Mr Sin

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Everything posted by Mr Sin

  1. That's a shame, thanks for the heads up.
  2. I have tried adding random uniforms to the zombies by changing lines 132-141 in SpawnZombie.sqf and then changing the zVest array to a bunch of different uniforms. // Add Zombie Loot if !(call _vestGroup == "") then { _zombie forceAddUniform call _vestGroup; if !(call _lootGroup == "") then { _zombie addItemToUniform call _lootGroup; }; }; This works and adds the loot correctly, but the zombies have stopped roaming. They will just spawn and stand in place, any thoughts?
  3. Mr Sin

    This is GTX customer service

    I feel like I need to share my experience with GTX as it has been painful to say the least. We had an issue arise with a faulty CPU fan. This is the conversation that took place (still ongoing)
  4. Mr Sin

    Miniguns broken

    It seems like any vehicle that has a minigun will not spawn with ammo or rearm whatsoever. This includes Exile vehicles and 3rd party mods. Is anyone else experiencing this? Edit: This was not fixed in Potato.
  5. Mr Sin

    Poptabs for donations... wtf

    Yeah, his killfeed and statusbar scripts were just copies of others, with his name at the top.
  6. Mr Sin

    Poptabs for donations... wtf

    Rumour has it that he also DDosed many other communities if they used "his" scripts, including ours.
  7. Mr Sin

    New Server Loading Bad

    A3Launcher also has a "select perf build" option under the Settings tab.
  8. Mr Sin

    Miniguns broken

    What he has linked is a whole other mod that you would need to drop the key in the keys folder for and then add to startup parameters. Thing is, every client would need to launch the game with this mod too.
  9. Mr Sin

    Safe labels

    What about a new buildable object that could display text?.. Maybe something like this from another very popular survival sandbox game.
  10. Mr Sin

    Extended Base Mod

    They aren't supposed to be able to be blown up with anything except for the new breaching charges.
  11. Mr Sin

    Object placement question

    Download it manually from the downloads section on the website and place it in your Arma 3 folder. Boot up steam > Run Arma 3 > In the launcher select all the mods you want and then load ExileEden mod as well > Press Go.
  12. Mr Sin

    Object placement question

    Eden won't output a format that the initserver.sqf understands. You need to load up Eden with either M3editor or Exile's newly released Eden plugin. This will then show another tab on the menu bar which allows you to export the objects in sqf format.
  13. Mr Sin

    Base objects health bug?

    I didn't think base objects could be destroyed by anything besides the charges. Have I got the config set up wrong? Edit: Can confirm after the EBM update, Exile objects cannot be destroyed by explosives other than the breaching charges. Thank you @Eichi and @Freakylein for the swift response and resolution.
  14. Mr Sin

    Base objects health bug?

    I have posted in there asking if he was aware of the problem.
  15. Mr Sin

    Extended Base Mod

    I've been informed that EBM may be affecting the Exile base objects (wood, concrete walls/floors etc) so that they are destructable as well. Is this the case? And if so, is there any way to disable this?
  16. Mr Sin

    Base objects health bug?

    Yes I am. I knew it wasn't that exile wasn't functioning correctly, but that something was conflicting. I will take a look at EBM and see if there is a way to disable this. Thanks for investigating!
  17. Mr Sin

    Show off your base.

    Did a reverse image search and didn't find anything. Found a couple of youtube videos with these pictures as thumbnails that were uploaded AFTER they were posted on here. Get the facts straight before you accuse people of stealing without evidence.
  18. Mr Sin

    CRE4MPIE's StatusBar. I need help.

    Arma3 Client Performance, should be the first one.
  19. Mr Sin

    C130 has issues

    I think he's looking at the RHS C130, which has nothing to do with Exile.
  20. Mr Sin

    CRE4MPIE's StatusBar. I need help.

    Did you try this?
  21. Mr Sin

    infiSTAR kicks with APEX

    I can't remember off the top of my head, have a read through of some of the blacklisted displays and give it a go. I can also take a look when I get back from work.
  22. Mr Sin

    infiSTAR kicks with APEX

    Have you tried making an exception for that in the AH_Config?
  23. Mr Sin

    The little things

    This is not my picture, original comes from reddit. You can setup a bipod on a car wheel.
  24. Mr Sin

    Base objects health bug? This is still happening in 1.0.0 for me. @Eichi I noticed that ExileDamage is no longer in the config, did you try it a different way?