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About HeadlessRocket

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  1. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    ok i just removed the files from the arma directory and all servers work fine
  2. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    it seems to be any server standard or modded i have found 2 servers i can join [EU] e-Monkeys.com Tanoa Wasteland standard wasteland ExileYorkshire.co.uk|tanoa exile mod and extended base mod
  3. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    ]tried joining through a3launcher and the standard arma launcher same results, i can get on one server
  4. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    i verified didnt work so i reinstalled same results
  5. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    can anyone help with this
  6. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    the files it is saying are arma 3 game files tried connecting to the official exile server and get this error
  7. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    it does it with both
  8. HeadlessRocket

    Cannot join servers

    i keep getting an error message everytime i join a server i have managed to join one server, i tried to reinstall and still here so i have no idea
  9. HeadlessRocket

    20 minutes server startup time

  10. HeadlessRocket

    20 minutes server startup time

    So, I contacted gtxgaming and they said i should try a fresh server so, i did and now everything works flawlessly. Just a problem with the server i guess as i am now getting 30-40fps but i have increased the ai count now i have fps.
  11. HeadlessRocket

    Spawning AI With Infistar

    is it posible to spawn ai or missions with infistar i have dms and a3xai just wondering if a can spawn ai
  12. HeadlessRocket

    DMS Mission addon Contents page

    Just added my first mission Mission Name - Military Raid Creator - HeadlessRocket Map - Altis http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/11191-new-a3_dms-static-mission-defent-mission-system/
  13. So i created my first static AI mission for DMS mission sytem. It's called the Military Raid it is a basic military instalation that is spawned in using DMS but can also be occupied by VEMFReloaded, all setings can be configured to your liking. Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwnDum6odAHIRDdIWXJ6RldZNTA Installing. 1. Copy Military_Raid.sqf into a3_dms.pbo missions/static 2. Copy Military_Raid_buildings.sqf into a3_dms.pbo objects/static 3. Extract map_configs/altis_config.sqf 4. Find DMS_StaticMissionTypes append [["saltflats",1],["slums",1]]; Change to (or add extra) DMS_StaticMissionTypes append [["saltflats",1],["slums",1],["Military_Raid",1]]; 5. Find DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart append ["saltflatsbase","slums_objects"]; Change to (or add extra) DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart append ["saltflatsbase","slums_objects","Military_Raid_buildings"]; 6. Repack altis_config.sqf into PBO 7. Put a3_dms.pbo into /@ExileServer/addons/ on server and start.
  14. HeadlessRocket

    remoteexec #0

    that works thanks
  15. HeadlessRocket

    remoteexec #0

    got this kick from a rhs vehicle #0 "lockturret [R Alpha 1-3:1 (HeadlessRocket) REMOTE,[[0],true]]" tried this and didnt work !="lockturret [R Alpha 1-3:1 (HeadlessRocket) REMOTE,[[0],true]]"