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About Ephdup

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  1. Ephdup


    If you guys can't reach me on team speak, make sure to leave me a message in steam or on here in the forums. Sometimes I'm extremely busy with other things. Thank you, Ryan Passage
  2. Ephdup


    Hello Warwick, I appreciate your invite to come join you guys on your server, but its a little tacky and distasteful to advertise your server on a post where I'm trying to recruit members to the DSG ranks. I appreciate you contacting me, but there better ways to contact me. Thank you, Ephdup
  3. THE MISSION Have you ever wanted to be part of something? Have you ever wanted to be part of a team? The Dark Sector Gaming community is about a special type player who wants to get the most out of their team experience. We don’t want you to run off and lone wolf that objective, we would rather you jump on that grenade and save you’re brothers!!! We base our community on being structured, not serious. Gaming is all about having fun. The Dark Sector community doesn't stop there though. PC gaming is one of the most underrated gaming mediums. Let's join together and build a great community of like minded individuals. We are currently recruiting players for leadership positions and all else below. If you think you have what it takes to be responsible, to be a leader, to make good moral and ethical decisions, we might just have a spot for you. Above all else we are recruiting mature players. INSIGHT TO DSG DSG was the brain child of two friends. We knew that there was a lot of tactical mil sim communities out there, but they were extremely inaccessible to a lot of people. It always seemed to be a lot of strings attached and rules involved to joining these other communities. We also learned that a lot of them expected an unrealistic amount of time devoted to the community. With having kids and a family I know that I could never join such a thing. This is the beauty of DSG. Its a no strings attached community and only expects as much as people can give. This community is perfect for the weekend warrior type, that is looking for something a little more substantial then just popping into a server with random players. CONTACT AHEAD!!! There currently 3 ways you can contact me for information about our community 1. Teamspeak : IP - dsg.teamspeak3.com 2. DSG community G+ page : https://plus.google....788689526963632 3. Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ephdup Give DSG a thought. Come stop by the community page, steam message, or drop into our team speak. thank you all, Ephdup
  4. Ephdup

    Any one servers having hacker issues

    Arma and most multiplayer games out there are always on the cat and mouse game of hacker vs detector. unfortunately hacking has become a multi-million dollar industry. I luckily have not seen or have been effected by a script kiddy in while. Mostly in my experience in running a wasteland server I always built custom scripts to minimize the damage a scripter could cause instead of trying to catch them completely. It always helps if you have admins who are dedicated admins. Ones who watch and spectate and pay attention to server logs at all times. But here lies a huge problem most admins also play the game, splitting thier duty from being an admin and actually playing. I always find this to be a huge conflict of interest.
  5. Ephdup

    Proper medical system.

    If you type in roadmap in the forums it should pull up the development roadmap for exile and what their working on. Looks to me the next thing they are going to be working on shortly would be the player revive system.
  6. I been playing for about 1 week with 2 other guys and were a good squad. We play it safe and make all the right decisions together. So far we have an entire base, Strider, vault, portable generator, and Orca Helicopter. I'm sitting at 13k and one of my buddies is sitting at 5k. Were not having an isssue hitting AI missions and were making a crap ton of money. There nothing wrong with the admins. Its not really the admins inherent job to balance exile. Give them a break!!
  7. Ephdup

    Loading AI crate's into vehicles!

    From day 1 that is exactly how my friends and I hit Missions. We don't load any crates. We just load all the important items 1 at a time. He got this pretty much down to a science. All it takes is prioritization and the ability to have eyes on the back of you're head. I would like to be able to load crates into vehicle, but its not anything I think is completely needed.
  8. Ephdup

    Base raiding

    Personally that sounds maybe one step up on the boring level! Instead of no base raiding lets, make it a waiting game or something completely mundane. I just say do the base raiding thing "Right!!!". Make the base raiding balanced and challenging. In Rust for example on a vanilla server you might spend a week of preparation before you actually have the supplies to attack a base. I'm on the fence about base raiding to begin with. A base with nobody in it is just another building with supplies in it. Just like Rust people wait for the person to be off line and then attack. Whats the fun in raiding somebodies base when their not home. if Bounty system is implemented correctly it could add a lot to exile. Personally this is how I would do it.
  9. Ephdup

    Base raiding

    My opinion on base raiding right now just doesn't work with the meta of Exile. I think if raiding is going to be balanced and accessible it has to be more mirrored on game play more like Rust. In rust every item you acquire is an item you had either found or crafted with blueprints. There is 2 options in my opinion about making base raiding accessible in exile. You either make C4 4x times the prices it is now, or you make it an extremely difficult crafting recipe. Then you make the C4 recipe of very rare items you find out and about, or at missions. People are 100 percent right there is no reason to attack somebodies base, unless you have beef with them or you are just a troll. As of right now every item is purchasable in the trade zone.
  10. Ephdup

    Bounty mark Ideas

    Personally I think this type of device would need to be extremely expensive, and hopefully it wouldn't be to accurate. Items like these would end up being way to over powered. Hopefully tracking down you're bounty would need some sort of detective work, instead of some device just giving you the location of the mark. For example, you have the ability to see a huge general location of the mark, you watch them for a couple days and stake out some areas for ambush, and sooner or later you narrow down on their hideout!! DOESN'T THIS SOUND COOL OR WHAT!!
  11. Ephdup

    Bounty mark Ideas

    Thanks for responding and keeping this thread going. So far this is all figurative discussion. I think the best way to do it, would give general location around the player. Maybe give it like a 1000 - 2000 square radius around the player. Also you would want to make sure the script is right so that the circle center is not the exact location of the player. Also you could add a lot to the meta game play to the accomplices rap sheet for example. Bounty hunter could pay mafia office boss for information about bounty. For example accomplices and possible base. But this would need to be balanced and expensive to get this information. There is one thing knowing you going after a bounty, but there another thing knowing how many friends he has.
  12. Ephdup

    Bounty mark Ideas

    In majority of all games, the idea of Bounties is always one of the coolest concepts. The majority of it doesn't work for the simple fact it's a game. There is no real world consequences for killing your friends and taking that bounty for yourself. The concept For a bounty system to work there has to be actual game play mechanics built in place to keep players from being morally wrong. John here makes an enemy of Seth, and Seth puts bounty on John of 10,000 Pop Tabs. Seth is a lonely criminal on the Island of Altis and has no other means to take John out. So best case scenario for Seth is to put a bounty out on John. The bad This scenario is something we have always dreamed of in a game. Seth pays 10,000 Pop Tabs and has his enemy dealt with. The only issue with this equation is that John and his friends aren't to morally strait. John has one of his buddy's kill him and he takes the money for himself. The Good I believe I came up with a way to keep this type of scenario from happening. If you think about friendships and how they work their kind of like some sort of moral contract between you and another person. You become friends and there starts to be some sort of understanding of trust between the two. Now that being said there possibly be some sort of code we could come up with the make this happen. I don't have the greatest experience with code, but I do have some understanding of the logic. The Logic I'm not sure if this is even possible, but could there be a database that you guys could create that would remember every person you grouped with or in the future started a clan with. From this point on If John at any point grouped with his friends there would be a database that would cross reference his accomplices. So at any point if John wanted his friends to kill him for the bounty they would get a massive hit to their respect level. Also because john was not killed correctly the bounty would stay active until an unfriendly player takes him out. I definitely think something like this could be possible in a game, but maybe not ARMA 3 scripting language. Of course this would reference the gamers unique identifier instead of his name. (GUID) Other built in logic Lets say for the sake of friendships and your friendship ended with so called person. You could easily buy out the contract of friendship from this person for a simple fee at the office. Also to stop this happening during the bounty period you could make the buyout = to the cost of the bounty itself. This would stop people completely from just relinquishing their friendships just for the sake of getting an easy bounty. Conclusion I think this is a wonderful starting point for a great discussion on meta game play. Please give me feedback and lets keep this discussion going. Lets be the first community that does bounties right!!