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Everything posted by LangeBlonds

  1. LangeBlonds

    Le Jour de Rupture

    Team MLG "Major Lynx Gaming" après 4 année de bon et loyaux service vous présente son serv : Le Jour de Rupture Le Serveur Full FR, Full Simulation, Full Survival. Serveur Full Script ( plus de 40 ) Serveur Full FR ( traduit à 99% ) Serveur Full Craft ( Arme, Tenue, Objet, Voiture ) plus de 350 items réel sans compter les véhicules, armes,chargeur Récolte de fruit dans les arbres ( une variété d'arbre, une variété de fruits, 6 au total) récolte de raisin dans les vignes pour farmé le pinard !!! ^^ et bien plus a venir !! Récolte d'objet dans les poubelles, carcasse, tas de détritue, pneu dans les tas de pneu. Pêche en Mer !! Perturbation Climatique ( Nuage toxique, Bombe nuke, Pluit de météorite) Script MLG ^^. Oui tout est maisons. Présence de Zombie dans une petite zone Infecté où à lieu un incidents, et des crache d'hélico sur l'ile. Vendeur de License pour le craft!!! Vente de permis, non obligatoire pour l'instant Vote a la volé PVE PVP Toute les heures !!! Mission DMS, Statique ou Aléatoire ( tenues et armes Militaire, avec de belle surprise) Prise de ville, Patrouille véhiculé. Le tout en gendarme, avec un gros butin. Renfort hélico sur patrouille véhiculé avec interception des massages radio. Les Fichier étant crypter, Temps de chargement Arma 3 Estimé de 4 à 7 minutes. Ceci n'est pas une blague ^^ Le reste je vous invite a venir le découvrir par vous même. Mods : Enjoy !!!
  2. LangeBlonds

    [RELEASE] [Update 1.3] Vehicle Crafting - CDAH-Mod-Pack

    Hello, it's still impossible to activate the timer.Hello, it's still impossible to activate the timer. Tou has been working for 2 years. I correct the lock of vehciule. But the timer creates me a spit "not enough memory" lol the returne time is not filled. I put 60 in the varible, his walk. But when I finally get all the errors, everything works fine progress bar, vehicle spawn (locked) I am no longer rebooting messages. Which one is leaning on the problem? I am the only one to have it? did anyone activate the timer?
  3. LangeBlonds

    [RELEASE] [Update 1.3] Vehicle Crafting - CDAH-Mod-Pack

    Hello I installed the real time but impossible to operate the bar pogressions the sound is well played, I have a small box that emerges but nothing happens. in my client logs I have an error: Error in expression <_Bar","PLAIN"];for"_i"from 0 to 1 step(1/_craftTime) do{_latestBoxID =netID(near> Error position: </_craftTime) do{_latestBoxID =netID(near> Error Diviseur nul located in the file : ExileClient_CDAHVehicleCraft_network_craftVehicleResponseProgressbar.sqf thank you in advance
  4. Actually, I did not have the last version of your ExileZ mod of May. Thanks again. Kisses Thank you for your answer
  5. Hello. Since the last update RZinfection I have one as a little worry. On my spit city, and on my zombie missions. The zombie appears and disappears 3 second after? The last update RZ Saves the player's infection status. Everything is configured normally. Infection status in the bar statu. My zombies appear and disappear 3 seconds later? Am I the only one to have trouble? Thank you Kuplion and Mustang for your sharing !!!
  6. LangeBlonds

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    4:02:04 "AVS - Loading AVS version: 1.4.4" 4:02:04 "AVS - World Detected: Tembelan" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_object_player_createBambi to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_player_createBambi.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_player_createBambi.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_object_player_database_load to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_player_database_load.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_player_database_load.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_object_vehicle_createNonPersistentVehicle to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_createNonPersistentVehicle.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_vehicle_createNonPersistentVehicle.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_createPersistentVehicle.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_insert to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_vehicle_database_insert.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_insert.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_update to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_vehicle_database_update.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_update.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_vehicle_database_load.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_system_database_connect to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_system_database_connect.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_connect.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Hooked ExileServer_world_initialize to redirect to AVS\hooks\AVS_world_initialize.sqf | Was pointing to exile_server\code\ExileServer_world_initialize.sqf" 4:02:04 "AVS - Rearm system active." 4:02:04 "AVS - Refuel system active." 4:02:04 "AVS - Fill Canister Active." 4:02:04 "AVS - Initialized." excuse me.I do not know version 1.4.5But it is absolutely necessary to modify the avs.iniEdit it like this: [Default] Version = 1 Strip Chars = "\/\|;{}<>\'" Strip Chars Mode = 0 Input SQF Parser = false [getVehicleAmmo] SQL1_1 = SELECT ammo FROM vehicle WHERE id = ? SQL1_INPUTS = 1 OUTPUT = 1 [setVehicleAmmo] SQL1_1= UPDATE vehicle SET ammo = ? WHERE id = ? SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 This is functional for EXTD3 Peace !!!
  7. LangeBlonds

    Exile Scavenge Framework - 0.7 BETA (23.10.2017)

    Yes it works very well ! For now i use it juste for the detritus and objet outside.
  8. LangeBlonds

    Exile Scavenge Framework - 0.7 BETA (23.10.2017)

    hello i do not know exactly how work is script, but there are actually only object repetitions locked in other object, otherwise it works fine for the rest.By cons, I have a real problem.As soon as I use one can too script.I find myself at 20fps ???I ride in a car, or I open my inventory I'm back at soon as I get out of my car or inventory I fall back to 20fps?what has already been a problem?Small question in what way are the excavated objects saved?Thank you.
  9. LangeBlonds

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Hello i installed upgrade Exile1.0.4 i went to extbd3 for 64bits it was impossible to put a flag i had an error on file : ExileServer_Sytem_territory_database_insert.sqf i made change and my player can plant a flag, used the virtual garage. i have not done the upgrade x64 because an errors prevented me from doing it i fixed the probelm without upgrade x64.sql juste witch change everything goes well. It does not correct the problem but allows me to play
  10. LangeBlonds

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Hello !! in Exile_Serveur_Overrides check file : ExileServer_system_territory_database_insert.sqf change text : extdb2 to extdb3 Fix good for me for territory !!! (no upgrade x64sql) Peace !!!!
  11. LangeBlonds


    yo tout le monde je suis de retour !!! Bonne nouvelle sa marche, versions bricolo mais resultat ok !!!! j'ai utilisé des voiture qui spawn en l'air et qui explose !!! elle genere fumé et flamme en tombant c'est plutôt coule. sa date du mois de mai, j'ai ressortie mon serveur la semaine derniere, sa marche impeccable !!! venez testé sur mon serv a l'occaz !!! Peace !!!
  12. LangeBlonds


    quelqu'un a essayé les meteor d'Alias ?????
  13. LangeBlonds

    Having a radio or object play music

    I tried this for the sound arrived safe zone: private["_soundMLG"]; if (alive player) then { waituntil {!(player getvariable ["ExilePlayerInSafezone",false])}; { playSound selectRandom ["WTTF","EduradSand","Exodus","GivingUpU", "Idonkno","Mordor","DreamCome","BurnBrid", "FinalEff","Soundwar","RedStro","RoadVic", "SadVio","RusAnth","LastBat","TrevWar", "USAAnth","VeigPir","RideoftheV","GuilesT", "FlyingNow","ATeam","CareingWhisper","Megalovania", "SavingWorld","OneLast","HumanHaven","VictorySteps","Umbrella"]; hint "MLG Musique!!!"; [] spawn { _soundMLG = ASLToAGL [0,0,0] nearestObject "#soundonvehicle"; waitUntil {isNull ExilePlayerInSafezone}; deleteVehicle _soundMLG; hint "Revenez !! Pour d'autre titre!"; }; }; }; Don't Work ??
  14. LangeBlonds

    Having a radio or object play music

    I'll take care of that
  15. #include "ExAdClient\ExAd.cpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "ExAdClient\CfgFunctions.cpp" }; class RscTitles { #include "ExAdClient\RscTitles.cpp" }; class CfgHints { #include "ExAdClient\CfgHints.cpp" }; class CfgNetworkMessages { #include "ExAdClient\CfgNetworkMessages.cpp" }; class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; class ExAdServer_fnc_clientRequest { allowedTargets=2; }; }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; }; is present in the documentations
  16. Salmack : in RscTitles.cpp : (ExAdClient\RscTitles.cpp) //#include "StatsBar\RscTitles.cpp" to #include "StatsBar\RscTitles.cpp" and Do you have the Exad logo at the top right of the screen?
  17. [22:35:20:112434 +02:00] [Thread 64400] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL [22:35:20:149112 +02:00] [Thread 64400] extDB2: Database Exception Error: Connection attempt failed: Access denied for user 'exile'@'..,..,...,..' (using password: YES) [22:35:20:152749 +02:00] [Thread 64400] extDB2: Sending Shutdown to Armaserver
  18. 22:35:20 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 70" 22:35:20 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!" 22:35:20 "ExileServer - Please have a look at @ExileServer/extDB/logs/ to find out what went wrong." 22:35:20 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Could not add database: [0,""Database Exception Error""]" 22:35:20 "ExileServer - Server will shutdown now :("
  19. everything worked fine i reinstall the serv 7 days ago. all delivered, my mod, community mods. I remi, everything, the price, exad, cook book plain tablet. + 10 scripts (rope, winch, black market .... Everything works well ....... I pose a flag !!!!!! nothing works !!!!! I can not buy a car anymore I can not stock it. Cause: Virtual garage I reset my database, I reconfigure everything with the last file exile I restart the server and I have the error line 16. so I can not do: SET @ @ global.sql_mode = ''; how to do ???? Please !!!!!
  20. yes everything is good. like same it comes from an error in my database. I am not the master access. do we still need to enter this line: SET@@global.sql_mode=''; '' 2*touche 4
  21. Hello everyone. everything works except the virtual garage I have a problem, and yet I have tried everything I can not buy any more vehicles I can not store my vehivule I have the following error: 18:38:48 Error in expression <llExtension _query); (_result select 1) select 0> 18:38:48 Error position: <select 0> 18:38:48 Error Generic error in expression 18:38:48 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle.sqf, line 16 18:38:48 Error in expression <llExtension _query); (_result select 1) select 0> 18:38:48 Error position: <select 0> 18:38:48 Error Generic error in expression 18:38:48 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle.sqf, line 16
  22. LangeBlonds

    creer mod

    bonjour tout le monde. j'aurais deux requêtes. la première est : j'ai pris un script partagé par alias sur le workshop que j'ai intégré a mon serveur Exile. dans un premier temps j'aimerais lancer le fichier .sqf depuis @ExileServer ensuite j'aimerais créer un mode qui regroupe tout les sons car il me prenne 4mo sur mon fichier missions. dans mes essais j'arrive a lancer le script depuis @ExileServer en passant par un autre mode. mais je n'arrive plus a me connecter. J'espère que l'un d'entre vous prendra le temps de m'expliqué car j'ai passé un temps fou a l'intégration de ce mod, je remercie grandement @Jerry Cornelius pour son aide !!! Cordialement.
  23. Hello everyone I watched in the news feed Nobody has had problems apparently On my serv it is impossible to disk in code lock. I still have the empty beet message coming back. I have installed cdah I have the sound, the animation, the progress bar is displayed. By looking more ready I wonder if I have not a worry since the last update with this bar of progressions It is this progress bar which refers to the more beet part. Would anyone have an idea? Thank you, peace !!!