Teh Dango

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Everything posted by Teh Dango

  1. Teh Dango


    And fuck your mod and fuck your post screening.
  2. Teh Dango


    I never told anyone they had to do anything at all. I was merely expanding on the topic and providing examples. And if they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts then stop the pity party about how the cost comes out of your pockets.
  3. Teh Dango


    Wow. You all are just like the other devs.
  4. Teh Dango


    Hey, thanks for not deflecting And no it is not ridiculous. Many people host servers in their houses. Also thanks for not being a smart ass, really appreciate that.
  5. Teh Dango


    Lots of good points. Perhaps the anger is unwarranted but the mod really could use some changes and/or improvements in the sections in question. Especially since you all claim you spend so much "money out of pocket" and ask for donations. I'm willing to bet any hardware you all use is in someones house and not a rack space in a business but that is neither here nor there. Even if the issues are with Arma itself there is no reason you all cannot amend issues like the last core patch did for Arma 2 that was created entirely by a player. So maybe spend less time selling T-Shirts and making companions and more time "polishing"?
  6. Teh Dango

    Crashing at Loading Map screen

    I seem to be having this issue now since updating my servers and my client to 1.0.0. Never had this issue before this. Gonna try to roll back to 0.9.8 and see if it is any different. In the meantime... has anyone found the cause to this? I see a simulweather error right before my client crashes each time. 6:57:53 SimulWeather - Cloud Renderer - noise texture file is not specified! 6:58:01 Error in expression <(speed factor[4, 1] * water)> 6:58:01 Error position: <* water)> 6:58:01 Error *: Type Array, expected Number,Not a Number,Expression 6:58:01 Error: Sound volume expression: (speed factor[4, 1] * water) Never fails to be there. It is also on the server logs.
  7. Teh Dango

    1.0.0 "Potato"

    Don't get me wrong, I like this mod but good lord fellas. Updating every week is getting to be a real annoyance. How about larger patches less often? *shrug*
  8. Yeah i agree with that guy up there ^ the thread was a bunch of whiners and not much in the way of beneficial debate . Look though, I cannot stand any "survival" mod that has traders/currency....its NOT survival, it IS WoW with guns plain and simple. I got over it though because the mod is very well constructed and gaining traction. So just accept it or move on
  9. Teh Dango

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    IRL survival you should expect campers, griefers, diuchebags, etc. If this is a survival game then drop currency and traders. That, realisticaly, should end the discussion
  10. Teh Dango

    BE Keeps Kicking after infiSTAR install

    You need the spaces that are in the line breaks. Like this: " isEqualTo 'STRING')then\n {\n _html = _display49 ctrlCreate ['RscHTML', 3307182];\n _html ctrlSetBackgroundColor " Obviously the forum wrap ruins the thing but you get the idea. Put a \n on each home space for each line break and hit backspace once to concat the lines.
  11. Teh Dango

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    Lots of good points made here. I would like to add that I really enjoy hosting and playing survival games. I really like the Arma series and pretty much any mod like dayz and exile for it. I have only one issue with Exile and similar mods such as Epoch. Traders....I mean c'mon guys. It is not much of a survival game if I can fill every pocket and sleeve with stuff, sell it, buy anything you need and repeat but anyways... If you don't want some weirdo camping your door till you open it, don't build one pretty simple I think lol. If you think about it, IRL there would most likely be some strange person with an axe waiting on you. There would be everything that people seem to think ruins the game, it's pretty realistic IMO. And on a completely different note, if you want dems trolls to suffer, put some Sarge AI on your server
  12. Teh Dango

    SOLUTION // Setting MYSQL to strict_mode

    Sharing my experience: It seems that the first method in the OP is not persistent or at least in my setup it is not. If you decide to use method 1 you may have to run this each time. In method 2 I use a wamp server so my mysqld is an executable and not a service. I could not get the second method to take effect even with restarting the entire list of services in wamp. This is all on a brand new install of everything and the only method I could get to work was the first but it took a few times to finally take effect . Hopefully this helps someone using wamp. Now off to learn French lol . EDIT: It may not be persistent due to file permissions as someone mentioned previously. I will give that a go sometime and see if it changes things.
  13. Teh Dango

    Headless Client Setup

    I have been supporting Sarge AI and it is coded to work with a HC with no extra steps other than starting the HC obviously
  14. Teh Dango

    Why the Rating Controls?!

    Yeah but using the override in the previous post I was able to resolve all the AI issues.
  15. I am not entirely sure why you are now setting player rating. I know InfiniStar does it cause he is a control freak but come on now. This basically makes Sarge AI stop working. Could someone please explain the purpose of this?
  16. Teh Dango

    Why the Rating Controls?!

    Meh, i prefer sarge ai but thats all prefernce. You need to edit the infinistar to stop kicking and logging about rating also. See my sarge ai post in addons releases.
  17. I edited the thing and i think it may work better with true false instead of true; false;
  18. Well first i edited a bunch cause I got lost lol. Aside from that you would want to put that in any part of the script that runs on the player, preferably something from the init.sqf file. I use an execution like this: _nul = execVM "folder\file.sqf"; and the file looks like this: waitUntil {sleep 0.5;!isNull (findDisplay 46);}; null = player addAction ["<t color='#00a6eb'>Take Chemlight</t>", Path to script, Parameters to script, -10, true(to popup action when close), true(to hide action on use), "", "if (player distance chemLight < 1) then {true} else {false}"]; Now dont hold me to this as I have not tested it lol but this is the idea to get it working. I use this for my dog companion script, yup, dogs and it works only when they are around otherwise the action is gone. This is just one of many ways and honestly its a bit noob level but it works lol.
  19. Try this: null = player addAction ["<t color='#00a6eb'>Take Chemlight</t>", Path to script, Parameters to script, -10, true(to popup action when close), true(to hide action on use), "", "if (player distance chemLight < 1) then {true;} else {false;}"]; EDIT: You will need to make the chemLight name whatever the classname is for the chem light you are using.
  20. Teh Dango

    Why the Rating Controls?!

    I see they made it possible to override their files, whew. This is what I did: class CfgExileCustomCode { /* You can overwrite every single file of our code without touching it. To do that, add the function name you want to overwrite plus the path to your custom file here. If you wonder how this works, have a look at our bootstrap/fn_preInit.sqf function. Simply add the following scheme here: <Function Name of Exile> = "<New File Name>"; Example: ExileClient_util_fusRoDah = "myaddon\myfunction.sqf"; */ ExileClient_system_rating_balance = "sarge\ratingFix.sqf"; }; I made this file where I needed it and it is empty, this wipes out the rating changes.
  21. Teh Dango

    Why the Rating Controls?!

    Rating is generallly only used when dealing with ai. Its a "behind the curtain" variable for entities such as agents or units. Although ot may be used for other reasons i have never seen it used as a way to hack. To rstrict the use of it is quite meaningless in my experience. Basically it is used to detect hostile and friendly units so ai know how to react in the case of sarge ai. And on another note, the rating restriction effectivley breaks any ai addon that uses rating so its not just an issue for myself but many other developers.
  22. Teh Dango

    DRONE AI - Waypoint Statement RemoteExec Restriction 0

    I updated my beserver file and it now works with no kicks.
  23. Teh Dango

    DRONE AI - Waypoint Statement RemoteExec Restriction 0

    I am having this issue as well. I have tried every variation of BE filter I can come up with but nothing seems to work.