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Everything posted by tom4

  1. tom4

    Stamina bar wont let me get ingame

    cant really help, I have been getting that since 1.54 update, I click OK and then ok again and pick a server and play You have all the other mods, weapon packs etc for the server you are trying to join?
  2. So you want to spawn in a safe location, have your body's location marked, and know where to find other players when you want to engage in combat with a selection of weapons? None of that seems very adventurous.
  3. tom4

    Camping Lantern

    Well, thing about that is: Amazing Where I live happens to have both power sources, Maybe I'm just lucky. I haven't happened across a battery in my travels where as fuel seems overly abundant. Do not see any reason to change the model, look at the Dummy place holders for flood lights and generators.
  4. tom4

    Rope and its use ingame

    Soo sad no one said jumping.....
  5. LOL if you don't know where your groups places are then maybe you should go door to door asking. Sounds good in principle- I have a feeling it could go bad quickly, if you don't believe me watch side chat
  6. Dead is dead I don't care how long your buddy puts his mouth on yours pretending to try and revive you The whole spawn beacon idea seems a little ridiculous, I know its a big map, but has many spawn locations Don't think that because you have been on a server longer or play with a group you should be expected to spawn any differently the Bambi that just started playing. Like the fuel has a price Idea, Afraid it will have every pathetic excuse for a player camping the fuel station because that's all they really can do. If you cant look at the map and figure out where you died then maybe you don't need to find your body.( know its in the next update) More storage or better storage is needed, Do not think it needs to be shelves, gun racks etc. A larger more expensive safe would fill the gap Vehicle Storage Charges For Safe Zones - Better Idea No vehicles in safe zones after all its PVP Can't be P-ing another P in a safe zone. Want to make fuelling more risky why not make parking more risky too? Its hard to camp a spot you don't know and isn't on the map. Servers can already remove Thermals if they are not wanted Second Primary weapon? would you be willing to give up a back pack for it? I would think that would be a fair swap. If not get a good DMR or battle riffle with a range you can live with. Not a lot of folks on the battle field toting around 6 primary weapons. Some good Ideas, Some that make me cringe
  7. tom4

    Hire Henchman

    100 players, 5 AI Hench dudes each would take a toll on a servers FPS
  8. tom4

    Roaming Trader and other ideas

    John your ideas are good enough for me to steal
  9. tom4

    Persistent cars are rented from the mob

    Maybe a No rental below some ridiculously low level of respect.(maybe a negative number) 75% of the cost of a new car on a non returned vehicle lower respect and maybe the future hold a bounty on his head.
  10. tom4

    We need a launcher

    Certainly Need some way to weaponized all of the canned food I have and shooting it at people could be just the edge I need. Would love a fix for the clearing recent server list or maybe a favorites list. Other then that I've never had a issue with the Vanilla Arma launcher
  11. tom4

    Solving the dreaded duping scourge?

    LOL am I they only one that doesn't know how to dupe, I duped a box of matches a couple of updates ago and then couldn't figure out how I did it. Would like to see it go away, but sadly there a those that seem to think that is how you play the game PLEASE Mr Server Owner I worked hard for My wonderful Exile FPS don't take it from me.
  12. tom4

    Request - Exile_Item_Meat

    Be very, very quite...... I'm hunting rabbits with my Lynx ...
  13. tom4

    Seats shown in Trader

    AM/FM with or with out blue-tooth would help me out too. Nothing like being way up north and not be able to find a good radio station and not being able to connect to your XM8 playlist. You can load All the vehicles up in the editor and see how many seats they have
  14. tom4

    XM8 Setup

    I'm still waiting for the Xm8 porn....hint hint Devs, who cares if BI went crazy with the stamina
  15. tom4

    20+ good Idea's

    I believe in getting gear the ole fashion way, killing for it, Thus haven't felt the need to burgle anyone. Are the fortification upgrades (or multiple fortified walls)not a solution? Safe rooms for safes etc... The Air lock entrance I would think is the standard these days. I would have to agree with FluffyBunnyFee Make it not worth the cost demolishing several walls to stealing you gear. Don't make it impossible just make it economically undesirable. Don't really care where anyone chops down trees. I'm eating cat food and not really worrying about carpet Would like to see a floor port with a door or the ability to use a wall w/door as a floor port. Stack some half walls next to the stairs slanted with the stairs- not pretty but its safer Bambi Status is here to stay I hope, no point in shooting some one in there orange jumper anyway Just stick stuff in crates- they are indestructible so far My doors can be locked in the open position and then closed- not sure if its by design or flaw I like it LOL the traders outfit.. there are Barbie games on steam that have many fashion choices CCTV- hover a UAV at 500m I'm surprised there was no heart shaped bed request
  16. tom4

    Camping Lantern

    LOL it would be a nice light source Vs flood lights and Generator (up coming generator sound) fuel could be a power source instead of batteries. 1-lightbulb 1- metal pole/ metal board/junk metal or a combination of those 1- 20L fuel Can(full) = Lantern
  17. tom4

    Exile mod is too easy.

    Have a level 10 base and more vehicles then I want (had a heli but it made to much noise) and never had to kill anyone for there junk. I very rarely even think of looting a body any more unless I want to drop a mine near by. Kill to kill if you need some other motivation maybe tycoon(whatever that sim was called) or monopoly might be worth a go. PS I'm a single player
  18. tom4

    Exile mod is too easy.

    ATM - remember the trader camping problems. This would just create a bunch of lazy and unskilled players camping 3rd person around ATMs. If you limit the amount that you can bank that negates the motivation to have more than X amount. PVP not Bonnie and Clyde, Not sure why you would play a PVP game for reasons other then PvPing. If you want to rob a bank I am sure you could do that in Altis life or whatever its called.
  19. tom4

    Stairs / Porthole

    PVB- died twice to stairs, once to glitching through a wall at the bottom of the stairs, I have spent more time moving stairs then the rest of the building of a level 9 Base. You have to jack with the stair placement to get it just right, not sure about falling through a upgraded wall works but I have only done it once. Maybe make the length of the stairs adjustable so you can stretch or shrink them to fit and you would be able to use them on half walls too.
  20. you stop someone from glitching inside and get banned.... sound like a server owner problem.
  21. PS be careful I thought the crazy construction had been fixed until I constructed a wall (had not placed it was still green)and it touched my car an BOOM! No car and a spiffy orange suit.
  22. tom4

    Respawn base

    Would be a great Idea as long as you cant place a spawn beacon within 10km of a person place or thing. This has got to be one of the worst ideas ever. "I don't want to go out side and die" If you want to spawn in a safe location so you can gear up without the threat of being shot in the butt maybe minecraft is more your forte
  23. If you spawn with a weapon the Admin needs to remove the bambi status. Im surprised exile doesn't automatically do it. If you see one online you might let them know.
  24. tom4


    What about a Table Saw, Miter Saw, Panel cutter, Router, Sanders, Air compressor, air hoses, nail guns. If it was too hard to make a base how many would complain about that?