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About SimonJ110

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  1. Is it possible to have everything from the exile arsenal in a table in the database? People could then use a custom back-end web panel to manage trader prices/qualities and also, as i have read in other posts, stock levels. My suggested column names would be; classname, trader category(hardware/armory ), sub category (mod . Part type ie. RHS pointers), price, quality, sellprice(if required). Thanks guys
  2. SimonJ110

    CfgBuilding loot table call

    Thank you Wasti, I will fetch my spade and start digging through the code
  3. SimonJ110

    CfgBuilding loot table call

    Was planning on keeping all the different addons separate and adding them in their own table so I knew where they are. Cheers for all your answers guys!! It is appreciated!
  4. SimonJ110

    CfgBuilding loot table call

    Cannot compile with a new class. Scrap question.
  5. SimonJ110

    CfgBuilding loot table call

    Hi Guys, In CfgBuildings, Can I have more than one table? class Building { //original table = "CivillianLowerClass"; //posible change to table[] = ["CivillianLowerClass","additionaltable"]; positions[] = {{0.482422, 0.65625, -0.867858}, {3.08984, -1.2832, -0.867858}}; }; CHEERS FELLAS!
  6. SimonJ110

    Feature Idea: XM8 Web Browser

    Hey people, I am unsure of the power of arma in this department but could it be possible to impliment a html 5 capable web browser on the XM8. There are many coding gods out there! Would like to be able to search wikis and social media with out tabbing to an external browser. Just a thought. Many thanks!