Uncle Boom

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  1. Uncle Boom


    Hi Exile, After the most recent update I was somewhat excited to see what you added. I poured over the changelog and noticed "anomalies"... under "Namalsk specific changes"... Yet after the Esseker exile server I play on was updated - they were all over Esseker as well. I remember that they were noted as being configurable, so the server owner could've switched em on just to see what is what... These "Anomalies" are lazy you guys. They don't serve any function (at least on Esseker) and they are annoying - drawing your attention away for no reason. But they are even worse in my view. ArmStalker has created some impressive Anomalies for their Arma 3 mod. As you can see I don't place quotes, these Anomalies are Dangerous - they explode when players get near, with awesome effects, unlike yours which sit there. When I see their Anomalies I see Design and Effort, in yours I see graphical effects slapped onto Exile. The fact that you guys would include this so unfinished - even only for Namalsk - I wonder "why?"... Like vehicles in DayZ Standalone - It isn't complete, it doesn't even work as intended or serve any purpose. It's clutter. After the stunt you guys pulled on youtube, claiming Ownership and Copyright over the content of ArmStalker's Emission video they posted in February, I think you should give them some space. Either do Anomalies RIGHT, along with a QUALITY finished bloodsucker (Where is the Bloodsucker for your precious Namalsk? Could we trust your craftsmanship if you made one?), or better yet... Stay with Exile - your wonderful little creative mish-mash of Epoch and Wasteland - and leave Anomalies, Bloodsuckers, and the rest of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to ArmStalker. ...I am disappointed in you guys after seeing you abuse people the way you did with youtube - you KNEW what you did when you did it, you are Bullies. I'm a YouTuber as well - would you like to claim you own my videos? How about Anyone else's while you are there? Whats stopping malicious people from abusing a broken system?... Beside my point. Your "Anomalies" are lazy. WIP "Okey, of course you would say that." Then switch it to "0" in the files and leave it off the log - it's not ready. They are ugly, useless, and it's a disgrace to those who are working right now to bring FULLY FEATURED Arma 3 Anomalies to Life, in the full spirit of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Along with Bloodsuckers and the rest. Go back to designing rusty vehicles or clutter, Exile is the setting you chose to create. Tanoa will be great for you guys, you can win renown all on your own without pushing other creators around... I'm Finished (spits) Without Ceremony.
  2. Uncle Boom

    New server advice

    You have come to the right place. What you will need is to outline your project and the needs of your server by priority, and use the search function here on the forum to hunt for answers to your questions. It should be treated as rare, that sometimes a person may volunteer to be your tutor, the motto around these sort of environments is usually that you will be helped if you are helping yourself. Ask specific questions in the right places and with any luck - you will be on your way. Here is a post I made that could point you in the right direction to get started. Good Luck!
  3. Uncle Boom

    Making Videos of Editing your server

    Thanks for sharing John. I'm still learning - but I have two missions I am attempting to build myself (with the help and guidance of people here, of course!)... I enjoy making videos, but I have some small issues with getting footage (laptop, so no desktop capture with Shadowplay, only specific windows with OBS)... I might try to do a video if I can plan a design and I see a need for it... The problem I have with text instructions is, as well intended and even as well produced as some ARE, others are not nearly as thought out and carefully communicated. I wonder sometimes how people can be responsible for functional code and scripts when the readme.txt's are so butchered lol... Also, there is a language barrier often times - though even as thick of an accent as someone like ShayGman has - I can SEE what he is doing with MCC enough to learn how to do it myself, where as I'm almost certain with a txt written by him - I would be lost. Awesome Creator, Great Skill, but without a video MCC would be useless for me. Just as an example. We kinda do need some good flicks about things like trader customization, installing popular addons / tools, setting up custom servers with watermarks and the whole shabang... If we give 200 normal server owners the tools to get up to speed quickly - who knows what 10 of them might come up with - ya know?! ... I don't think it would be a waste of effort
  4. Uncle Boom

    Please help

    As far as I know - there is a possibility you could run the game. The performance would be less on some servers than others - as often is the case for many of us. Your frames would be low to start with, however, and the hits to performance from there could be enough for you to decide that you couldn't play on some servers at all. I have had friends who have played with integrated graphics, but I've never done it myself. Nice thing about digital copies is that you can keep them for when you make the necessary upgrades. If you have a desktop - the upgrades you need could be pretty affordable. Good Luck!
  5. Uncle Boom

    [GUIDE]Trader Setup Tutorial

    LOL some of their flexability in those animations was outstanding!
  6. Uncle Boom

    (EASY) Customized Esseker Mission

    Thanks for the feedback. They don't pack .pbos for secrecy... You can sometimes log into a server, load in, disconnect - and use the file you just downloaded on your own server - hence the images and watermarks sometimes... Even those can be removed. It isn't for size either I don't think, the contents are usually .txts and the size of the .pbo is comparable... All I know is that it's the way Arma does it - so we must do it too! Once I found tools that work for unpacking and repacking I kinda just stopped thinking about it.
  7. Uncle Boom

    (EASY) Customized Esseker Mission

    Hi everyone, This morning I was cruising the forums and I found some posts about people wanting Esseker.pbo for their server. Someone mentioned the file I used this last weekend, saying "...it has no traders..." and instantly people just moved on, needing a complete file for their server. Creating a custom mission is pretty easy to do, and wow- it feels great knowing when someone comes to your server - they are gonna see a piece of your work. Your Traders, your props, your locations... I made this post and I thought I would doctor it up and re post it here in case it could help anyone who might be interested in trying the recipe. /// Here it is: I thought I would share what I learned over the weekend. I wanted an Exile Esseker server for my friends in my community. I started with that blank .pbo with no traders. I wanted to learn, and learn I did, now I have my own custom version of Esseker WITH Roaming AI for my friends to play on - more importantly I know a little bit more about how this is done. It wasn't too difficult Here are my links that I found very helpful. All of my links will be for this Exile forum, no other sites. First I started here: (You'll need a tool to unpack/repack .pbos... I think Arma 3 tools on steam can do it for you, I use Pbo Manager to Unpack and Eliteness to Pack... You can get pbo manager from armaholic/BIS forums I believe, and Eliteness at a DevWith6 link, just google it...) Esseker.pbo (amateur version) ... Our friend posts a simple mission. Loot is spawning, but no traders. Off I go: Trader Setup Tutorial Using m3editor, I got a crash when I tried to save. Try it first, place an object and try to export .sqf .... if it crashes look for my post in that thread about ARMA2NET.dlls ... you'll need to locate the .dlls in the @m3editor folder and right click>Properties>unblock>apply for each file... Got the traders looking swagged out, all my own work placing the objects and stuff around them - making them look cool... Now the copy/paste work in the code. No Big Deal! In the video here on How to build custom trader zones we can see exactly how and where he edits the code... he uses a placeholder object for the Trader itself that you remove by following his steps here, just remember - in code its got to be PERFECT, watch the caps and punctuation. After that - he even shows how to add safe zones... That's as far as I have got. (Using A3XAI for the Roaming Baddys, it works flawlessly) Next I am working on a vehicle store, shouldn't be too hard. The vehicle stores use some sort of function to determine a safe place to spawn the vehicle, so assuming you put the trader in the right area, there should be no problems X] Good Luck, Hope this Helps! Remember...It's easy to ask, but you take away from the community if you do it too much. Everyone is asking on some level! You start asking for every question, waiting for a notification, others asking the same questions over and over - needing hand holding - its selfish and burns people out. - Yes there should be more quality info, no forums are not organized for a new reader to get around effortlessly... It's not that way, WE have to all work together on some level to get the information out there!
  8. Uncle Boom

    Esseker pbo

    I thought I would share what I learned over the weekend. I wanted an Exile Esseker server for my friends in my community. I started with that blank .pbo with no traders. I wanted to learn, and learn I did, now I have my own custom version of Esseker WITH Roaming AI for my friends to play on - more importantly I know a little bit more about how this is done. It wasn't too difficult! While I agree with @dobrowney to a very limited extent - it's only those who want people to answer all their questions without any research themselves. They pay money, get a server set up, then they just want to play - they spent the money so they feel entitled - except- missions don't build themselves, but no one pays for forum advice! They spend money, ask for help, get answers like @dobrowney's here - and get pissed. They waste time and money for nothing, they could've researched and learned first - even created a couple prototype .pbos before spending a red cent, but they move too quick and expect a little too much from strangers. Remember...It's easy to ask, but you take away from the community if you do it too much. Everyone is asking on some level! You start asking for every question, waiting for a notification, others asking the same questions over and over - needing hand holding - its selfish and burns people out. - Yes there should be more quality info, no forums are not organized for a new reader to get around effortlessly... rant over. Here are my links that I found very helpful. All of my links will be for this Exile forum, no other sites. First I started here: (You'll need a tool to unpack/repack .pbos... I think Arma 3 tools on steam can do it for you, I use Pbo Manager to Unpack and Eliteness to Pack...) Esseker.pbo (amateur version) ... Our friend posts a simple mission. Loot is spawning, but no traders. Off I go: Trader Setup Tutorial Using m3editor, I got a crash when I tried to save. Try it first, place an object and try to export .sqf .... if it crashes look for my post in that thread about ARMA2NET.dlls ... Got the traders looking swagged out, all my own work placing the objects and stuff around them - making them look cool... Now the copy/paste work in the code. No Big Deal! In the video here on How to build custom trader zones we can see exactly how and where he edits the code... he uses a placeholder object that you remove by following his steps here, just remember - in code its got to be PERFECT, watch the caps and punctuation. After that - he even shows how to add safe zones... That's as far as I have got. (Using A3XAI for the Roaming Baddys, it works flawlessly) Next I am working on a vehicle store, it shouldn't be too hard. Good Luck, I Hope this Helps!
  9. Uncle Boom

    [GUIDE]Trader Setup Tutorial

    Thanks St4RFi, I was wondering about animations - wanting to compare them all and get the right ones for my traders and guards... I'll definitely have to check this out!
  10. Uncle Boom

    question about upcoming DB wipe

    Howdy yall, This is probably a dumb question, but seeing as I can't find any word from an official source - will this wipe effect mission files at all? I'm building my first one, making traders and such - I should be ok to keep working, right? Thanks for the help, having a lot of fun with this!
  11. Uncle Boom

    [GUIDE]Trader Setup Tutorial

    Howdy yall, Big Thanks for the How To, Palm - Maca really is something! I got that crash so I'm here to re post how I fixed it: Hopefully it will help some Lurkers like me! Go in to your @m3editor folder and you should see some ARMA2NET.dll files, 4 of them in total. Right Click, Properties, and Unblock them using the button on the lower part of the window, then apply changes. Do this for All 4 .dll files = No More Crashes (with any Luck) Thank You to those who help share information like Torchgodz - I'm sure he spared me some wrath here. Thanks Exile Team!
  12. Howdy, I think that the idea of being burned by a fire is a little bit too much for a video game, but I truly feel that the Camp Fire in Exile is way too dangerous. This is coming from both a real world and a player pov. As someone who has spent a total of 3 years walking long distances, living out of a backpack, the fact that I broke my legs and died due to my own campfire today is totally unbelievable. Fire itself can eventually cause heat to damage an item or person, sure. The hottest fires are the ones that have been burning for some time, the ones with enough embers built up to concentrate that heat radiation, not a small cooking fire, not right away. Even from a "Realism" standpoint, the radius of the heat from this campfire is way too large, and it punishes the player for something they can't always control with perfection. IRL, I wouldn't somehow forget not to run top speed toward something like a fire I had just made, I would carefully approach it and work with it. Fire seems to be really dangerous in Arma 3 in general, I can say the exact same thing for vehicle wrecks. I think we have all at least experienced the huge area of effect fire damage has around wrecks... but... as I have not been around a crashed helicopter or destroyed tank in my life, I feel inclined to let it slide - as ridiculous as it may seem at times... Flat out, the Campfire damage should be taken out of Exile. It makes a very tedious task even more tedious, and also punishes the player for something that they would be able to control MUCH more if they were themselves actually moving around a real campfire. I realize that this is the internet, and likely someone or a few people will get on this thread and try to argue my position for the sake of arguing it - probably without any regard for the player experience - ONLY for the Valor they sense in belittling and nitpicking any observation made by a stranger. It may also be ignored completely, in either case I am wasting my time. I enjoy playing Arma 3 and I like Exile for what I see as a large improvement to the whole "survival mod" scene in Arma 3, Thanks for the hard work, and please consider the change I have suggested. Thanks.