Akumu ikari

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About Akumu ikari

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  1. Do apologise of the long delay. I have been on vacation for the last week. Using the CUP Terrains Core/Maps, RHS-AFRF & RHS-USAF. Pretty much thats it. Not sure too that since am using the 3DEN Exile Plugin thats been released, that i have made a mistake in copying the way points over or something. I can provide if needs be. Am referring to this issue.
  2. Still no actual answer to fix this? Am having this issue too as well.
  3. Akumu ikari

    Restriction #0 repeats after being added to scripts.txt

    Seems like i fixed the above. Now these 2 seems to replicate. #0 "rEach _lineIntersectsObjs; }; player removeAllEventHandlers 'GetOutMan'; player addEventHandler ['GetOutMan', _GetOu" #0 "d"; disableSerialization; ; if (isNil "BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler") then { _pfhIdd = uiNamespace getVariable "CBA_PFHIDD"; " Tried to add them to the filters. As follows: !="rEach _lineIntersectsObjs;\n \n };\n \n\nplayer removeAllEventHandlers 'GetOutMan';\nplayer addEventHandler ['GetOutMan', _GetOu" !="d\";\ndisableSerialization;\n;\n\nif (isNil \"BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler\") then {\n_pfhIdd = uiNamespace getVariable \"CBA_PFHIDD\";\n" Is there a fix for this?
  4. Hello, Added the following line in my scripts.txt #0 "KindOf _classFilter}) then { if (configProperties [_x >> "EventHandlers" >> "CBA_Extended_EventHandlers"] isEqualTo []) then { " !="KindOf _classFilter}) then {\nif (configProperties [_x >> \"EventHandlers\" >> \"CBA_Extended_EventHandlers\"] isEqualTo []) then {\n\n" This is entered into line 2 which is for the #0 restriction line. Once checking logs after going onto my server its still producing the error. Even though i have placed this allready. Begining to wonder if it needs placing in multiple times for it to work or theres something that might fix the line. I do think that its a broken line thats not functioning correctly. Similar to this one. #0 "["\x\cba\addons\events\fnc_addClientToServerEventhandler.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"CBA","Events","addClientToServerEventh" !="[\"\x\cba\addons\events\fnc_addClientToServerEventhandler.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"CBA\",\"Events\",\"addClientToServerEventh" Others similar to this end with: #0 "["\x\cba\addons\xeh\fnc_compileEventHandlers.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"CBA","XEH","compileEventHandlers"]" !="[\"\x\cba\addons\xeh\fnc_compileEventHandlers.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"CBA\",\"XEH\",\"compileEventHandlers\"]" Is the line broken and needs finishing up so it would read correctly or am i just over thinking this and its perfectly normal? I can product my scripts.txt if on request to check if i have done something wrong. Thanks.
  5. Akumu ikari

    Battleye Filter Tool

    The site is down again? Or am I just having issues?
  6. Akumu ikari

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Also getting this in the rpt: 22:09:08 "DMS_DEBUG :: SelectMission :: No available missions! Running missions: [] |::|::| (DMS_Version: "February 19 2016" | time: 65.77 | diag_tickTime: 148.165 | 47.619 FPS)" 22:10:08 "DMS_DEBUG :: SelectMission :: No available missions! Running missions: [] |::|::| (DMS_Version: "February 19 2016" | time: 125.78 | diag_tickTime: 208.174 | 47.4777 FPS)" 22:11:08 "DMS_DEBUG :: SelectMission :: No available missions! Running missions: [] |::|::| (DMS_Version: "February 19 2016" | time: 185.784 | diag_tickTime: 268.178 | 47.4777 FPS)" Anything am doing wrong?
  7. Akumu ikari

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    How come chernarus wasn't added? I know we have to make one up but is there an issue with chernarus? Also am having issues with working it with chernarus which i could do with some help. /* Custom configs for Bornholm. Sample by eraser1 All of these configs exist in the main config. The configs below will simply override any config from the main config (although the majority of them are the same). Explanations to all of these configs also exist in the main config. */ DMS_findSafePosBlacklist = [ //Insert position blacklists here. ]; // These configs are the default values from the main config. Just included here as an example. DMS_PlayerNearBlacklist = 1500; DMS_SpawnZoneNearBlacklist = 1500; DMS_TraderZoneNearBlacklist = 1000; DMS_MissionNearBlacklist = 1500; DMS_WaterNearBlacklist = 500; // Bornholm seems to be fine with a greater minimum surfaceNormal. DMS_MinSurfaceNormal = 0.95; // Making these configs below as strict as possible will help in reducing the number of attempts taken to find a valid position, and as a result, improve performance. DMS_MinDistFromWestBorder = 4000; // About 1km of plain ocean to the west DMS_MinDistFromEastBorder = 3250; // Just about 4km of ocean to the east DMS_MinDistFromSouthBorder = 4500; // We get the proper landmass at about 1km from the south DMS_MinDistFromNorthBorder = 3000; // Avoid getting missions at the northern "tip" Is this right? Cause if so am confused why Ai Missions are spawning on the borders of whats been configured.
  8. Hello, Been making a start in producing trader city. Got the placement for the traders, put a few items here and there. Some items i placed down can be picked up. Such as a flashlight or scope. And gun racks (from the CUP addons) can be looked in. Now am not sure if am missing something or doing something wrong. But is there a way so that any objects i have placed can not be interacted with any players in the safezone. Thanks.
  9. or @exile\mod.paa That worked for me.
  10. Akumu ikari

    exile_client\texture\mod\logo.paa not found

    Might be too late but here: Unpack your exile.[mapname].pbo that you are using for you server. I use PBO manager to do it. You might be using something else. In your exile.[mapname] folder look for description.ext Open the description.ext in notepad++ and find the line that says: "exile_client\texture\mod\logo.paa" Change it too: "@exile\mod.paa" Save it and recompile it and you shouldn't have an issue.
  11. Akumu ikari

    Picture Exile_Client\texture\mod\logo.paa not found

    Might be too late but here: Unpack your exile.[mapname].pbo that you are using for you server. I use PBO manager to do it. You might be using something else. In your exile.[mapname] folder look for description.ext Open the description.ext in notepad++ and find the line that says: "exile_client\texture\mod\logo.paa" Change it too: "@exile\mod.paa" Save it and recompile it and you shouldn't have an issue.
  12. Akumu ikari

    Setting up traders.

    Just the animations i need to find and see how they work else the traders stand their and do the basic animation that they are defaulted too. Not like the custom ones that you see in severs where they get up or sit back down.
  13. Akumu ikari

    Eden editor tutorial

    I've been playing around on it and have been testing things out on a local server. Got the basics as such sorted. Such as the spawn locations parachute spawns, safezones and traders themseleves working. Only basic for now. Since i have spent the last 2 days working on how it all works in eden. I am planning on making a tutorial to explain this and what certain things you have to do as well. Does require some slight changes to things but its easy once you have done it. But for the time being am making it all basic then implementing things as i go along.
  14. Akumu ikari

    Setting up traders.

    I have noticed that using the new 3D Editor (Eden) you don't need to modify the initPlayerLocal.sqf at all. You don't need to add the traders in since its handled in the mission.sqm instead. I will try and make a tutorial this weekend if not next weekend which will explain this all plus maybe an tutorial on using the eden editor to create maps for exile since i have been doing all this in the eden editor. Due to me working Mon-Friday.
  15. Akumu ikari

    Setting up traders.

    Hello, About to start on making traders position ect. How does one config the initPlayerLocal.sqf correctly? As in where do you find the information about the animations, the heads? (i see people in their tuts saying "AfricanHead_1" something like that) and where you find a list of them all. I have no clue where someone of you know all of this and yet it seems like its something i can never find or am looking at something else. Also the animation types too. Where do you find the list or how do you know what animations you are using. Cause i see people writing it down but not telling where its actually located to make the changes. Am a complete newb to it all so please bear with me. Only just got the idea of how this works. Thanks. //Edit:1 https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=setIdentity&redirect=no found where the list of heads are. So never mind that one.