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Everything posted by SLB2k11
So here is a Exile Version of the R3F Logistics ONLY Towing is enabled (For Tempest Hemtt Zamak and Repair Offroader) Lifting is deactivated because its realy really BAD The Moving Section are used for the Taru / Huron Pod and some Crates. https://github.com/slb2k11/Exile_R3F BE-Filters for Infistart Users: (Thx to @Shepster) https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=79BC476C7454EC93!184112&authkey=!AIvh1koXMcNWlKA&ithint=file%2Czip HERE ONLY ENGLISH German support at:
Hello Here is a ready to Run Version of IgiLoad with all Exile Vehicles Including Taru Pods! In the Configfile are Comments to configure it like your wishes. https://github.com/slb2k11/Exile_Igiload Important : Please read all files including the init.sqf Use [] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf" New features: Now with Taru Pod Mod (Lift , attach , drop) additional script is NOT needed!!ALL Notifications in Exile StyleSounds for Attach,Dettach,Drop the PodYou can Only Load UNLOCKED VehiclesYou can Only Load On UNLOCKED VehiclesLock and Unlock TaruPod over Custom User Key 1For this Version a big thx to @Backslash for the Help with the Lock function Next version will be with a Claim function for the Pods an a other Locking method Known Issues: Taru Pods are not in the middle of the Truck attached diddnt find a soluton yet, maybe in a later version.You can Refuel and Repair with the Pod loaded or attached. HERE ONLY ENGLISH!!! German support at:
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This Version: You need to Repair: 1 Ductape1 JunkmetalTime to repair ~22 seconds and not able to abourt some optic parts like animation and optic item Next Version: only repair Wheels (each Wheel 1 Ductape)ORFull Repair (Ductape , Junkmetal and other stuff) Github: https://github.com/slb2k11/Exile_Repair/tree/master
Moinsen liebe Kollegen der SQF-Welt da immer mehr der gleichen Threads auftauchen mache ich nu einen Sammelthread für die "Grundsachen". Werde das ganze auch versuchen so aktuell wie möglich zu halten. nutzt das hier bitte NICHT als Diskussionssthread für Sachen im ersten post hinzuzufügen könnt ihr gerne antworten hau das dann alles hier ober ein mit man nicht ewig suchen muss danach. Wenn ihr Porbleme mit irgendwas habt: Suchfunktion benutzen und nicht direkt nen Thread aufmachen (jaaahaa sowas gibt es hier )Wenn ihr Scriptausschnitte habt macht es in nen Spoiler rein (für die die nicht wissen wie das geht klickt im Textefeld oben inder Leiste auf das Auge?Versucht so ut wie es geht euer Problem zu beschreiben am besten mit vorher nachher Scriptausschnitt dann kann man auch besser helfen weil bei nem zb "fahrzeug geht nicht mehr" stehen alle erstmal ratlos da das kann von vielen sachen ausschlaggebend sein.Wenn es Battleye angeht am besten den .log mit posten (aber im Spoiler)Wenn der Server im rpt einen fehler wirft auch diesen bitte mit posten (na ihr wisst schon , richtig, im Spoiler) Das macht es uns ALLEN leichter. Exile Classnames: (Danke an @[SKS]Goliath und @K3nG9LoL ) Fahrzeuge oder Waffen einfügen im Shop: Startgeld ändern: (danke an K3nG9LoL) Den Fahrzeugspawn (random gespawnte Fahrzeuge auf der Map) / Respect bei Kill usw ändern: Respawn Time ersetzen: Territory einstellungen ändern: Schilder mit eigenem Bild hinzufügen: (Option 1 dank an @DaddelGoggi) Entschlüsselte Mission.sqm: (falls einer es nicht schafft die selbst zu entschlüsseln) Schwirigkeit ändern: NICHT ÄNDEREBARE SACHEN (Ohne custom Zusatzmod): PS: (für die die es verstehen)
So da es immer vermehrt vorkommt das im Release bereich Deutsch geschriben wird nun hier für die die das nicht schaffen sich daran zu halten der Deutsche Thread zu all meinen Sachen. Bin auch meistens abends ab ca 19-20 Uhr im ExileTS im channel German anwesend für Sachen die so vielleicht einfacher zu erklären / beheben sind Releases:
Hiho (moved to GitHub) https://github.com/slb2k11/Exile_BuyTaruorHuronPods Attaching / Lifting is moved to Igiload Known Errors: - Actualy not saleable at the Trader
Here is a pic from my new Project
Hi On the old Forum Midgetgrimm postet his Custom Framework dont know if he is here but i post it here maybe it help some of you. https://github.com/midgetgrimm/Clientside-Framework-For-Arma-3-Exile-Mod CREDITS GOES TO MIDGETGRIMM!!! I have made a additional script for a Waterbarrel you can place it one time per Life! Its not the best way but better then nothing. Installation: Copy file to System\Networkgo to System\fn_keybinds.sqf 3. go to custom_code.h add class water {} under class quickStats {} HERE ONLY ENGLISH!! German support at:
yes its possible i have done it but not released
Das geht nur über ein custom Script wie zb mein erweitertes bausystem aber bevor du fragst, das gibt's hier nicht zu laden
I have a full working custom building script with move, remove,original building system ui with all features of the normal Exile system. You can add whatever you want everything that you can place in the editor only need to fill the classname in a list with price (option for money or respect) It's not so much work to do this all but my version won't be released actually maybe some server get the option to use it I must think about it.
When I have enough time maybe I will work on a new version or a fix for that but actually I'm not happy with many people's here so maybe I will kill all my work and threads
Here are Examples for new Crafting Stuff Filelocation: MpMissions\Exile.Altis\Config.cpp ~Line 593 Installation: Copy it in the File repack PBO Have Fun ONLY MAGAZINE CRAFTING PART Magazines Crafting include: 1x 150rnd 9,3mm Navid -> 15x 10rnd 9,3mm Cyrus Required: Workbench 1x 130rnd .338 Navid -> 13x 10rnd .338 Mar-10 Required: Workbench 1x 10rnd 12,7mm ASP-1 Kir -> 2x 5rnd 12,7mm Lynx Required: Workbench 1x 10rnd 12,7mm ASP-1 Kir + 1x HandGrenade -> 2x 5rnd 12,7mm Lynx APSD Required: Workbench , Campfire 1x 200rnd 6,5mm MK200 -> 6x 30rnd 6,5mm MX MXC MXM Required: Workbench 1x 150rnd 7,62mm Zafir -> 7x 20rnd 7,62mm MK18 MK1 MK14 Required: Workbench 1x 150rnd 7,62mm Zafir -> 15x 10rnd 7,62mm Rahim Required: Workbench NOTES: When you have Ideas for more Crafting let me know it. TODO: - Infodialog for the new Crafting Stuff HERE ONLY ENGLISH!! German support at:
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Create File in root of missionfile named deleteanimals.sqf copy this in it: open init.sqf copy this in it: [] execVM "deleteanimals.sqf"; and have fun without animals
mehrere wird nicht gehen ohne zusatzscript
dann les mal die parameterzuweisung welcher wert für was ist time: Number[fogValue, fogDecay, fogBase]: ArrayfogValue: Number - value for fog at base levelfogDecay: Number - decay of fog density with altitudefogBase: Number - base altitude of fog (in meters)
- 7 replies
- esseker
- ground fog
(and 4 more)
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still working on the other things to , but i have not enough time the "biggest" problem is i want to do it so, that everyone can customize so much they want on my scripts and it must be made in missionfile only (with some stuff serverside to protect that everyone can copy and paste the configs i hate it that people connect to the server and only want to "steal" configs or some stuff ) without any additional mods clientside. A mod based version is done in about 1hour , but without a mod it is not so easy to get all working fine. but i will release a mod based version and a missionfile based version when its done. That are the biggest thing why its not get released actually maybe its only be released to special peoples i must think about it keep you updated when i have a decision about it
still working on the other things to , but i have not enough time the "biggest" problem is i want to do it so, that everyone can customize so much they want on my scripts and it must be made in missionfile only (with some stuff serverside to protect that everyone can copy and paste the configs i hate it that people connect to the server and only want to "steal" configs or some stuff ) without any additional mods clientside. A mod based version is done in about 1hour , but without a mod it is not so easy to get all working fine. but i will release a mod based version and a missionfile based version when its done. That are the biggest thing why its not get released actually maybe its only be released to special peoples i must think about it keep you updated when i have a decision about it
versuchs damit https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFog_array
- 7 replies
- esseker
- ground fog
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hast du den Thread komplett durchgelesen ob da dein Problem auftaucht? wenn nein dich mal mit rpt und ggf fehlermeldung an den thread gewendet?
so it runs but i dont release it in this build stage because not all functions work well i must do some fixes maybe i get it fast done , dont know we will see it later i post some new pics and informations about it
i think no