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ADDED: Measures to prevent UAV's being controlled from safezones to prevent an ESP exploit ADDED: CUP M110 Sniper Rifle - 1,000 Poptabs - Lvl 4 Respect - Available at exile trader ADDED: CUP M110 NV Scope - 1,000 Poptabs - Lvl 6 Respect - Available at black market trader ADDED: CUP 20Rnd 762x51 Ball M110 - 70 Poptabs - Lvl 4 Respect - Available at exile trader ADDED: CUP M110 Silencer - 150 Poptabs - Lvl 4 Respect - Available at exile trader ADDED: Small Safe for 10k PT's - It's more of a cash safe as it doesn't hold much gear ADDED: SM Trader Plus - New screens and views for the traders with a search window ADDED: New safezone anti-theft system ADDED: Strider HMG to Black Market Traders & Missions (130K Pt's, can tow, can be towed, can be lifted, can load 40, can be loaded 120, ammo 1k PT's per mag) ADDED: Ural AA Truck to Black Market Traders (80K Pt's, can tow, can be towed, can be lifted, can load 80, ammo 1k PT's per mag) ADDED: Niarms SG550 Rifles, Optics & Ammo to traders, missions, loot ADDED: Code to prevent building near certain building types (mostly military) ADDED: Niarms HK416 BAB ADDED: Various community requested CUP Weapons, attachments & ammo ADDED: Players can now abandon their flag and get a level 1 flag back. Stolen flags are just removed but that then allows a player to build elsewhere ADDED: New mission Cargo Tower ADDED: New mission Warhead ADDED: Various CUP units (Uniforms, Vests & Headgear) to traders, loot and mission systems (thanks @Abdullah) ADDED: Various CUP Pistols, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Optics & Attachments to traders, loot and mission systems (thanks @cloudskipper & @Abdullah) ADDED: 4 new digital camo textures to Paint (thanks @cloudskipper) ADDED: Static Mission Underwater Stash on Tanoa ADDED: 1500m Non-construction zone around new static mission on Tanoa ADDED: Non-construction zone for Harcourt Bridge ADDED: Warning to abandon territory advising all surrounding base parts will be deleted ADDED: Flag hacking to raid VG ADDED: Code to block floor peeking ADDED: Non Construction zone to Yanukka Bay Bridge ADDED: All different textures (approx. 1,200) for CUP vehicles where available (Vehicles Customs Trader and Paint Textures menu) ADDED: RWG Mozzie Mod - 5k at traders, no respect required, also added to vehicle spawn ADDED: New mission - Armed Heli Steal ADDED: 40mm GMG back to the speedboat minigun - also available for rearm at service points ADDED: P90s, their ammo and suppressor to traders and missions ADDED: M416s, their ammo and suppressors to traders and missions ADDED: 2 new CUP Assault rifle scopes to traders and missions ADDED: CUP_launch_M72A6, CUP_launch_M72A6_Special & launch_RPG32_ghex_F to loot spawn only ADDED: XM8 Territory Tab now shows how many current base parts and the level maximum ADDED: Demining Grenades to the mozzies ADDED: Lone Wolf Virtual Garage - Players without territories or, build rights on a territory or, a family can store a single vehicle at the vehicle trader for free. Has to be persistent (lockable) and the vehicle will retain storage including Poptabs ADDED: Gendarmarie texture option to offroad in vehicle customs trader and Paint
- high loot
- xtra vehicles
- (and 24 more)
ADDED: Measures to prevent UAV's being controlled from safezones to prevent an ESP exploit ADDED: CUP M110 Sniper Rifle - 1,000 Poptabs - Lvl 4 Respect - Available at exile trader ADDED: CUP M110 NV Scope - 1,000 Poptabs - Lvl 6 Respect - Available at black market trader ADDED: CUP 20Rnd 762x51 Ball M110 - 70 Poptabs - Lvl 4 Respect - Available at exile trader ADDED: CUP M110 Silencer - 150 Poptabs - Lvl 4 Respect - Available at exile trader ADDED: Small Safe for 10k PT's - It's more of a cash safe as it doesn't hold much gear ADDED: SM Trader Plus - New screens and views for the traders with a search window ADDED: New safezone anti-theft system ADDED: Strider HMG to Black Market Traders & Missions (130K Pt's, can tow, can be towed, can be lifted, can load 40, can be loaded 120, ammo 1k PT's per mag) ADDED: Ural AA Truck to Black Market Traders (80K Pt's, can tow, can be towed, can be lifted, can load 80, ammo 1k PT's per mag) ADDED: Niarms SG550 Rifles, Optics & Ammo to traders, missions, loot ADDED: Code to prevent building near certain building types (mostly military) ADDED: Niarms HK416 BAB ADDED: Various community requested CUP Weapons, attachments & ammo ADDED: Players can now abandon their flag and get a level 1 flag back. Stolen flags are just removed but that then allows a player to build elsewhere ADDED: New mission Cargo Tower ADDED: New mission Warhead ADDED: Various CUP units (Uniforms, Vests & Headgear) to traders, loot and mission systems (thanks @Abdullah) ADDED: Various CUP Pistols, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Optics & Attachments to traders, loot and mission systems (thanks @cloudskipper & @Abdullah) ADDED: 4 new digital camo textures to Paint (thanks @cloudskipper) ADDED: Static Mission Underwater Stash on Tanoa ADDED: 1500m Non-construction zone around new static mission on Tanoa ADDED: Non-construction zone for Harcourt Bridge ADDED: Warning to abandon territory advising all surrounding base parts will be deleted ADDED: Flag hacking to raid VG ADDED: Code to block floor peeking ADDED: Non Construction zone to Yanukka Bay Bridge ADDED: All different textures (approx. 1,200) for CUP vehicles where available (Vehicles Customs Trader and Paint Textures menu) ADDED: RWG Mozzie Mod - 5k at traders, no respect required, also added to vehicle spawn ADDED: New mission - Armed Heli Steal ADDED: 40mm GMG back to the speedboat minigun - also available for rearm at service points ADDED: P90s, their ammo and suppressor to traders and missions ADDED: M416s, their ammo and suppressors to traders and missions ADDED: 2 new CUP Assault rifle scopes to traders and missions ADDED: CUP_launch_M72A6, CUP_launch_M72A6_Special & launch_RPG32_ghex_F to loot spawn only ADDED: XM8 Territory Tab now shows how many current base parts and the level maximum ADDED: Demining Grenades to the mozzies ADDED: Lone Wolf Virtual Garage - Players without territories or, build rights on a territory or, a family can store a single vehicle at the vehicle trader for free. Has to be persistent (lockable) and the vehicle will retain storage including Poptabs ADDED: Gendarmarie texture option to offroad in vehicle customs trader and Paint
- high loot
- 10k poptabs
- (and 23 more)
Probably pretty simple if you check the actual crafting code, rather than the 'config' you copied above. Maybe hang on for someone with sense...
Why not just have 2 recipes?
Exile 1.0.4 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!
BaroN replied to WolfkillArcadia's topic in General Discussion
relatively sure this is already posted here somewhere but, here's the working version of the file: /** * ExileClient_util_string_trim * * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ private["_input", "_inputLetters", "_inputLength", "_leftStartPosition", "_rightEndPosition", "_output", "_whitespaceCharacters", "_i", "_letter"]; _input = _this; _inputLetters = toArray _input; _inputLength = count _inputLetters; _leftStartPosition = 0; _rightEndPosition = _inputLength; _output = ""; _whitespaceCharacters = [9, 10, 13, 32]; // TAB, CR, LF, SPACE // Find first position of non-whitespace from the beginning for [{_i=0}, {_i<_inputLength}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _letter = _inputLetters select _i; if !(_letter in _whitespaceCharacters) exitWith { _leftStartPosition = _i; }; }; // Find last position of non-whitespace at the end for [{_i=_inputLength-1}, {_i>=0}, {_i=_i-1}] do { _letter = _inputLetters select _i; if !(_letter in _whitespaceCharacters) exitWith { _rightEndPosition = _i + 1; }; }; if (_leftStartPosition > 0 || _rightEndPosition < _inputLength) then { _output = toString (_inputLetters select [_leftStartPosition, _rightEndPosition - _leftStartPosition]); } else { _output = _input; }; _output -
remember to also unpack any pbo's in your @exileserver folder as it could be something in there...
Try using notepad++ feature to search in all files and folders or any other program you have that does the same for those words
Cba updated yesterday. Did you update the server and the server's keys folder?
BaroN started following Unknown Issue Causing Server Crash
You need to give some of these errors attention. Not saying it will definitely fix your problem but, until they are cleared you won't know. 0:19:22 Error in expression <ffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 2500]; SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.> 0:19:22 Error position: <SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.> 0:19:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: super_ppeffect 0:19:22 File \KA_Flashbang\init.sqf [SUPER_fnc_InitFlashBang], line 2 0:20:16 Error in expression <(ammo1+ammo2)> 0:20:16 Error position: <ammo1+ammo2)> 0:20:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: ammo1 0:20:16 unable to compile MFD condition '(ammo1+ammo2)' 0:21:35 "DMS ERROR :: Attempting to spawn static base with file ""saltflatsbase"" after it has already been spawned!" 0:32:53 File '@RwG_Addon_Mosquito_Series\addons\rwg_addon_choppers_mozzie.pbo' not found. It's a good idea to take a pause and check your server report after each change/edit/addon/script whatever to check if it's causing issues. Fix these first and then send us a new report if it crashes again
@ItsDutch Can you make the following change to your code to fix an issue for server owners who only want one simultaneous hack running on the server: Change line line 28 of the file 'ExileClient_action_hackFlag_condition.sqf' from: _concurrentHacks = {_x getVariable ["ExileIsHacking", false]} count allPlayers; to: _concurrentHacks = {!(_x isEqualTo player) && _x getVariable ["ExileIsHacking", false]} count allPlayers; The former, original code doesn't exclude the player performing the hack from the allplayers count for the maxhacks setting. So, in short, anyone setting maxhacks to '1' won't ever get a successful hack. Worse, they will have to go through the complete execution cycle to get the error message of too many hacks in progress. Also, this addon uses the same variable as exile's default safe hacking code, 'ExileIsHacking'. So, even though the configs are independent in config.cpp the maxHacks setting will be shared. I.e. if you have both flag and safe hacking switched on and maxHacks for each set to '1', you will only be able to hack either a flag or, a safe concurrently. Not one of each. Back to you if you wanted to change your code to use a different variable, I'm happy with only one hack of anything at any given time on my servers so, I can sit back and light a cigar... In all though, thanks for re-introducing a great addon for exile servers
No probs. Just glad it's cleared up and the chap has his answer.
Eh? Hopefully you're not speaking to me.... Anyway, his question above was whether the code commented in the file ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest.sqf should go in the exile.ini. To me, why would you put that in exile.ini rather than just remove the comment in the file. Is just a question, levied quite legitimately because it doesn't look right against the rest of the code in the exile.ini..... No need to get your knick knacks in a twist....
Pretty sure that doesn't go in the exile.ini..... Struggling to work out why you need it at all....?