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  1. Bullet_

    Windows that you can close

    Would be a nice add, my temp closing windows are a door with a half wall in it
  2. Bullet_

    Some vehicles don't have a lock option.

    easy fix for this is set your Custom Key 1 and then press the key you bound it to to lock/unlock vehicles and doors
  3. Bullet_

    Kinda lost again.....

    you would have them in both spots in the config in the RscDisplayArsenal part u would have the names without Class before it
  4. Bullet_

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    is there a way to fix the zombies just standing around after awhile and not chasing?
  5. Bullet_

    0.9.32 Update Build Issue

    was able to fix it, guessing you were like me and didnt want to have to redo the config.cpp in the mission pbo copy/replace into the config.cpp and edit to your liking }; class CfgTerritories { // Base Cost / Radius // Level 1 is allways for Pop Tabs, >= 2 for Respect prices[] = { {5000, 15}, // Level 1 {10000, 30}, // Level 2 {15000, 45}, // Level 3 {20000, 60}, // Level 4 {25000, 75}, // Level 5 {30000, 90}, // Level 6 {35000, 105}, // Level 7 {40000, 120}, // Level 8 {45000, 135}, // Level 9 {50000, 150} // Level 10 }; // A shortcut of the above maximum radius maximumRadius = 150; // The above * 2 plus coverving the 20m you can move while placing things minimumDistanceToOtherTerritories = 325; /** * Defines the minimum distance to safe zones / trader cities where players * cannot build territories */ minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 1000; /** * Defines the minimum distance to spawn zones where players * cannot build territories */ minimumDistanceToSpawnZones = 1000; // Defines the period in days where protection money needs to be payed. // Every time you pay the protection money, the "due date" will be // pro-longed by that period too. protectionPeriod = 21; // Amount of pop tabs or respect per object to pay popTabAmountPerObject = 10; respectAmountPerObject = 5;
  6. Bullet_

    0.9.32 Update Build Issue

    I'm having the same problem as you, was able to fix the no loot spawning but can't figure out why the flag doesnt work. Can upgrade it and everything but cant add or move anything.
  7. Bullet_

    Server Kicking People

    Our server is constantly kicking people and can't figure out why. it just says SC: "player name" Kicked Off. I've spoken with them after they reconnect and they have the exact versions of the mods we run on our server.
  8. Bullet_

    This is what I think of new patch!

    good thing i have a server then
  9. Bullet_

    0.9.32b Cannot Purchase / Sell At Any Trader

    I Have that problem only after buying 1 or 2 items and then it blanks out and i have to go to the lobby and comeback to get it working until it does it again.
  10. Bullet_

    This is what I think of new patch!

    ^ so far ive ran into no loot spawning and can't build on your own land lol
  11. Bullet_

    This is what I think of new patch!

    until you realize no loot spawns and you can't build on your own land
  12. Bullet_

    0.932 Update Issues.

    Also can't build on your own land too
  13. Bullet_

    Forcing Required Mods

    I've added the required mods into the "requiredAddons[] = {};" in the config.cpp in the Exile_Server_Config.pbo and it's still letting people join without the mods. Tried editing the mission.sqm but it's all jumbled. Tried Arma3 Eliteness and UnRap to make it readable and after editing it, it spams the console with Mission Exile.Altis read from bank.