kernowarrior (WILBO)

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Everything posted by kernowarrior (WILBO)

  1. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    Why always weapons and vehicle mods?

    Sounds good sir, it'd be nice to see a fashionista mod in play.....can't wait
  2. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    Backpacks Backpacks everywhere..

    The clepto in me says 'wow....heaven' the ocd in me says 'aaaaaaggggghhhhhhh...This is hell'......what the he'll happened dude, lol
  3. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    Why always weapons and vehicle mods?

    Lol....I see where you're coming from, as a boardie wearing scumer in real life though the option to dress more up market gear. I like the idea of jeans and tee's, would love to see the suit from A2 make a return too though ay
  4. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    Why always weapons and vehicle mods?

    Corky my friend, I too am curious to discover if this is possible without causing to much disruption. I thoroughly enjoy finding a new outfit or straw pork pie hat but after collecting all outfits and accessories I want more!! More then anything I'd love to see the inclusion of stealth gear, as, if I'm not in my casuals, I'd love to be in a full black stealth night ops set up....get all James bond on people's b ' hinds
  5. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    EXILEMOD T-Shirts now shipped

    Nice Tee's!!!! congrats for all winners
  6. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    Someone had to kick off the English side...

    No tea for thanks, but would love a scone or two, maybe some jam and cream.......jam on first la kernow!!
  7. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    M3Editor - 3D Map Editor

    +1 It's a class tool, let's you build some intense addons, plus it teaches you a lot about poly counts and frame dips lol. Love it
  8. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    Stairs not big enough

    And its mind boggling how a company can get amazing bullet physics, really nice driving/flying mechanics, beautiful terrain and maps but can't make stairs or ladders safe, or at least safer dodging bullets, cars and landmines only to be killed going upstairs in a shop lmao
  9. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    Stairs not big enough

    Get the same problem when I 'snap' stairs to floor port, a foot or so gap......fixed issue by maning up and using the 'free' build option, now I'm climbing stairs safely and death free
  10. kernowarrior (WILBO)

    Rope and its use ingame

    That sir, is an excellent idea. Public humiliation of cheaters and scumbags I really like the Idea of being able to tow using the rope too