Robaroo Wallafox

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About Robaroo Wallafox

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  1. Robaroo Wallafox

    [FPS] ExileZ Tanoa

    2200hrs played in arma 3....alot of that time on exile servers. This server has to be one of the best servers i have ever played on. The community though at times touchy are great. Theres a mutual respect for peoples vehicles at bases with them rarely being destroyed. The roaming Ai though is what makes this server shine though. They actually have players on edge. You never know if its a player or npc. Seen many kills because people thought it was AI. Admins are great, helpful and active. They listen to feedback and really are working hard to create a great server... Really worth lookin at....
  2. Robaroo Wallafox

    Vehicle sounds missing...

    Tried this a few times now....didnt work for me
  3. Robaroo Wallafox

    Vehicle sounds missing...

    Hear your pain....its pretty well put me off playing too at the moment. Worse thing is being run over because you cant even hear the bloody things come up behind you
  4. Robaroo Wallafox

    Vehicle sounds missing...

    Ouch..pretty game breaking bug...cant hear a single vehicle...yet some can and others cant
  5. Robaroo Wallafox

    Vehicle sounds missing...

    Played 2 days and everything was fine. Logged in today and i have no vehicle sounds. Any ideas pls?? Seriously cant play like this
  6. Robaroo Wallafox

    Trader Compatible Attachments Problem

    Your solution?? Having the same issue.
  7. Robaroo Wallafox

    Concrete Constructions - Part 4

    Great work here. Iam really hoping to see more diversity in buildings in the future...concrete pillars, arches, curves walls etc etc...anything to get away from the current square shaped bases we see daily... A form of tunneling system would be great. Always wanted to dig into a mountain and build a cave fort Also is there a way to add more stuff outside a base?...sand bunkers, towers etc etc
  8. Robaroo Wallafox

    Base building shared Exile pool.

    Hope it comes soon then
  9. Robaroo Wallafox

    Base building shared Exile pool.

    Any idea if it would be possible to create a shared pool system for Exile points used for building bases? On the server we are on one player has to get all the point for expanding. To go from level 1-10 your looking at a total of 1,025,500 Exile points. Would be great if members of the base could add a little Exile at a time, then it unlocks to next level when ready.
  10. Robaroo Wallafox

    Looking for 3-4 regulars (EU age 30+ TS)

    Ive spent the last week looking for a group to join with very little luck. There have been a few nice guilds but mostly people with their own servers etc etc. Going to turn things around and now looking for a few regulars. (3-4 active would be great). A bit about us.... *We arent a guild, clan or online elite warriors. (random tag names every now and then when required from certain communities) *We have no website, ranks or leadership *We have no servers We are a group of currently 4-6 active gamers (few more on and off). Some of us have been gaming together since Medal of Honor. We are all in our late 30's early 40's. We have families, responsibilities and at times fookin annoying wives. We work and therefore dont commit to 24/7 gaming. Some can be found online during the day, some at night. We like to drink and take the piss. We argue, tell each other to fook off every now and then but quickly get over it. One thing we are good at is Arma 3. We all have a good 1000+ hrs clocked. We dont always win and we have a bloody good laugh. We mix it up...Epoch, Breaking Point, Exile, Wasteland (various maps etc etc). We play on busy known servers. We play other games as well every now and then. (some of the big poofs play eve). So as said were looking for a few to join us. We have a TS server (push to talk). So if your (EU based or play UK prime time). 30yrs + have a sense of humor. Can handle drunk australians, english and scotts. Can handle being called this and that every now and then (banta)...give me a shout. Steam: Robaroo Wallafox
  11. Robaroo Wallafox

    Looking for english EU elder gaming crew...

    Still looking for an active group... Playing Exile, Wasteland and Breaking Point (variation). Not really interested in joining a guild with empty servers (sorry if i offend). Met some nice lads over the last few days but really looking for a bit of variety in my arma sessions. Contact me on steam or here if you have a place for me.
  12. Robaroo Wallafox

    Looking for english EU elder gaming crew...

    I was drunk, she was lonely and the moon was full....
  13. Robaroo Wallafox

    Looking for english EU elder gaming crew...

    Sounds good mate...your not doing job applications and all that bullshit are you?
  14. 41yr old Aussie in Denmark here looking for a group to join. I have 1200+ Arma 3 hours clocked (life mods, wasteland, tactical etc etc). Have about the same Arma 2 hrs. I do play various games, so looking for a group that plays a little something else on side every now and then. (Rust, Hurtworld, Squad....anything really). Must be an elder group...I have 4 kids (3 teenagers) so id like grown up time (whisky included) and enjoy a good laugh with a bit of banta etc. Not interested in ranks, leaders and all that shite that comes with most groups these days. Teamspeak a must. (and bloody push to talk)..dont want to hear chip eaters or ya wife kicking the shit out of you because you havent taken the rubbish out yet. Been playing with the same english, scottish crowd for the last 15+ yrs but it seems everyone is getting a bit bored of gaming. Need the right crew to make me want to join and start having a laugh again on my days off work. Steam: Robaroo Wallafox