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  1. Suranos

    Need mods installed on arma 3 exile server any takers!?

    a single misplaced , or ; and the whole damn thing comes to a grinding hault LOL
  2. Suranos

    High Cal. weapons

    My lineup was as follows: 1. AS50 2. M107 3. Cheytac 4. Cheytac SD And yes nothing like playing on 10k render distance LOL
  3. Suranos

    High Cal. weapons

    You can always do like I did with my server, Place the DLC/High Caliber weapons in a Black Market weapons store that is not in a safe zone, and increase the price on the guns (since most of them are 1 hit kills) and let the players go at it, They have to take the risk of going to the BM trader to get the goodies :P
  4. Suranos

    Need mods installed on arma 3 exile server any takers!?

    Not to sound rude, but honestly you should try and do it yourself, its not that difficult if you follow the instructions included with each Addon, and Traders are simple as well, just open the mission in Arma 3 Editor and view how the existing Traders are implemented. If you do not learn to do it yourself then you will just run into issues down the road when something goes wrong, its better to know how to fix the issue on the spot, instead of waiting for a day or so to try and get someone to fix it for you
  5. Suranos

    Exile Server

    Server is not starting because it can't contact the MySQL server.... [11:15:08:407428 --4:00] [Thread 4968] extDB2: Database Exception Error: Connection attempt failed: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 10060 So arma 3 shuts down and the server will not start. Your config file looks wonky as shit to, Here is what the config for exile should half ass look like (config.cfg) config.cfg Obviously somewhere along the lines you have messed something up my friend. There are very good guides to getting a server setup on here, This is a very detailed one
  6. Suranos

    Change loot [AI MISSION]

    Post the AIconfigs.sqf inside of a Spoiler tag so we can review the code...
  7. Suranos


    Your code seems wrong in the Init file.... This is what your Init.sqf should look like Init.sqf The Status bar also has an additional line that must be placed at the bottom of description.ext description.ext
  8. Suranos

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    Here is the version I use
  9. Suranos

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    Tested this on my server, Went from stead 60FPS (normal) in Cherno to 30FPS(with script), Decided to edit the script so it wasn't replacing so many buildings, it was replacing like 30 ish variety of buildings (with my edit it replaces like 15), still leaves a bunch of new enterable buildings, and FPS barely drop now.
  10. I don't speak French, but I felt compelled to post here and let you know that after what happened in France today, You are not alone. The world stands with you, America stands with you, and I stand with you. I have been where you are now, watching my country brought to its knees on 9/11/01, You will recover, you will come back even stronger then you were before, and we are right here with you! "We stand because we know that every life matters, we have to fight for every life, Even when it seems hopeless, even when we are afraid, because the battle ahead isn't just for our survival, it is for our humanity." Starting today, for one month my gaming community will add #NousSommesUnis (We are United) to our Exile Server title.
  11. Ok, that fixed the teleport issues, the R3F IDDs I was able to find in another thread has fixed the issues i was having with that. However I still have the issue with the RHS vehicle Artillery Computers/Control Panel for Non Admin users closing about 1-2 seconds after you open it, With Infistar disabled it works just fine as a normal user, With Infistar enabled, it auto closes it even with the Scroll/Command (_CAP) disabled.
  12. As the title states, I have Inifstar installed along with my RHS mods on my Exile server, I run a partial militarized server so there is a SCUD launcher and some other military type vehicles. Infistar is not allowing normal players to use the SCUD launchers Control Panel/Artillery Computer, it allows it to open, and then closes it immediately, It also does this with the R3F Logistics menu even though I have added the IDD to the whitelist that was included with it. another problem I have noticed is Infistar is preventing the teleport script from working properly when a vehicle is bought by a normal user, but does not affect admins... This issue needs to be resolved soon as it is preventing me from fully opening my server! How does one go about fixing this issue? The documentation for Infistar is not the most detailed for adding in functionality with other mods, and can't find anything searching for this particular problem, Also where does one find IDDs to add to the Whitelist? No documentation is included to describe where to find this information! Currently using 16f
  13. The script you use is ok to Start server, Here is one I use if you want to use it to Start/Restart your servers. Save as Restart.bat To kill a server you can use this Save as Stop.bat This should work for you, Just modify your Armapatch, Etc... And if you don't use BEC then just remove the BEC bit from Restart.bat (but I highly recommend BEC as you can use it to schedule many things for your server, Control Reserved slots, kick lobby idlers, etc...)
  14. So I just recently moved from Linux>Windows and did a fresh install of my server, Brought over the Map, Configs, Keys, and such, but fresh install of Exile, ExileServer (Minus config pbo which i brought over) and everything seems to function properly except a couple things. 1. Vehicle traders are failing to function properly, Sometimes you can buy a car, sometimes you cant, Even if you can it does not teleport you to the vehicle like it should do but most time just says "failed to buy vehicle: 12" or something like that. 2. Some players are getting stuck on loading bambi screen and cant even get in server. I have reinstalled Exile/ExileServer and MySQL, As well as checked and recheck my configs, Tried starting without Infistar and problem still continues! Not sure what is going on but I need help! You can view bugs by going to server: (RHS:UFRF, RHS:USAF, TRYK, All In Arma Terrain Pack are required) If someone that knows what they are doing would be interested in Teamviewing my server to review the files I would be open to that as well!
  15. Suranos

    Help With Revive Script

    Next Exile update this month will include ability to Revive using defibrilators, so if be patient you get built in revive!