Mr Hanky

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Everything posted by Mr Hanky

  1. Mr Hanky

    Problems loot with 3 buildings Chernarus Isles

    As said, IndustrialRare is a custom loot group on my server, it's not default, so you still should use "Industrial". Nevermind, I was now able to take a closer look on my current config, the "table" sections are there as well, but stripped off and put on top. I use this config since several months, I think I got the template from there or something: The Loot Positions didn't change for 1.0.3., at least I can't remember I had to touch them last weekend. It's just the loot group setup what changed. Good Luck!
  2. Mr Hanky

    Problems loot with 3 buildings Chernarus Isles

    My setup is a bit different, Land_A_BuildingWIP as example below. IndustrialRare is a custom loot group on my server, yours should still be "Industrial" No "table=" tag You might want to try it that way. class Land_A_BuildingWIP : IndustrialRare { positions[] = { {19.4963,1.86523,-6.37723}, {6.56128,12.0591,-6.03853}, {-14.8201,-16.6924,-0.421043}, (...) {-19.7432,-6.09375,2.62683} }; };
  3. Mr Hanky

    Low CPU useage on Linux

    tools like that "task manager" may fool you. Check with "top", you should see a complete different picture of CPU usage
  4. Mr Hanky

    Ubuntu 16.10 + extDB problems -> Should be the same/similar with extdb2
  5. Mr Hanky

    Hilfe gesucht Linux Restart

    Hmm... laufen die Restart Messages und eigentlichen Restarts nicht vom Timing zwangsläufig irgendwann auseinander, wenn man eines mit Infistar macht (Messages), und das andere über die crontab (Restarts)? Infistar zählt die vergangene Zeit, crontab richtet sich nach der Uhrzeit? Ich habe das straight forward gelöst, restarts und warnings über die crontab. Das einzige was Arma3/Exile macht ist ein Lock nach dem Restart zu setzen bis die Mission geladen ist. Das war mir mit cron dann zu blöde wegen timing. Finde ich für mich immer noch die robusteste Lösung. Passende Scripte, die man als Vorlage nutzen kann, findet man hier im Forum und Internet echt zu hauf. Das was CH!LL3R verlinkt hat ist z.b. ein guter Start. Bringt natürlich nichts, wenn man als Linux Neuling auf der grünen Wiese anfängt Da hilft nur lesen, lesen, probieren, lesen
  6. Thanks for your help, kuplion [url=][img=][/url]
  7. Mr Hanky

    Exile Chernarus by Zoo-Gaming

    Some intel data for the "hidden" UN-Sector:
  8. Mr Hanky

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    That's because the forked repo is broken/missing at least one script file and probably other parts. Adam Kadmon is already aware of that (see his comment above). Waiting as well