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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. Goblin

    Random Kicks

  2. Goblin

    Random Kicks

    I resolved this problem by deleting and reinstalling @Exile , it hasn't happened since I did .
  3. Goblin

    Problems With Concrete Floors

    I would look further . I have a 3 level concrete base on Tanoa with spawn crates on lvl 2 and 3 , no problems . It is located on grass .
  4. Goblin

    [Script suggestion] PERSONAL OBJECTIVES

    Although the Idea has merit , I'd like to point out the players were on an empty server when they started . This is a community , in a very large Sandbox , with players all playing the same game 60 different ways on a 60 person server . If you join a server with players that have experience you will learn just be reading chat , and asking a question , while humbling or funny at times is always encouraged . At least in my experience , so lets give some credit to the Veteran players and Admins out there that go out of their way to Help the new Players . Just my 2c
  5. Goblin

    Repair Trucks Repairing All vehicles??

    Exile is faction based , it uses Independent/GUER side , so Kuma , Lada , Strider , Zamack etc will work because they are on the Independant Side . All others won't including mod added cars that aren't independent side .
  6. Goblin

    1.0.0 corrupt issue.

    Update your version , it's under Mods
  7. Goblin

    1.0.0 corrupt issue.

    Use this http://a3launcher.com/
  8. Goblin

    No option to place breaching charges

    @MudBone You don't happen to use Extended Base Mod do you ?
  9. Goblin

    Have to reinvite people into group after death/respawn.

    Isn't it a Bitch when the Game doesn't cooperate when you think you found a way too break the rules ?? I mean , doing it is one thing , asking for help is another Edit : If you don't like the rules , why play there ? Find a server with Rules that Suit You .
  10. Goblin

    The Special Purpose Helmet is too strong

    That's the thing , they haven't disabled all Thermals , only the ones on items that they chose to include in the mod . Add B_MRAP_01_hmg_F and look at the Gunner view or this guy , optic_tws_mg which can be found on Ai by default in the Black missions , I think in DMS , which many servers have . That Helm is part of Arma , not Exile , just like the 2 examples I just gave .
  11. Goblin

    [SOLVED] Mines

    They last until reset
  12. Goblin

    The Special Purpose Helmet is too strong

    The corresponding Uniform is Immune to Thermal , So that's your Countermeasure , Example at 1:20> To the Guy with a Shotgun and Slugs , The Guy with an AK is OP , it's all how you look at it
  13. Goblin

    Server Down

  14. Goblin

    Exile download mirrors unreliable

    Update your A3 version , and restart it
  15. Goblin

    DLC weapons and the issue of P2W

    I think you also have to ask yourself : Why am I playing an Arma 3 Mod , that uses Arma 2 assets ? If they used all Arma 3 assets it would level the playing field , it is an Arma 3 mod after all . Why does this Mod add Arma 2 assets instead of Arma 3 assets ? ( ie-Armed SUV / Shotgun etc ) Why is it difficult to find a fully Arma 3 Exile Tanoa Server ? If it's truly a Survival Mod , why more Gun Choices than Survival Tool Choices ? I suggest it's a PvP Mod with benifits . The list is unending it seems , so DLC use imo , should be mandatory , not excluded !
  16. Goblin

    Starting map view?

    @okawa , when you are in the map screen , top right is the Clock , tells in game time , next to it is layered pieces allowing texture choice , next to that is Circles which when clicked will center the map on your player
  17. https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2016/07/10/fc85c2862bf67d84.mp4
  18. Goblin

    Server entrance problem

    That can be any number of reasons , but it doesn't seem to be a problem with the server
  19. Goblin

    Server entrance problem

    I logged in , looks nice , missions running : )
  20. Goblin

    Wrong Website

  21. Goblin

    What The Hell Is This?!?!?!

  22. Goblin

    something about CCG causing the infamous memory crash?

    That mod is called Exile
  23. Goblin

    What's wrong with this age?!

    Their , They're , There , it will be alright .
  24. Goblin

    Our Communities Potato Announcement