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  1. Baldy

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    I suspect its something to do with when they were released and perhaps have different functions attached to them. I suppose the best way to describe it is to state what I changed in the Huron compared to the Mohawk script: - Mohawk checks state of the cargo door with 'animatePhase'. - Huron checks state of cargo door with 'doorPhase' Perhaps a 'can_collide' or 'allowDamage' function is slightly different for the select crates. Not its not just the small ammo ones, its also the Exile Food Supplies and the netted pallets. The explosion seems to be easily replicated when pitching up above 100km/h (or mph whichever it is).
  2. Baldy

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Yes we looked at that and worked great in our dev server, but on our live server just seemed too laggy. The back vehicle would ping back and forth a little. Also the towed vehicles could be used as weapons as they smashed and blew things up. We tried an update but that just broke our server at first. Think we'll wait to see how it develops. The file size of R3F is pretty hefty too, though has lots of features we don't really use.
  3. Baldy

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    I have Huron working - took some doing because its not setup for the correct choppers in the files. I intend to post my changes once complete (working on some other vehicles). Not used GitHub before so here it goes:
  4. Baldy

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    I have thought to investigate this. We use R3F but we only really want the towing from that because igiload has better loading physics and aesthetics (in my opinion). Must be possible to replicate the R3F style towing inside igiload with some adaptation.
  5. Baldy

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    I've been working on the URAL alongside ifrit, hunter and landrover. Hope to have it complete soon. Also got the Huron working - though some crates blow up choppers for some reason. Not used GitHub before so here it goes:
  6. Baldy

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    I've been working on the Ifrit, Hunter, Ural, and Landrover. Hunter is likely going to only take half-pallets and smaller (no quads as they stick out back). Ifrit only smaller packages and quads (no pallets due to height). Landrover has similar space to offroad but again height may be an issue. I also have the Huron working and changed some colors. I still have an issue with some crates blowing helicopters up. Basically with some crates when the chopper pitches up (such as when slowing down) they explode! Hope to post changes once complete. Not used GitHub before so here it goes:
  7. Baldy

    VMC Exile (Altis)

    VMC Exile | 10k Start | Ai Missions |Random AI | Highloot | Exile Mod A new UK-based Exile server running on a dedicated system and promising high performance. Running a few server-side scripts and have added a handful of additional vehicles into the mix. Missions – a good selection, nothing over the top. Loading, towing and ‘igiload’ mod (allows airdrops and advanced loading). Roaming AI – handful of AI running around the map and a good selection of AI teams. Dedicated Server – monitored and maintained to ensure high performance. Active admins – with Infistar you know when they’re in admin mode and they are answerable to the server owner and community. PvP encouraged! Come join in on the action today!