Terd Fergasen

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Everything posted by Terd Fergasen

  1. Terd Fergasen

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I poked around but did not see the answer. Is there a way to disable the gear crate map markers?
  2. Terd Fergasen

    Vehicle Rearm

    This does not work anymore. Does anyone know of a current working service point addon like this? Note: I logged an issue through the github link above (https://github.com/xDodo/exile_rearm). Thanks, terd
  3. Terd Fergasen

    Goodbye, Arma!

    @Eichi Exile is an amazing accomplishment and in my humble opinion, the best mod since DayZ Mod Arma 2. People might say it is/was better since you made it so flexible. Very thoughtful mod... I sympathize with all of your reasons... A lot of mod developers are bailing from Arma because Arma's roadmap constantly breaks these epic mods everytime they release an Arma build. Mods must be a massive percentage of daily Arma players, but it's funny in a way that BIS still considers Arma a military simulator. Their management seems a little silly to constantly ignore that in many ways. It would seem they should focus their QA department a bit more on the modding community. They have an advertised game API that innovative types like Exile/Epoch/Breaking Point can build upon, but they are willing to break those mods/addons/scripts and server-owners (like me) on every release. I'll bet that's frustrating to work with. I worked with Arma devs in the past too. They act like they care, but they only provide minimal support for users of their API. Oh well. I can see why mod developers feel like the Arma platform is too unstable. If they just ignored the Arma mod option in the first place, and started in one of the game development engines like Unity 3D, Cry Engine, or Unreal Engine, they would be masters of their own destiny. Exile has given us all happiness and thank you for your countless hours/days/weeks/years. If life is the pursuit of happiness, we definitely found it and completely enjoy your efforts. Thank you so much for your time and energy. If you would, please consider one request and make ExileMod open source or find a really great developer to follow in your footsteps. I understand if you can't do either option, but it would be outstanding to see Exile continue to thrive. GG! - Terd
  4. Terd Fergasen

    Spawn in your base

    Well thanks for posting the webcache link.
  5. Terd Fergasen

    Spawn in your base

    Does anyone know why this content was deleted from exile.majormittens.co.uk? It really bothers me that admins of this site are willing to delete stuff like this from the site without explanation. People can still access it from Google webcache, but we have no idea why the content is missing from the main site. If something turns out to be a security risk or have drama around it, leave it up so people can think for themselves. GG, terd
  6. Terd Fergasen

    Some people cant connect

    Go to your server's RPT location, copy the top 3 lines, and paste them here.
  7. Terd Fergasen

    Some people cant connect

    @BetterDeadThanZed is correct. I have seen this non-stop on my servers due to players missing mods.
  8. Terd Fergasen

    I keep spawning outside the map on my server

    Try this script... It could be bad settings saved to your exile.player table. update exile.player set damage=0 and hitpoints='[]' where damage=1 and hitpoints = '[["face_hub",1],["neck",1],["head",1],["pelvis",1],["spine1",1],["spine2",1],["spine3",1],["body",1],["arms",1],["hands",1],["legs",1]]' or hitpoints = '[["face_hub",1],["neck",1],["head",1],["pelvis",1],["spine1",1],["spine2",1],["spine3",1],["body",1],["arms",1],["head_hit",1],["hand_r",1]]'
  9. Terd Fergasen

    Some people cant connect

    Try this... I discovered on my Exile server(s), players could not connect due bad setting saved to exile.player table. update exile.player set damage=0 and hitpoints='[]' where damage=1 and hitpoints = '[["face_hub",1],["neck",1],["head",1],["pelvis",1],["spine1",1],["spine2",1],["spine3",1],["body",1],["arms",1],["hands",1],["legs",1]]' or hitpoints = '[["face_hub",1],["neck",1],["head",1],["pelvis",1],["spine1",1],["spine2",1],["spine3",1],["body",1],["arms",1],["head_hit",1],["hand_r",1]]'
  10. Terd Fergasen

    [Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23

    @second_coming What is the best way to increase roaming AI counts? For instance, what settings would guarantee a lot of AI spawn across Altis? Thank you for the awesome mod! --- EDIT --- I took a whack and bumped the numbers a lot higher. // Altis and whatever other maps settings SC_randomSpawnMaxAI = 250; // Maximum amount of random AI groups allowed at any time SC_maxAIcount = 250; SC_occupySky = true; SC_maxNumberofHelis = 2; SC_maxNumberofVehicles = 40; SC_numberofLootCrates = 30; SC_numberofHeliCrashes = 15; SC_maxNumberofBoats = 3; // Tanoa specific settings (if you want to override settings for specific maps if you run multiple servers) if (worldName == 'Tanoa' AND SC_useMapOverrides) then { SC_randomSpawnMaxAI = 200; // Maximum amount of random AI groups allowed at any time SC_maxAIcount = 200; SC_occupySky = true; SC_maxNumberofHelis = 2; SC_maxNumberofVehicles = 30; SC_numberofLootCrates = 30; SC_numberofHeliCrashes = 15; SC_maxNumberofBoats = 3; }; I slightly bumped them up the first time, but players want more... I hope these settings have an effect and bump the counts. I also hope they done destroy my server's FPS. GG, Terd
  11. Terd Fergasen

    Client cannot connect/memory errors Guide

    Workaround I discovered to avoid the game crash... *do not use Arma 3 native game launcher* *use known good, custom tbbmalloc.dll from here: https://github.com/fred41/tbbmalloc_arma/tree/master/binary * *install tbbmalloc.dll, by pasting to your '.\Arma 3\dll\' directory* Launch via steam with these parameters: -nolauncher -useBE -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -noFilePatching -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 -high -malloc=tbbmalloc -enableHT -mod=@Exile;@Ryanzombies Attempt to join target server (my case: moosemilker.ddns.net:2582) *download mpmission* Result: Game loads without the game crash issue. Reference - my bug open to BIS: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119144
  12. Terd Fergasen

    [Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23

    @second_coming - Have you tried this script with your AI system? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26099
  13. Terd Fergasen

    [Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23

    Altis map - What are some good configuration options for roaming AI? Encounters are really fun and wild, but I would like to increase the roaming AI counts (but not to an overbearing degree). Any recommendations? Also, do squads spawn and roam, or is it primarily vehicles that carry AI and drop off AI to hunt players? Side note - I also run Namalsk, but primarily focused on Altis map right now. I a really interested in these settings... I want to increase roaming AI for sure. NOTE: I just switched 'SC_randomSpawnMaxAI' from 25 to 50... SC_occupyRandomSpawn = false; // (WORK IN PROGRESS, NOT WORKING YET) true if you want random spawning AI that hunt for nearby players SC_randomSpawnMinPlayers = 1; // Minimum number of players to be online before random spawning AI can spawn SC_randomSpawnMaxAI = 50; // Maximum amount of random AI groups allowed at any time SC_randomSpawnIgnoreCount = true; // true if you want spawn random AI groups regardless of overall AI count (they still count towards the total though) Thank you, Terd
  14. Terd Fergasen

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    *does a little dance* THANKS!
  15. Terd Fergasen

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    Is this script set up as a mod? In other words, if I install this on my server(s), do all clients have to have it local and have their -mod parameters properly updated to play? example: '-mod=@Exiile;@Enigma;' Either way... Thanks for developing this script... It should be in the ExileMod build if you ask me!
  16. Terd Fergasen

    Global Chat

    On my servers, random radio chatter bleeds through constantly. Example: I have side chat enabled, any random user does not have the channel open and other players can hear them. Also: The group channel also shows off and on, describing "contact" scenarios at such and such meters N/S/E/W to the whole server It's batty!
  17. Terd Fergasen

    What is wrong with this code (updating player respect/money)

    Does this? format["setAccountMoneyAndRespect:%1:%2:%3", _playerMoney, _playerRespect, _playerUID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; Translate directly to this? format["setPlayerMoney:%1:%2", _playerMoney, _playerObj getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", 0]] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; Thanks guys, Terd
  18. Terd Fergasen

    ExileZ 2

    Has anyone tried the Armaholic @RyanZombies download for movement fix? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28958
  19. Terd Fergasen

    Turn off kill/death messages

    Does anyone know of a way to disable kill/death messages? I prefer people to not know who killed who.
  20. Terd Fergasen

    Sheeps Exile Repack - Expack

    That's a shame... It looks like a well thought out package. For fun, I downloaded the package from the download link and the github. The github has newer files. I compared the github server files with the latest server files and they are out of date. Confirmed: Dead.
  21. Terd Fergasen

    Sheeps Exile Repack - Expack

    Is this still being worked on, or is it dead?
  22. Terd Fergasen

    Time to say goodbye.

    Great job man! Good luck in your next venture. Exile is my favorite Arma mod... You guys rock!
  23. Terd Fergasen

    ExileZ 2

    If you are only dealing with slow zombies, perhaps you do not need to tweak the speed settings.
  24. Terd Fergasen

    ExileZ 2

    1 is the fastest (but the system may allow faster settings than 1 - I have not tested), and each line setting is independent of the other. The way each line reads is per zombie type. So if there are 6 lines (or zombie types,) then each one can have its speed setting set specifically for that type of zombie. Good luck!