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Everything posted by macchky

  1. macchky

    Objects not found

    It's network related message. So just ignore these. Nothing you can do about these. Find Object Name and Type script for RPT - ARMA 2
  2. macchky

    Alternative XM8 Notifications?

    Oh Apple Developer program fee ? I agree that's expensive, or mac itself. Or another notification app API like you can use for iOS user.
  3. macchky

    Alternative XM8 Notifications?

    @Eichi You can use this for both android and iOS on server side mercari/gaurun: General push notification server in Go
  4. macchky

    All Exile code is MIXED EOL

    I don't talk about compiler. Just codes from final .pbo Exile mod not open source yet, so those code is finaly we can get now.
  5. As Image showed, all code in exile has mixed eol. I think because exile source code generate system merges different eol txt , actual codes and license header. this cause trouble with versioning system like git. So please unify the eol.
  6. macchky

    1.54 out of memory error i have never seen before

    I got some test, and I figure out that infistar affects some AI mod and system.
  7. macchky

    Helicopter damaged after purchase

    Change OFFSET DIVIDER Line92 _position2d set [2,_offset / 2];Change 2 to higher value 4 , 5, 6. Line92 _position2d set [2,_offset / 5];This makes less damage may be.
  8. macchky

    Helicopter damaged after purchase

    Yes ,heli gets Godmode in SAFEZONE , but heli spawns out of safezone with curent spawning system. So wait for next update, or fix "ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest.sqf" your own. Hint BIS_fnc_findSafePos is shi*t Hint2 Temp fix may be , in "ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest.sqf" Line91 _offset = _vehicleObject call ExileClient_util_model_getHeight; Line92 _position2d set [2,_offset / 2]; Line93 _vehicleObject setPosATL _position2d;Change offset division may work less damage
  9. macchky

    Exile on a VPS

    I have Ubuntu 14.04 vps too. 4 core, 4GB RAM. It's same performance to Maaaaak's On my experience , Most of Sever FPS depends on number of CPU core. Because ARMA 3 can use only a certain mount of CPU power per 1 core.