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About bonez

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  1. bonez


    how to fix that ?
  2. bonez


    no u change the starting time in the exile_server_config in the config . staticTime[] = {2015,10,24,10,0};its at the bottom i cant tell u the line number beacuse i edit it
  3. bonez

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    What are the markers in DMS so i can whiltelist them in inifistar ?
  4. bonez


    just in ur mission file
  5. bonez

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    hey what happens if i enable DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI ? because im using A3XAI and im not getting points for kills !
  6. bonez


    guys this a timeModule.fsm was posted on the old forum i dont know if it was posted again here sorry if it was and i didnt see but it works perfect i just added this on top of my initServer.sqf [8,true,true,12] execFSM "timeModule.fsm";And the time goes by really nice i think its like 2hrs day 1 night not sure but ya works perfect.
  7. bonez

    Understanding Loot Spawns Config

    hey man there a LootTableCompiler was made by the devs very good for adding loot Here is the link for the topic
  8. bonez


    Is there a way to use addons on the server without using the keys for every mod so it wont kick ?
  9. bonez

    mission.sqm ?

    thanks man that worked any idea how to get the sound to mod to work without a kick ?
  10. bonez

    mission.sqm ?

    i did try that same thing
  11. bonez

    mission.sqm ?

    hey boys and girls i know theres a program to read exile mission.sqm Eliteness.exe but it keeps telling me im missing a dll iss there any other way to convert it to readable sqm and i can edit it ? and one more thing im trying to usse DragonFyre sound mod and keeps kickin me out is there a way to make it work ?
  12. bonez

    Statusbar Script?

    13.09.2015 21:40:40: PLAYERNAME (374.119.253.183:2304) da22c9878daf5daa43f0bf0590426aaa - #41 "#line 4 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\initPlayerLocal.sqf" [] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusbar.sqf"; if (!hasInterface || isS" this kick and im getting kick if i use soundmod too i didnt before
  13. bonez

    Statusbar Script?

    im getting kick by battleeye for this script any filters ?
  14. bonez

    How To: BattlEye filters - DO IT YOURSELF!

    _paramAddons = call compile ("[" + (_x getvariable ["addons",""]) + "]"); { if !(_x in _" 16:23:52 : Script Log: #0 PETEPUMKINEATER69 (da22c9878daf5daa43f0bf0590426aaa) - #24 "x == "ModuleCuratorAddAddons_F") then { _paramAddons = call compile ("[" + (_x getvariable ["addons",""]) + "]"); { if !(_x in _" 16:23:52 : Script Log: #0 PETEPUMKINEATER69 (da22c9878daf5daa43f0bf0590426aaa) - #24 "x == "ModuleCuratorAddAddons_F") then { _paramAddons = call compile ("[" + (_x getvariable ["addons",""]) + "]"); { if !(_x in _" 16:23:52 : Script Log: #0 PETEPUMKINEATER69 (da22c9878daf5daa43f0bf0590426aaa) - #24 "x == "ModuleCuratorAddAddons_F") then { _paramAddons = call compile ("[" + (_x getvariable ["addons",""]) + "]"); { if !(_x in _" 16:23:52 : Player #0 PETEPUMKINEATER69 (da22c9878daf5daa43f0bf0590426aaa) has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #24i edit my mission.sqm and now im getting kick for Script Restriction #24 and if i try to use any sound mod or anything i get kicked !
  15. bonez

    GTXgaming server

    @Z80CPU this stuff is confusing me man this what i got now but it not connected to my server