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About [FS]Jakob

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  1. [FS]Jakob

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    When will we see an update for 0.9.4 ??? @Defent Im so excited about this, but with the old version it doesnt work with 0.9.4
  2. [FS]Jakob

    Server creation failed:2302

    Thx very much for your help, but i fixed the Problem by completely reinstalling the Server. I dont know what went wrong but now everything is working properly. @NedFox
  3. [FS]Jakob

    Server creation failed:2302

    ok thx for your advice. Now its a bit better but not good. with the right paths, the server starts and i can even try to join it, but then it fails at "Reading mission..." in the server console and it restarts every minute. im pretty much a the end of my tryhard career, if you dont have any idea i will stop trying to get this running and play on another server :\ @NedFox
  4. [FS]Jakob

    Server creation failed:2302

    Yeah the passwords i used were only examples ^^ I start my server with a .bat, like explained in the official tutorial. I will post all of my .bat because i think maybe its a Syntax error and not only a problem in the parameters. @echo off color 0a title Exile Monitor :Serverstart echo Launching Server C: cd "C:\Arma3\Server" echo Exile Server Monitor... Active ! start "Arma3" /min /wait arma3server.exe -mod=@exile;Kart,Mark,Heli; -servermod=@exileserver; -config=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoinit ping -n 15 >NUL echo Exile Server Shutdown ... Restarting! ping -n 5 >NUL cls goto Serverstart I rly appreciate your help @NedFox! Edit: Meeen i just noticed that the config path is complete scrap!!!! I have no time to try this out now but... I think this is the one and only Problem. Tooo obvious *triplefacepalm*
  5. [FS]Jakob

    Hotkey for Vehicle locking/unlocking

    @zombiehuntereky my problem was, i didnt realize that u can scroll the "Show:" menu to get to "custom"
  6. [FS]Jakob

    Server creation failed:2302

    hostname = "MeinServer"; password = ""; passwordAdmin = "OnlyForAdmins"; serverCommandPassword = "NoAccess246"; logFile = "server.log"; verifySignatures = 0; BattlEye = 1; requiredBuild = 132676; allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {:}; allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"}; allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"html"}; motdInterval = 5; maxPlayers = 20; voteMissionPlayers = 200; voteThreshold = 200; disableVoN = 0; vonCodecQuality = 10; persistent = 1; kickDuplicate = 1; equalModRequired = 0; timeStampFormat = "short"; onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; doubleIdDetected = ""; onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)"; motd[] = {"Welcome to Arma 3 Exile Mod!", "exile.majormittens.co.uk", "Enjoy your stay!" }; class Missions { class Exile { template = Exile.Altis; difficulty = "ExileRegular"; // ExileRegular or ExileHardcore }; }; I also noticed that the hostname is not shown in server browser, only the Name/ID of my pc thx for your help @NedFox
  7. [FS]Jakob

    Server creation failed:2302

    ok i fixed the problem now by simply removing -autoinit from the start.bat but have to vote for a mission is pretty annoying. Persistent is definetely set to 1!!!!!! When i put autoinit back in, my server will again put out the error "Autoinit is only available for persistent missions!" i have no idea how this can be. i tried now to change the value of persistent but nothing happened. i also removed the "" from the difficulty but nothing changed. Anyone know if they have to be around the difficulty?
  8. [FS]Jakob

    Server creation failed:2302

    ok first thx for giving your time to me ;). I have all these folders, doublechecked it now and i have done this like the tutorial from S. I just overwrote all this folders but nothing of the notification changed. Maybe its a problem with the database? I read this in another topic but there was no solution and im not that experienced with mysql and how to manipulate it ^^ Would be super nice if you have another idea
  9. [FS]Jakob

    Server creation failed:2302

    I tried several ports but that didnt change it. What can this firewall Problem be? I have allowed the Server like in the tutorial. My hostname only consists of letters. The last message i geht is: "Autoinit is only supported for persistent missions." but i changed persistent in the config to 1? THX for your help. I tried to launch a Server via the official serverlauncher and this worked everything fine! (But no exile
  10. [FS]Jakob

    Server creation failed:2302

    Ive set up my Server, but when i Start it i always get the window saying Server creation failed:2302 . anyone know where this is coming from and how i can fix it? Thx
  11. [FS]Jakob

    Hotkey for Vehicle locking/unlocking

    ok thx. i just dont realized i can scroll the controls menu ^^
  12. [FS]Jakob

    Hotkey for Vehicle locking/unlocking

    How do i assign a hotkey (u) to the vehicle locking/unlocking? I just want to know which arma controls option i have to use. I already googled it but didnt found an answer. Thx for your help.