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  1. Tuna

    Underwater Crate Script

    Read that section
  2. Tuna

    Underwater Crate Script

    Did you add the boats or crate type to your R3F script ?
  3. I have this same problem. The attachment filter does not seem to work with cup wep. Anyone know of a fix for this ?
  4. Tuna

    ETG Fast Travel System

    This is the script i am getting from your armaholic link : fn_crashdrop.Altis
  5. Tuna

    A3_DMS new Mission

    Would i be correct in saying that the Objects need to be in arma 3 editor format? and the rest can be done with M3editor? i am trying to get this format ["Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F",[6465.52,12381.6,-1.15483],272.727,[[-0.998867,0.0475818,0],[0,0,1]],false], But this is what i get from M3 Editor ["Land_HBarrier_Big_F",[3587.02,7634.33,0],356.143,0,0,false],
  6. Tuna

    Underwater Crate Script

    Sounds strange only way i have had that issue is a little bit of fog. Not sure what other settings you can play with to fix it. Thanks @hogansheroes
  7. Tuna

    Underwater Crate Script

    It will because of ingame fog. When it gets foggy in the server it goes under water..... i know weird. When its really deep you will need NV.
  8. Tuna

    Trade zone buildings duplicating.

    I am running very similar mods and i also have shit floating up in the air, only trader objects like crates ect.
  9. Tuna

    config.cpp error

    Lol fucking commas man
  10. Tuna

    config.cpp error

    send the section u were editing
  11. Tuna

    config.cpp error

    Look at the end of each section there cannot be a , at the end example "blahblah", "blahblah", "blahblah" <------------ no comma look through what u were editing and find the extra comma or missing one
  12. Tuna

    HPV Vehicle Error

    Genital HPV Infection or do you mean Hollows Vehicle Pack?
  13. Tuna

    Sheeps Blackjack V2

    All good buddy, this forum is a great place to get support. Not everyone will be friendly but some are!