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Everything posted by On4fox

  1. On4fox

    Car wheel salvage

    Heyho, I got a small script that lets you salvage wheels from cars. Its very small. https://github.com/Onefox/SalvageWheels Its running perfect with the repair script from John. Cheers,
  2. On4fox

    No water spawn yet?

    There are no vehicles on the water yet? there is the water stuff in the config.cpp but its not used in the spawnVehicles sqf Does someone has a working version to spawn boats ? cheers,
  3. Vanilla server(0.9.20) no modifications at all, Altis map. We got 2 strange things in the logs: The first one: 19:39:22 | CreateVehicle Log: #14 XXX (YYY) - #0 "Exile_Unit_Player" 18:77 [14335,16726,15] 19:39:22 | Player #14 XXX (YYY) has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #0 And here is the second: 19:26:41 | SetPos Log: #27 RRR(EEE) - #1 2:25049 Exile_Unit_Player [8458,18215,179] 19:26:41 | Player #27 RRR(EEE) has been kicked by BattlEye: SetPos Restriction #1 19:27:21 | SetPos Log: #7 UUU (TTT) - #1 2:25206 Exile_Unit_Player [17475,13070,15] 19:27:21 | Player #7 UUU (TTT) has been kicked by BattlEye: SetPos Restriction #1 The player just respawned after he died, and got kicked Anyone any idea of the problem ?
  4. On4fox

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR Kicking Headless Client v0033

    Ah okey np, http://pastebin.com/XJKKPxch
  5. On4fox

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR Kicking Headless Client v0033

    same problem here, updated infiSTAR to v33 HC is getting kicked. Under ubuntu 14.04. Nothing in the rpt logs: http://pastebin.com/q45fM7Nx
  6. On4fox


    And all the mods are gone from the a3 launcher and battlemetrics right?
  7. On4fox


    @TMHackSaW is your sever still in the a3 launcher from maca?
  8. On4fox


    My server is also up and running clean.
  9. On4fox

    EXILE Anpassen bzw. Ändern?

    Das ist nicht richtig, du musst nix an dem exile client code ändern, die Craft Rezepte liegen in der Mission und neue Gegenstände kannst du einfach mit einem zusätzlichen mod hinzufügen wie es auch Donkey Punch gemacht hat. Was meinst du müsstest du am Exile client code ändern damit das geht? Du kannst einfach die "Exile" stock rezepte aus der Mission raus nehmen und deine Überarbeiteten aus deinem Mod rein packen.
  10. On4fox

    EXILE Anpassen bzw. Ändern?

    Du kannst einfach einen eigenen Mod machen, du musst dann die Exile mod files nicht mal anpassen, Zusammensetztung kannst du in der Mission config einstellen. Alternative hast du z.B. hier schon einen kleinen Mod der viele neue Building parts beinhaltet. http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/8889-donkeypunched-addon-for-exile-v06-abounding-new-key-bug-fixes-cleaner-download-and-install/?page=18#comment-66177
  11. On4fox

    Server whithout trader

    Yes thats the tricky part balance the server and wait for people to join, we are now getting around 5-10 people at the 8pm time, but it took some weeks to get there, at least its still increasing. But so many are leaving again when they notice that we don't have a trader
  12. On4fox

    WTF is all this in my .RPT #Solved

    Its there for all of us, http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24954 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24573
  13. On4fox

    Car wheel salvage

    The fist Post is working fine for me did you tried it?
  14. On4fox

    Server whithout trader

    Thanks, yes thats the problem atm, but there are more and more people joining. Also since there are no or less children on the server you can actually talk with other players^^
  15. You accepted the terms and use with the creation of your account. As long as they don't use cookies when you are logout it should be fine or?
  16. On4fox

    Car wheel salvage

    But thats the thing, the error messages: You need a toolbox and You need a wrench Should both be displayed. Why? Because its a shitty user experience if you just throw the errors one by one. If you go to a car try to (in this case) salvage some wheels you get told you need a toolbox, than you go back to your base and get one, than you discover that you also need a Wrench. Thats the kind of thing i want to reduces.
  17. On4fox

    Car wheel salvage

    Thanks @infiSTAR, when i call the addNotification function without a sleep they are overlap each other and you cant read it so i also need a sleep there right? Its looking so ugly with that amount of duplicated code. But i guess its just arma...
  18. On4fox

    New update bugs - Devs please read

    Sorry you have to overwrite the whole file, its described over here: http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/9136-0941-emergency-fixes/
  19. On4fox

    [PROJECT] Chernarus Overhaul [Closed]

    Its running great on our cherna server: http://pixelkiller.de/pixelkiller-chernarus-zombie-server.html Thanks again, the fps drop is not the big of a deal and not really there. We are looking forward for more
  20. np, there are plenty of useful configs that you can modify, moste of them are either in the mission config.cpp or in the exie_server_conf / config.cpp
  21. Take a look in the exile_server_conf pbo. There is the config.cpp look there. You should read that anyway if you are the admin....
  22. Your server admin can just set the time to 999 days.
  23. On4fox

    [PROJECT] Chernarus Overhaul [Closed]

    That looks really nice you got my PM.
  24. On4fox

    Is Infistar Anti Hack Included With Exile?

    Its a great tool an chris is spending a great deal of time to update and maintain it. If you just need an admin tool without the anti cheat things, look around there are some free tools here.
  25. On4fox

    Is Infistar Anti Hack Included With Exile?

    No you can buy it here https://infistar.de/ for 29.99€