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Everything posted by Renegade2k6

  1. Renegade2k6

    [Release]Custom Screen on Load

    You may need to increase your parachute height if using Parachute Spawns Else new players may go splat before the screen fades out. Basically displays a custom screen just as the player loads in. Useful to display rules, important information etc...... 1.Copy the custom folder to your mission file. 2.Add too RscTitles or insert into your exsisting RscTitles in description.ext #include "custom\loadingscreen.hpp" Example. class RscTitles { #include "custom\loadingscreen.hpp" }; 3.In your init.sqf add or incorporate into any exisiting code. ("CustomLoadingScreen" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["loadingscreen","BLACK FADED"]; Example. if (hasInterface && !isServer) then { ("CustomLoadingScreen" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["loadingscreen","BLACK FADED"]; }; 4.Edit the following in loadingscreen.hpp to suit yourself. duration = 8; fadein = 2; fadeout = 2; Bearing in mind if you are using parachute spawn, new players need enough time to open their parachute. Solutions are - Use Static Spawns, Increase parachuteDropHeight in your config.cpp situated in exile_server_config.pbo 5.Replace loading.jpg with your own. Size I used 1920 x 1200 Download
  2. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    Added Community skins from All Things Arma 3 Gallery can be found here
  3. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    This is a Work In Progress and is subject to change at any time. This started out as a small project for the community I have been helping, and has just progressed from there. Now I know there are more efficient ways of skinning vehicles, but choose to do it this way. (No bashing me please) My 1st ever addon so will accept some constructive criticism to a certain degree. Classnames are included. Although I wont be doing trader files etc...... Few Examples
  4. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    Improved the Strider Skins Gallery can be found here
  5. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    Added to A3 Launcher
    1. Bruiser


      ya I see that.. they are free to use ?

      also, would you be willing to do others? 

      like tanks and stuff? armed helis?

      Would donate for your time.. give me a figure.. on $ amount. see if its in my budget :)

    2. Renegade2k6


      If I can get the templates for the vehicles you want Im pretty sure I can and will do others.

      Depending if you are using my mod or sneakycustoms script, I can make you some exclusive skins if you want to send me any logo's etc....


  6. Renegade2k6


    The only other thing you can do is use Nitrado support system and Ill see if I can pick the ticket up from the system.
  7. Renegade2k6


    and no them instructions are outdated. It is done automatically now via switch game.
  8. Renegade2k6


    Whats your username on Nitrado, Ill take a look. PM me it please. My credentials in case your unsure.
  9. Renegade2k6


    What issues are you having? Maybe I can help.
  10. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    Most likely will be adding Humming Bird skins next. Then will build on what I have already done.
  11. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    Started to add Hatchback skins class Duke_Hatchback_Pokemon class R2K6_Exile_Hatchback_Weed class R2K6_Exile_Urban_Camo class R2K6_Exile_Hatchback_Blue_Pattern class R2K6_Exile_Hatchback_Winter_Camo
  12. Renegade2k6

    Exile PHP Admin Tools/Portal - Change to suit your servers. - You have to change add/remove servers, and set default at the bottom Example for 2 servers condb.php <?php error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE ); ob_start(); session_start(); switch ($_SESSION['dbase']) { case "CHERNARUS": function connectdb(){ define('DB_DRV', 'mysql'); define('DB_SRV', ''); define('DB_USR', 'Exile'); define('DB_PSW', ''); define('DB_DB', 'exile_chernarus'); $dbopt = array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => FALSE, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8', ); $connectdb = new PDO(DB_DRV.':host='.DB_SRV.';dbname='.DB_DB, DB_USR, DB_PSW, $dbopt); return $connectdb; } break; case "TANOA": function connectdb(){ define('DB_DRV', 'mysql'); define('DB_SRV', ''); define('DB_USR', 'Exile'); define('DB_PSW', ''); define('DB_DB', 'exile_tanoa'); $dbopt = array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => FALSE, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8', ); $connectdb = new PDO(DB_DRV.':host='.DB_SRV.';dbname='.DB_DB, DB_USR, DB_PSW, $dbopt); return $connectdb; } break; default: function connectdb(){ define('DB_DRV', 'mysql'); define('DB_SRV', ''); define('DB_USR', 'Exile'); define('DB_PSW', ''); define('DB_DB', 'exile_tanoa'); $dbopt = array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => FALSE, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8', ); $connectdb = new PDO(DB_DRV.':host='.DB_SRV.';dbname='.DB_DB, DB_USR, DB_PSW, $dbopt); return $connectdb; } break; } ?> navbar.php <?php //MUST BE ON EVERY PAGE, I PUT IT HERE ASSUMING THAT YOU WILL HAVE THE MENU ON EVERY PAGE //MUST BE WITH THE DATABASE FORM AS WELL if(!isset($_SESSION['dbase'])){ //DATABASE1 SHOULD BE THE DEFAULT DATABASE WITH THE WEB ACCOUNT INFORMATION $_SESSION['dbase'] = "CHERNARUS"; //default databse to load } if(isset($_GET['changedb'])){ $_SESSION['dbase'] = $_GET['changedb']; header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); } ?> <nav class="navbar navbar-default"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="navbar-header"> <a class="navbar-brand"> <img style="max-width:100px; margin-top: -7px;" src="./images/atd.png"> </a> </div> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li><a href="index.php">HOME</a></li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">TOOLS<span class="caret"></span></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><a href="accounts.php">ACCOUNTS</a></li> <li><a href="clans.php">CLANS</a></li> <li><a href="poptabs.php">POPTABS</a></li> <div class="divider"></div> <li><a href="territories.php">TERRITORY LIST</a></li> <li><a href="deletedbases.php">TERRITORIES DELETED</a></li> <li><a href="stolenbases.php">TERRITORIES STOLEN</a></li> <div class="divider"></div> <li><a href="dupers_trader.php">DUPERS CHECK (TRADER)</a></li> <li><a href="dupers_waste.php">DUPERS CHECK (WASTE)</a></li> <div class="divider"></div> <li><a href="logs.php">SERVER LOGS</a></li> <!-- <li><a href="rcon.php">VIEW & REMOVE BANS</a></li> --> </ul> </li> </ul> <form action="playerinfo.php" method="post" class="navbar-form navbar-left"> <div class="form-group"> <input name="pid" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Player ID..." required> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">SEARCH</button> </form> <!--FORM WITH THE DATABASE CHANGE, ADD IT TO MENUWITHSEARCH AS WELL--> <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right" style="margin-top:8px;"> <form> <select name="changedb" class="form-control" onchange="this.form.submit()"> <option value="" selected="selected" disabled>ACTIVE: <?php echo $_SESSION['dbase'] ?></option> <option value="CHERNARUS">CHERNARUS</option> <option value="TANOA">TANOA</option> </select> </form> </ul> <!--END OF NEW CODE--> </div> </div> </nav> <script type="text/javascript"> function setValue() { document.getElementById('changedb').value = "new value here"; } </script> Can't remember off the top of my head if I changed anything else =(
  13. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    New vehicles Thnxs to @theduke //DUKE class Duke_Exile_Offroad_Jurrasic_Park_Armed class Duke_Exile_Offroad_Jurrasic_Park class Duke_Exile_Offroad_Toyota_Armed class Duke_Exile_Offroad_Toyota class Duke_STRIDER_TMNT class Duke_Suv_Subaru class Duke_Suv_Falken class Duke_Suv_redbull
  14. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    Sure upload me the skin template, pm me the link, what you want it to be called and who to credit for it. @theduke
  15. Renegade2k6

    SNOW TIME - v 0.9.8 -[updated 31-08-2017]

    Remove or // out []execVM "Snow\retextCar.sqf"; from the fn_init.sqf then Remove or // out _retextureOn = true ; in fn_settings.sqf
  16. Renegade2k6

    GR8 Kill Messages

    I saw his site yesterday, he is selling everyone's work =(
  17. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

    Don't use Discord, shoot me a message over Facebook.
  18. Renegade2k6

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    Seriously, have a look at when it was last updated, then have a look at when the mod you are trying to set up was last updated. It ain't rocket science but most of this is outdated now and WILL cause you issues with your traders.
  19. Renegade2k6

    R2k6 Retexture Pack [WIP]

  20. Renegade2k6

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Easiest way is to clone the @exile folder rename it to @exileeditor, stick the plugin in it. Then load it along with the mods you want to add content from.
  21. Renegade2k6

    Issue with CUP_Terrains v1.3.0

    Had the same issue, just removed the line from the mission.sqm, server started fine.
  22. Renegade2k6

    Issue with CUP_Terrains v1.3.0

    Remove cup_cwa_misc from your mission.sqm m8
  23. Renegade2k6

    Exile PHP Admin Tools/Portal

    Works like a charm, clearly states that the script requires a little bit of knowledge, there are a few files YOU need to change to make it work for you. It will not work out of the box as it is configured for the op's servers.
  24. Renegade2k6

    Best way to remove traders from mission.sqm

    If you comment them out or remove them from the mission.sqm you HAVE to change the amount of classes you have.