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About devil1975

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  1. devil1975

    Guns disappearing from player hands

    mmh ok. puuh very mysterious and annoying. In my memory the gun get lost seconds after a shot and the ammo get completely also lost.
  2. devil1975

    Guns disappearing from player hands

    maybe it have something to do with the infistar dupe check or this new delay thing from infistar (sorry dont know the correct word for it). sorry i m only a normal player, but from my logic i would say infistar think the gun is a duped item and thats why it is delete. Only my thoughts and if i m completely wrong its no problem :-) And sorry for my english :-)
  3. devil1975

    Guns disappearing from player hands

    is there a hotfix for that now? or somebody know at the meantime what the problem is?
  4. devil1975

    [Online] *Armax Exile Napf PvP*

    Nice Mr.Admin- You delete our LEVEL 10 base after 2 weeks. We should break the building rules. As we ask you which rule, you say you dont know it anymore.
  5. @dayzhub sorry i dont know the server owner. Its not ok to copy others work. Found the server random over a3launcher. I delete my post. Sorry for the my mistake. Will open a new thread.
  6. devil1975

    My Exile Videos

    Check out my little videochannel.
  7. I played a couple of hours at the server. And i think is was much work. I like the WW2 settings. :-) But i think you choose the wrong map. Sorry. For me the map looks the same everywhere. Maybe CHernarus would be a better choise. I think then more players are join.
  8. devil1975

    Serversuche Survival

    Ich lass das Thema hier mal wieder aufleben. Irgendjemand ne Empfehlung für nen guten Server, auf dem nicht alles so einfach und OP ist? :-) und der auch gut besucht ist.
  9. devil1975

    Promo- Video for our new server

    I think Quentin Tarantino or Steven Spielberg would call me, for this incredible video. ;-)
  10. devil1975 EXILE

    Join our Brand NEW EXILE Server. We have put all our experience, from playing exile since it cames out, in a new server. Map: Tanoa Some features: - deploy quad - IGILoad to load on mission crates - DMS, no pussy missions :-) - A3XI - 5 roaming vehicle patrols, to get the full first gear - 2 contaminated zones with high military loot - ZCP Capture Points if minimum 5 players are online - hacking safes with laptop - minimum 15 players must be online - active and friendly admins - GER/ENG in sidechat - high FPS
  11. devil1975

    0.9.8 Memory Bug

    Try all this, but nothing works. :-(
  12. devil1975

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    I like the idea of physical poptabs. And the baseraiding is ok yet. 4 Stachel for a woodenwall and 11-12 for a fortified wall. So, i dont understand, why to change this? Better would be, that you implented, that the base can only raided if the owner is online.
  13. devil1975

    Concrete Constructions

    Think it will be more offline baseraids. Please make it not to easy to get in a base. And i think on a high pop server 3 mixers are a little bit less. Maybe you can make that the server owner can place mixers where and how many he want.
  14. devil1975

    Serversuche Survival

    Kurze Info: hab mir jetzt nen Napf Server gesucht. Preise ziemlich hoch(lynx für 25000 pt z.bsp.) sodass man sich viel zusammenlooten muss. Respekt beim Verkauf wurden dort auch halbiert. Der Survivalfaktor komm dann durch die 70 Spieler die dann da drauf sind. Macht auf jeden Fall Laune. Falls es jemand interessiert, einfach im Serverbrowser nach CCD suchen. So und da ich der Threadersteller bin, geht das auch nicht als Schleichwerbung durch.