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Everything posted by bombajack

  1. Hello. I have for you simple script for 1st view if is player in Combat Mode. Its good for little bit harder server,not for MY LITTLE PONNY servers. INSTRUCTIONS: 1.create file name viewrestriction.sqf and put it to your mission folder. viewrestriction.sqf file put this code : if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; if ((difficultyOption "thirdPersonView")==1) then { while {true} do { waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP"}; if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; or you can use second version.Second version switch 1st person view if you are in combat and if you drive vehicle: if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; if ((difficultyOption "thirdPersonView")==1) then { while {true} do { waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP"}; if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; sleep 0.1; if (((ExileClientPlayer) == player) && (speed ( player)) >= 4.4) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; sleep 0.1; if (((ExileClientPlayer)isKindOf "LandVehicle") && (speed (ExileClientPlayer)) >= 10) then { (ExileClientPlayer) switchCamera "Internal"; }; sleep 0.1; if (( ExileClientPlayer) isKindOf "Helicopter" && (getPosVisual (ExileClientPlayer) select 2) > 5) then { (vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal"; }; sleep 0.1; if ((ExileClientPlayer) isKindOf "Plane" && (speed (ExileClientPlayer)) >= 60) then { (ExileClientPlayer) switchCamera "Internal"; }; sleep 0.1; if (((ExileClientPlayer)isKindOf "Ship") && (speed (ExileClientPlayer)) >= 20) then { (ExileClientPlayer) switchCamera "Internal"; }; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; the initPlayerLocal.sqf put: [] execVM "viewrestriction.sqf"; Original script 3rdviewRestriction from by Rodeostar42,edited by Bombajack.:) THATS IT! ENJOY!
  2. bombajack

    Persistent Tree Chopping

    Hey. Good Job! Can i ask you how can i change "new tree" days?
  3. bombajack

    SetPos Count Restriction

    Hello..need your help. If someone place tent,fireplace etc.. always have kick by BattlEye: SetPos Count Restriction...i dont use filters and dont use infistar.. Can anyone help what can i do to fix it? Thank you.
  4. Hello. Want you delete RANDOM selection from list of spawn?HERE IS IT! 1. Copy from your client @Exile folder file - ExileClient_gui_selectSpawnLocation_show.sqf (@Exile/addons/exile_client.pbo - unPBO it) ,somewhere in your PC. 2. Edit ExileClient_gui_selectSpawnLocation_show.sqf below 3. Close and save it and create folder in your mission CUSTOM (for example). 4. Copy ExileClient_gui_selectSpawnLocation_show.sqf there. 5. Open your config.cpp in your mission and find class CfgExileCustomCode section. 6. Add this 7.Save it,PBO your mission. DONE.Enjoy.
  5. bombajack

    Database Error: Error Unknown Protocol"

    Check config.cpp in mission...if it's alright All commas.Today i searching 1 this mistake 4 hour
  6. bombajack

    [UPDATED]EXILE 1st person in Combat mode and in vehicle

    No,only change view..
  7. bombajack

    [UPDATED]EXILE 1st person in Combat mode and in vehicle

    Change in server config ExileRegular to ExileHardcore
  8. bombajack

    ETG Fast Travel System

    Hello. Has anyone working this script? @Kellojo
  9. bombajack

    [UPDATED]EXILE 1st person in Combat mode and in vehicle

    @Ambu5h know you how to do change to 1st person if player use gasmask on face?Thank you
  10. bombajack

    Exile Chernobyl Survivors CZ/ENG

    Unique map from Chernobyl Zone.
  11. bombajack

    HELP with Anomaly script

    Hello all. I need help with script for my map. Can someone for me write ANOMALY script like ELECTRIC or GRAVI etc...? 1.version :I want script,when player walking(running) and this anomaly spawned random around him in radius,for example, 50m. 2.version: spawn this anomaly randomly from center position,count of spawn points (can be edited) I try edit EQP Anomaly script,but not dont too much understand Arma 3 code...can read but no write Thank you so much.
  12. Hello all. Can i ask if is possible do STATIC positions for missions? Thanks.
  13. bombajack

    [Release] [scarCODE] automated restart warnings

    For me dont worked too...any idea why?
  14. bombajack

    [RGSB] - Exile Statusbar - Moved to Exile Expansion Mod

    Hello. In install instructions is:Copy core,dialogs,TEXTURES and icons........ i cant find textures folder. And script not worked for me....any idea why?
  15. bombajack

    Color Corrections

    Heh...I thought of it in terms of code editing in Exile original code..:)
  16. bombajack

    Color Corrections

    Thank you.But..where can i find this settings?
  17. bombajack

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    i have same problem..players feedback me - no pay for refueling and rearming
  18. bombajack

    Dynamic Electrical storms

    Have one more question: How can i do more storms positions?And is possible to be randomly selected where will be storm active? Thx
  19. bombajack

    Exilemod Loot Position Creator

    Hello. I have question.How is order xyz in loot position? Example: {-4.77905, -3.42188, -1.50219} = x,y,z? I have trouble with levitating loot on some positions after using this tool..i dont know why... Thank you.
  20. bombajack

    Dynamic Electrical storms

    Have trouble in RPT with this...any idea wheres the problem? EDIT:solved..
  21. bombajack

    Color Corrections

    How can i do darkness correction? Thanks!
  22. bombajack

    Signature check timed out

    Hello. On my new map have problem with signatures check timed out.....always after 1 minute is player kicked by this reason... Any idea why? THX
  23. bombajack

    [UPDATED]EXILE 1st person in Combat mode and in vehicle

    I think its simple.Try this..
  24. bombajack

    Death loop

    Hello guys..try this. create a new sqf file in your mission folder named death_timer_bug_temp_fix.sqf and in it write this player allowdamage false; sleep 20; player allowdamage true; At the top of the initplayerlocal.sqf file, add this [] execVM "death_timer_bug_temp_fix.sqf"; original post by jabeds
  25. bombajack

    Cant buy cars

    Ah..thank you for answer..but they lost money and vehicle too... Ok i will give back money in DB... Thanks!