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Everything posted by Dwarfer

  1. Hi, Just a quick dirty way of having the ability to disable building in some location and near some objects. This was not my original work however I have changed some things to add building and to get the messages working. I cannot remember who's work it was mildly based off so sorry for that. create a new directroy in your mission folder something like fixes then create a file called ExileClient_object_item_construct.sqf with the code from ExileClient_object_item_construct.sqf bellow once you have done this open up your config.cpp and locate the CfgExileCustomCode section and add the following to it *also now stops building in towns.. // Disables Building in locations ExileClient_object_item_construct = "fixes\ExileClient_object_item_construct.sqf"; ExileClient_object_item_construct.sqf https://github.com/Dwarfer/ExileModTweaks/blob/master/mpmissions/fixes/ExileClient_object_item_construct.sqf
  2. Dwarfer

    Server isn't Saving correctly

    have you checked your extDB2 logs files ? extDB2 uses a cache of SQL events and really you need to use the Exile restart method of locking the sever waiting 2-3mins then restart. If you are doing this and still getting issues sounds like some other error. Check you logs files for errors.
  3. Dwarfer

    [Exile on Lingor] First Impressions

    Lingor is alive.. Its by far my fav map..

    1. SpiRe



  5. Dwarfer

    Infistar problem or host problem? PLS READ.

    why not rename it something else for now and restart it and see it it comes back.. then show that to GTX
  6. Dwarfer

    Keep spawning dead.Cherno.CCG server.

    Moved to Client problems. You need to speak to CCG on this. The problem however looks like you have 2 alive player in the player DB as this had happened to one of my players. You could have them run this and see. select name,account_uid,count(is_alive) as dupe from player where is_alive=1 group by account_uid having dupe > 1;
  7. Dwarfer

    After the restart the server is locked

    You do know that 0.9.20 "Tomato" is released! yeah ? bannana is old now
  8. Dwarfer

    Problem As Soon As I Join

    @OG4Prez I would suggest you contact the people who are running the server you are playing on and ask them to check the logs as to why you are getting kicked. Thanks
  9. See here. https://trello.com/c/Dl6BPR7z/43-building-snap-gaps
  10. Dwarfer


    @Ritchy You need to contact the servers you are playing on and ask why. ExileMod does not ban people itself its the 3rd party application or BE that ban players. Thanks
  11. Dwarfer

    MySQL connection error

    @bFe Problem sounds like you are missing the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2010/2013. You need to make sure you have the 32bit not 64.. Or just install both :-)
  12. Dwarfer

    Use Real Time

    can you post the "class Time" from your config.cpp
  13. Dwarfer


    Locking This Has nothing todo with ExileMod.. Please contact InfiSTAR direct as its a 3rd part app.
  14. Dwarfer

    Un-able to join any server

    @TeddyBearHunter Have you also tried to verifiy your A3 content. If you can give me your player name/steam name (PM me if you prefer) try joining my server and I will tell you what the server side logs say. Server details are in my signature. Ta
  15. Dwarfer

    How install new download

    Have you tried using a3launcher from www.a3launcher.com Very easy to use and play the game with
  16. Dwarfer

    After turning the 0.9.20 patch over loot

    I am seeing a similar issue, i have vanilla files + inifstar. one thing I have done is bounced the loot to 100% from 70 to try that a little. Deffo take any SP3 stuff out as was unofficial anyway and will not work with the new version.
  17. Dwarfer

    Hello. My name is.. what? My name is.. who?

    Did you use Steam login or not ?
  18. Dwarfer

    Bambi problem

    @lefaucheur You need to disable strict mode in MySQL you need to shutdown the game and mysql. Edit the my.cnf and remove the STRICT_TRANS_TABLES entry from sql-mode. Once this is done try the SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode; again and make sure its not in. Once that is done try t he game again :-)
  19. Dwarfer

    Bambi problem

    OK, First up you don't need -mod=@exile;Kart,Mark,Heli;just -mod=@exileis fine, next have you made sure you have disabled mysql strick mode run the following and if you can post the output SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;Can you also show me the last part of your config.cpp file in the exile_server_config please, Please #### the password under serverPassword ;-)
  20. Dwarfer

    Esseker Bat file help

    I think... You need @Esseker;@AllInArmaTerrainPack in the mod not server mod..
  21. Dwarfer

    Bambi problem

    Please read the following and paste the information
  22. Dwarfer

    "Receiving Server Version"

    OK well 12:03:49 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!" 12:03:49 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Unable to locate extDB2 extension!" 12:03:49 "ExileServer - Server will shutdown now :("This means that it is unable to load the DB .dll files. In the @ExileServer do you have the extDB2.dll ? and in the root the tbb.dll and tbbmalloc.dll If they are then you need to get your hoster todo the Visual Studio x86 redistributable as that is your prob
  23. Dwarfer

    Help with adding BEC and RCon

    HI, Are when you start up arma have you used the -ip x.y.z.t ? if so you need to make sure you are connecting BEC to that IP not
  24. Dwarfer

    Character Creation Timeout

    Sorry I was going on the first person who posted and then you jumped in on another person problem and kinda hijacked the thread. Your's is not the same issue as the guy clearly said worked before infistar.. Hay ho.