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Everything posted by digDoug

  1. i am testing out the messages i receive on my server and so far i have received messages when the base is being attacked, flag is being stolen, broadcasts from admins, and paying the protection money but i didn't receive the 24 hrs reminder. i will test again but i will need to wait another 10 days before i can confirm this.
  2. digDoug

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    changing the key so it doesn't conflict with any arma keys will fix that problem. how i did it was to change arma's vault key to 2xV and left enhanced movement to V.
  3. digDoug

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    hit esc in-game and you should see a menu on the bottom right of your screen. it's the first one. default key is V which conflicts with arma 3 vault key.
  4. What line on the config.cfg : do I put this on or is it ok just drop it in requiredBuild = 139586; line 8. just replace the numbers.
  5. digDoug

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    yes, i know. just try it..
  6. digDoug

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    you just have to remap the key so it doesn't conflict with your arma keys.
  7. cause this error is just for exile and there are tons of mods out there that need to be tested and confirmed.
  8. i've made a temporary fix to save progress into database. thanks to Ultma-weapon and Yesyesjo for pointing me in the right direction. 1. find: ExileClient_system_process_postInit.sqf in client side 2. find line: [300, ExileClient_object_player_save, [], true] call ExileClient_system_thread_addtask; 3. change to: [10, ExileClient_object_player_save, [], true] call ExileClient_system_thread_addtask; 4. save as: save it into fixes folder in mp mission files if you followed Ultima-weapon's instructions at the start of this topic. 5. in config.cpp under class CfgExileCustomCode, add: ExileClient_system_process_postInit = "fixes\ExileClient_system_process_postInit.sqf"; this changes the save progress from 5 minutes to 10 seconds.
  9. digDoug

    Asia Exile Reborn

    This is a server based in Taiwan with English Speaking Admins. We have set this server up using John's Exile Reborn and Arma Enhanced Movement.
  10. digDoug

    Unsung and exile?

    their terms when downloading the mod. so NO! Editing this software is prohibited. By downloading this software you agree that you will not unpack or debinarize the materials in any way. You will not edit, adapt, export or otherwise tamper with the software content. You acknowledge that your right to use this software will be terminated by any act of tampering with the software.
  11. digDoug

    More spawn points

    looks like you're using exile reborn mission files. you're unable to add spawn points if you are. there's another file that John uses for spawn. forgot which file it was. Edit.. take a look in your mission.pbo folder\overwrites\Server\ExileServer_object_player_createBambi.Sqf and in your @exileserver addons\JohnOs_events\addons\Functions\Server\JohnO_fnc_getSpawnPositionInRegion.sqf
  12. digDoug


    thank you so much for this. will be adding it right away. edit: missing ";" at near the end there... }; };
  13. digDoug

    [SOLVED] Connection Problems

    i have the same exact error. im on a personal server. i've tested sending a broadcast, it works. haven't tested it paying the territory protection fee yet though.
  14. digDoug

    Wall glitching

    i just caught a player today glitching into a base to destroyed the vehicles inside. banned!!! i've played on a server where if you try to glitch the player dies and i've died a few times cause i was too close while planting explosive charges. the best thing is if bohemia would fix this problem. so infistar is correct to just log it so the admins will know who to keep an eye on... im watching another player setting up a breaching charge and the AH Log is being spammed with wall glitch check. around 20 lines per charge.
  15. digDoug

    Crafting Exile_Container_SupplyBox Error

    gotcha.. i try it out
  16. Im creating a crafting recipe that would make a large supply box but im getting an error, can anyone help? here's is the script here's a pic of the error in game.
  17. digDoug

    Crafting Exile_Container_SupplyBox Error

    it's in the wiki
  18. digDoug


    why not have both in the script and the server admin can pick and choose.
  19. digDoug


    a way to limit how many vehicles a player can have parked in the safe zone.
  20. digDoug


    you should have the admins add this script. a very simple add on.
  21. digDoug

    Radiation without Markers

    you need to remove the text, change border to "0" then remove the whole icon class then -1 from the item count.
  22. digDoug

    Cannot join servers

    you might have downloaded corrupted files try downloading from a different source
  23. digDoug

    Waypoint fading after few seconds

    if your playing on a server that uses DMS Occupation they might have this set to true.. SC_removeUserMapMarkers = false; // true to delete map markers placed by players every 10 seconds
  24. digDoug

    Player Kicked, Can't Find Reason

    i know what you mean.. this is happening because tons of players are having the issue and i mean tons.
  25. digDoug

    Player Kicked, Can't Find Reason

    all those links doesn't get us any closer to solving the problem. I'm now suspecting it's the red OK button in the loading screen not triggering correctly. *Why I came to this conclusion is from reading the forums and my own experience with my server and others. I'll list all the errors that has happened. these are players that have gotten on the server before. 1. players getting "Signature check timed out" usually when they are stuck on loading map in the loading screen. sometimes the game crashes. 2. players getting stuck underground right after loading map in the loading screen. 3. players sometimes are stuck in the loading map sequence but their character is already in game and they can hear things happening around them, even getting shot by other players. *4. players getting passed the loading map sequence and right before the red OK button appears, players will get a split second view of their character underground. 5. once players get to the red ok button are sometimes unable to click it unless they alt tab out and back in.