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Everything posted by jungleNZ

  1. jungleNZ

    Spawning in grass, then being kicked

    I had same problem, likely to be database initial setup. See if line below in my.ini file is like this. Should fix issue. need to make sql-mode="" in you mysql my.ini file.
  2. jungleNZ

    [Release] Ducks of War

    Any way to add "ducks" to db? Like numbers each player gathers. Is it an issue client side?
  3. jungleNZ

    bugs or not setup correctly?

    How did you fix it? Mine does the same. Fixed: need to make sql-mode="" in you mysql my.ini file.
  4. jungleNZ

    [Release] TNT - Terrible Nuke Territory

    Thanks for the fix. 2 thumbs up !! Although 2nd line to change is esp1 not esp3 - correct?
  5. jungleNZ

    [Release] TNT - Terrible Nuke Territory

    Same issue. Setup on Malden map - thought it was infisatr blasklist items but removed and set to not check. Still no boom!.
  6. Did you clear out the vehicles in your database before starting Tanoa server up? Think that fixes the low vehicle number.
  7. If you are updating to Tanoa please hold off - some minor adjustments needed as I sent through earlier files than that actually working or that I had adjusted for myself.. If you know what you are doing then you can adjust the following: initPlayerLocal remove // from lines 136, 156, 191 and remove /* from line 241 In mission file the addons and classaddonsmetadata should read: addons[] = {"exile_client","A3_Ui_F","Ryanzombies","ryanzombiesfunctions"}; class AddonsMetaData { class List { items = 4; class Item0 { className = "exile_client"; name = "exile_client"; }; class Item1 { className = "A3_Ui_F"; name = "Arma 3 - User Interface"; author = "Bohemia Interactive"; url = "http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item2 { className = "Ryanzombies"; name = "Ryanzombies"; author = "Ryan"; }; class Item3 { className = "ryanzombiesfunctions"; name = "ryanzombiesfunctions"; author = "Ryan"; }; }; }; Repbo after that and should be good to go. Apologies for the inconvenience but hopefully John will have git updated.
  8. Yes it does, but wait until John has sorted it. Not far away.
  9. Ohhh drying wet clothes now.
  10. jungleNZ

    Enhanced movement help

    Make sure you have latest version, that seems to fix the missing menu. Have had no problems latest. 1. Make sure when you have the latest version. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27224 2. When you extract the file make sure you goto the proper @EM folder. (Sometimes the folder names are doubled up) 3. Goto the keys folder and copy that to arma3 folder (SERVER SIDE ONLY). 4. That is all you need. You do not need to add mod to command line. (CLIENTS: Do the steps 1 and 2 - copy to arma3 folder) As long as clients have it loaded it will work. (Call it up in your mods)
  11. Hey John, updated to latest. Change events config making MARMA log = false as I do not use it. I get this error: 22:22:20 ["ExileServer - Spawning persistent vehicle spawns"] 22:22:20 Error in expression <awning world persistent vehicles"] call MAR_fnc_log; private ["_count","_uid","> 22:22:20 Error position: <MAR_fnc_log; private ["_count","_uid","> 22:22:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: mar_fnc_log 22:22:20 File JohnOs_events\addons\Events\Persistent_vehicles\spawn_vehicles.sqf, line 10 22:22:21 "[Event: Persistent Spawns] -- Spawned a Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black at location: [2788.43,12769.3,0] -- Max allowed: 3" 22:22:21 Error in expression < select 0,_position, _x select 1]] call MAR_fnc_log; } else { _vehicleObject = c> 22:22:21 Error position: <MAR_fnc_log; } else { _vehicleObject = c> 22:22:21 Error Undefined variable in expression: mar_fnc_log 22:22:21 File JohnOs_events\addons\Events\Persistent_vehicles\spawn_vehicles.sqf, line 159 22:22:21 "[Display #24]" 22:22:23 "[Event: Persistent Spawns] -- Spawned a Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black at location: [1879.27,8147.26,0] -- Max allowed: 3" 22:22:23 Error in expression < select 0,_position, _x select 1]] call MAR_fnc_log; } else As well as that the storms lightning spams the server log but I think this was something it did with your other script and arma issue. Apart from that really enjoying this.
  12. got to say the storms sound fn awesome (using jrsx sounds)
  13. jungleNZ


    Survive, persistant world. Using JohnO's exile reborn format. Great players, good times.
  14. Cheers. It was the extra P that threw me.
  15. what does the 1PP or 3PP mean? (sorry I am old and dumb)
  16. jungleNZ

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    This has now been fixed to work with infistar - no need to use bypass client file etc... goto this post (last post has link)
  17. jungleNZ

    Enhanced movement help

    @jmayr2000 Can tell you that it works with infistar - GOOD JOB GUYS Not using the bypass file. Menu shows on ESC press. Very happy.
  18. jungleNZ

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    Works fine here. However does not work if you are admin on infistar. There must be a menu code to whitelist. (Worked around this though) FPS not affected by striking out onEachFrame.
  19. Fark! Have added EXAD and stuff that can run on it. Airdrop/Brama. Added new script AntiTheft. Now inventory screen has gone back to 99999. Have updated infistar to new v56 (as did this last time and it fixed problem. Any ideas? FIXED - TURNS OUT ANTI-THEFT AND ENIGMA REVIVE CONFLICT WITH ONE OF THE OVERWRITE FILES.
  20. jungleNZ

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    what other mods are you running? DMS, occupation etc... I noticed on my first map read with showAi it flicked through AI's at that location you had but then nothing left showing. It will not be from shipwrecks, as mentioned in other post before it has no ai (even the crate won't label as AI as it is not AI). It must be from another system you have implemented that is not loading fully. On Tanoa my map centre is set as 9900,10025.7 and I have set max spawn distance to 5500.
  21. jungleNZ

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    I run this on tanoa and with infistar - all works well. @serveratze - what are the pics suppose to be showing?
  22. You could change text title to new toast format:\ //titleText ["Gutting the animal as made you sick..Sit down and you will recover faster","PLAIN"]; would become ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Hunting", "Gutting animal has made you sick..Sit down to recover faster"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; or just ["ErrorTitleOnly", ["Gutting animal has made you sick..Sit down to recover faster"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; lots of things can be added like using empty cans as well, so once had enough feeding it places can or cans on ground to collect. if (("Exile_Item_Knife" in (magazines player)) && ("Exile_Item_Can_Empty" in (magazines player))) then { ......................................................... _weaponHolderA = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _weaponHolderA addItemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Item_SausageGravy", 2]; player removeItem "Exile_Item_Can_Empty";
  23. So you just added a knife? and MAN. How about combine addAction to Man & Animal? Does either or.
  24. jungleNZ

    (HELP!) Making Climbable Rope

    Looks good. There is a repelling script at armaholic that allows you to repell down buildings etc (looks like you can go up as well). You could look at that and work with creator to add the throwing rope, even having rope in inventory. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31369
  25. Ok. Mine had same problem but fixed with v55 infistar. Did you adjust something on config/database?