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Everything posted by Jayam

  1. In your config, you've got chatCommands[], one of them being : "{"!admin","please visit whatEverTheHellYouWantHere"}", So I take it it's not figuring you for an admin, have you added yourself in the adminUIDAndAccess[] section?, And also make sure the formatting is correct, UID should be between quotes, should NOT be a comma after the last UID in the curly bracket wrapper
  2. Jayam

    [SOLVED] Base Deleter

    If it's the infistar one, don't you have an option in the menu along the other options, to remove the helpers?
  3. Jayam

    Kicked when i drive RHS vehicles

    I take it it's a battleye kick, you'll need to figure out the filter, can help if you post the kick message
  4. Jayam

    MAS vs CUP

    Don't need CBA to run CUP, can just use ASDG_JR(tiny mod), I don't have much complaints about cup weapons, but IMO the vehicles while they do look like the a2 version(literally uses the exact same outdated texture), do have some config differences, like glass on armored vehicles being penetrable by pistols, some odd storage and speed values, like the c130/osprey have little to no cargo, but you can store physical vehicles in the back of a c130, so that's a plus I guess. With CUP I think you need CUP units to run weapons, also if you use CUP Weapons, remove the M24 camo, it's literal cancer I haven't tried MAS in a while, last time I tried it it was alright, just the physics and storage was way off, but this has since been fixed. So I can't comment on this one much
  5. Jayam

    [SOLVED] SQF Function Wiki?

    Would be great to have this, while there would be the few odd entries, overall I think this would be a great addition, especially for people who are less familiar with the system
  6. Jayam

    Players Exiting Game with BattlEye Error #37

    A bit confused about why you have "\n" already in there, guessing you've added them yourself? if that's the case add this at the end of line 39 of your scripts.txt !="wnerID = owner _logic;\n[_logic] joinsilent _group;\nif (count units _groupOld == 0) then {deletegroup _groupOld;};\n};\n\n\n_logic se"
  7. Jayam

    Something wrong with Esseker textures

    all in arma doesn't have textures for inland water I believe, while CUP have some
  8. Jayam

    Something wrong with Esseker textures

    Ah my bad thought it was using CUP terrains / All in arma
  9. Jayam

    Something wrong with Esseker textures

    It's the cup water
  10. Jayam

    Optional Block Base Building

    You want to make it so that you can't build within a certain area is what I understand?
  11. If you zip-tie a player who has his bi-pod deployed, whether it's crouched or prone, it will take the zip-tie, say that you've zip tied him, give you the option to free, or search gear, but it will not actually tie down the player, he's free to run around and shoot you, if you chose the free option, it will then give you back the respect and tie the player down. tldr; Can't zip-tie a player who has his bipod engaged
  12. Jayam

    Two suggestions

    One, add a field to abstract recipes that you may execute a script with when the recipe is crafted, I have thought of a few things that could be of use, like crafting something dangerous, chance of it blowing or, or failing etc.. And also the ability for groups to pool respect towards a territory, could be a respect field tied to the flag, where players have an option to deposit respect into a flag or something, and when there's enough to meet the requirement you may upgrade the territory
  13. One suggestion would be to put the sale price near the beginning of the log entry, especially for the vehicle recycle trader, that way if you want to skim over and look for odd sales, it's easy to just glance at it, instead of having the look through mismatched string lengths.
  14. Jayam

    Players die when they spawn in

    There's a fix for this in the scripts section, from what the thread said, it has to do with players taking lethal damage when logging in before the player can take control of the playable unit, as in if you logged out standing ontop of something and when you log back on that thing is no longer there so you fall to your death. Here's the fix in question, I haven't tried it personally, but it gives godmode to the playable unit untill a player takes control http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/9407-fix-death-loop-bug/
  15. Can also use forceAddUniform example : player forceAddUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
  16. Jayam

    Loot Compiler woes

    So I'm trying to add mod weapons onto the loot table, I've done it before with success, just this time it won't work for one reason or another, I get this error: Unable to sort because the Icomparer.Compare<> method returns inconsistent results. Either a value does not compare equal to itself, or one value repeadetly compared to another value yields different results. Icomparer: ''.So I've tried limiting my changes to trial and error of sorts, if I remove stuff from civilian upper class, no problem, but if I remove "arifle_Katiba_F", or "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", I get this damn error, now I get the same thing when I put in some certain objects too, and I can't for the life of me figure out the pattern of why it's causing this, anyone know?, I've tried adding a few items at a time, and these are giving me issues in civillian lower class: 70, arifle_mas_mp5_v 90, arifle_mas_m1014 50, arifle_mas_m4 50, arifle_mas_hk416
  17. Jayam

    No loot on Chernarus

    Have you made a new loot table?