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About FreakBrazil

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  1. FreakBrazil

    Best 3D Map Editor for adding traders?

    anyone with problem using on Tanoa map? my arma crash all the time
  2. FreakBrazil

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    dude, see the first post.... go to the gitHub and you'll see the instalation process
  3. FreakBrazil

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    mine works like that... rondon spawn, and they are a head shot to kill or many in chest to kill
  4. FreakBrazil

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Are you using If so, why you don't just setup the spawn points into fn_init.sqf "ZOMaltistownpositions"
  5. FreakBrazil

    Wood from trees

    ok, so, there are a solution? how can I solve that?
  6. FreakBrazil

    Wood from trees

    Not all Trees from the Esseker maps give wood long anyone know why?
  7. FreakBrazil

    Players can not to build on Esseker

    did you test the range limit? how close to trades can you build base?
  8. FreakBrazil

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    ´mine its setup like that
  9. FreakBrazil

    Build base issue

    I got a issue that player can build base close to trades, this is my setup { // Base Cost / Radius // Level 1 is allways for Pop Tabs, >= 2 for Respect prices[] = { {5000, 15}, // Level 1 {10000, 30}, // Level 2 {15000, 45}, // Level 3 {20000, 60}, // Level 4 {25000, 75}, // Level 5 {30000, 90}, // Level 6 {35000, 105}, // Level 7 {40000, 120}, // Level 8 {45000, 135}, // Level 9 {50000, 150} // Level 10 }; // A shortcut of the above maximum radius maximumRadius = 150; // The above * 2 plus coverving the 20m you can move while placing things minimumDistanceToOtherTerritories = 325; /** * Defines the minimum distance to safe zones / trader cities where players * cannot build territories */ minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 1000; /** * Defines the minimum distance to spawn zones where players * cannot build territories */ minimumDistanceToSpawnZones = 1000; // Defines the period in days where protection money needs to be payed. // Every time you pay the protection money, the "due date" will be // pro-longed by that period too. protectionPeriod = 21; // Amount of pop tabs or respect per object to pay popTabAmountPerObject = 10; respectAmountPerObject = 5; But minimumDistanceToTraderZones are not working at mission.sqm my setup fro safes are: class Sensors { items=3; class Item0 { position[]={10824.685,11.598313,4789.8843}; a=100; b=100; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="ExileTrader"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thisList"; expActiv="call ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone"; expDesactiv="call ExileClient_object_player_event_onLeaveSafezone"; class Effects { }; }; class Markers { items=8; class Item0 { position[]={10824.685,11.598313,4789.8843}; name="TraderZoneExample"; text="Example Trader City"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="ExileTraderZone"; colorName="ColorBlue"; fillName="SolidBorder"; a=100; b=100; drawBorder=1; };
  10. FreakBrazil

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    what do you mean set to empty? can you show your trade setting?
  11. FreakBrazil

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    There are any way to make the mission not spawn close to safes? at my server the mission just show inside a trade was a mess
  12. FreakBrazil

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    well, still dint know how that will be like. I'm still building the server. if that will make the server lag, I can just set a lower spawn per point.. but I know that I still need test that.
  13. FreakBrazil

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Dude what I did was add more spawn points and more A3 building in my map... thats because zombies spwan inside buildings and only A3 for my, try setup for A2 but that didn't work to add spwan point go into your exilez/init/fn_init.sqf file, and into the enabled line ZOMaltistownpositions = [ [.....],[,,,,,],,,,] add more points for your map.... I add in total 900 points for the chernarus map and add like 200 new building in the chernarus map
  14. FreakBrazil

    Night are too dark

    Sup all any idea what can I do to make my server the night not so dark? its to dark and players can´t see anything.
  15. I also try add at the ExileClient_object_item_contruct.sqf the center point of my trades and set this: if ((player distance [12193, 12599,0]) < 1000) then { throw "ConstructionAbortedInformation"; }; if ((player distance [6303, 7808,0]) < 1000) then { throw "ConstructionAbortedInformation"; }; but that also are not working.