-it-yourself/ Answer to your problem. Add this in line 40 of your script.txt !="#line 1 \"mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\init.sqf\"\nexecVM \"intro\intro.sqf\";\n" Add this in line 40 of your script.txt !="h {};\n\n\nif (!isserver && !(_logic getvariable [\"bis_fnc_moduleExecute_activate\",!_isTriggerActivated])) exitwith {_logic setvari" greetings PS: Next time 1 thread is enough
  8. Dreamless

    BattleEye kick destription #38

    Add this in line 40 of your script.txt !="#line 1 \"mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\init.sqf\"\nexecVM \"intro\intro.sqf\";\n" Add this in line 40 of your script.txt !="h {};\n\n\nif (!isserver && !(_logic getvariable [\"bis_fnc_moduleExecute_activate\",!_isTriggerActivated])) exitwith {_logic setvari" greetings.
  9. Dreamless

    Question about RCON Chat protocoll

    Hey, So I´m currently working on a RCON tool using the BattleNet C# API for BattlEye protocol handling. My question is if there is anybody who can explain me how I can capture the chat messages in Arma 3 / Exile to display them in the RCON tool aswell. Atm I´m only able to send commands and chat messages to the server and to recieve BattlEye feedback like the playerlist or connected RCON admins. Thanks in advance greetings
  10. Dreamless

    Various Battleye Issues

    Check out http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/74-how-to-battleye-filters-do-it-yourself/ to fix them yourself, if you still have problems, post your restriction kicks here I will create the filters for you. greetings
  11. Dreamless

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hey, Im trying to use this on Chernarus, at first I had the problem that my server was looping endlessly in the Initializing Phase. I found out that it was because there is no chernarus config in vanilla dms. I just copied the altis config file and renamed it. After that it doesn´t loop the Initializing Phase anymore, but ppl trying to connect get will stuck in a grey loading screen trying to join the lobby. Log doesn´t provide any usefull information about it as far as I can tell. Anyone has a solution for this problem ?
  12. Dreamless

    Question about createvehicle.txt

    Fixed it myself, Or lets say I found a workarround. I just included the buildigns via server addon so its not required to add filters to battleEye. greetings and thanks for your effort Wyqer
  13. Dreamless

    Question about createvehicle.txt

    I know how to add them correctly to the list, doesnt matter after a specific ammount of entrys it will still give an BattleEye Kick for all following entrys after the specific ammount is reached. I removed one object I had twice in the list and then instantly the entry AFTER Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F which is ArrowDesk_R_F caused a BattleEye Kick without me changing anything on Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F at all. greetings
  14. Dreamless

    Question about createvehicle.txt

    Hey community, I´m currently configurating my createvehicle.txt and I have a problem. I need to add more entry to line 2 but it seems like it does only include a specific number of rules in the same line. Is there a possibility to add a new line or to add more rules ? Maybe you guys know another solution for my main problem. So I added bunch of custom buildings and I need to add them to the createvehicle.txt filter because otherwise I get kicked by an error like this. #0 "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F" 3:166 [3,9,-24] Thanks in advance greetings
  15. Dreamless

    [Solved] Battleye Restriction #18

    Was answering aswell but Wyqer was faster (damn you Wyqer D; ). Please take a look at this thread. http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/74-how-to-battleye-filters-do-it-yourself/ So you fix new battleye errors youself :)) greetings