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  1. b3ck

    b3XILEd Vb|DMS|ExO|ExAd|APEX|5k

    Hello everyone in the Exile Mod world! I decided to start up my old exile server again due to old members asking it be revived. (Ghost, Irish, Vulcan and many others) Anyways, since then I have decided to move it from a Windows OS to a Linux OS, and let me tell you it was a real humdinger setting it all up.. good thing is I was able to finally get everything going. Connection Details: Host name: b3xiled.com Port: 2302 IP Address: Port: 2302 So what does the server offer? What MODs does the server have? Which ones do I need? Serverside MODs (DON'T need to download) Exile Mod: The mod we all know and love of course (By the Exile Mod Dev Team) Vb: Vector Building (By MGT) DMS: Defent's mission system: AI Mission system (By Defent) ExO: Exile Occupation: Roaming AI and Dynamic Loot Crates +Helicopter Taxi Service (By secondcoming) ExAd: Exile Addon Client: Virtual Garage, Grinding Locks, Full Customization of the Status Bar +Much More (By Bjanski) Clientside MODs (NEED to download and enable/load into ArmA3 before joining the server) APEX: Using the Tanoa map, must have APEX installed (BiStudio DEVs) Purchase/Install >> ( ArmA3 DLC ) Advanced Rappelling: Adds support for helicopter rappelling. (by sethduda) Download/Subscribe >> ( Server Repo | Workshop ) Advanced Urban Rappelling: Rappel off anything that's more than 4-5m high. This includes buildings, cliff, towers, etc. (by sethduda) Download/Subscribe >> ( Server Repo | Workshop ) Advanced Towing: Adds support for towing vehicles using ropes. (by sethduda) Download/Subscribe >> ( Server Repo | Workshop ) Advanced Sling Loading: Full replacement for in-game sling loading. (by sethduda) Download/Subscribe >> ( Server Repo | Workshop ) Enhanced Movement: Allows you to parkour in ArmA3 (By badbenson) Download/Subscribe >> ( Server Repo | Workshop ) Enhanced Movement Compatible EXILE PBO: Fix that allows you to parkour on EXILE servers (By badbenson) Download/Subscribe >> ( Server Repo | Workshop ) I know it looks like a lot, but I just wanted to make sure I covered everything, please join our community as it is a great one! Kind Regards, -b3ck
  2. You my friend are pretty awesome, thank you for sharing this! Kind Regards, -b3ck
  3. b3ck

    Setting up a server

    btw.. default money is setup in the MySQL database.. unless they added it in to the config files somewhere.. this is how I always did it.. lol.. I just noticed that if you wanted all players to join the server drunk you could put 100 for default under the alcohol entry.. sorry just thought it was funny =P Kind Regards, -b3ck
  4. b3ck

    "AiA_Core" requirres addon "A3_Air_F"

    Do you have the 'AiA Terrain Pack' installed? If not get it, activate it and let me know if you still get this error. -b3ck
  5. b3ck

    R3F Exile

    I am having a problem with towed vehicles being blown up when entering a safe zone, is there a fix for this? I have skimmed the forums and have yet to see it =/ Thank you, -b3ck
  6. Awesome, thank you I ended up just deleting all the vehicles and players in the DB and gave everyone 99k, problem solved, but if it happens again I will use your solution, thank you for the help! -b3ck
  7. b3ck

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    You can load Quads in the back of Trucks, and Helicopters, when in a helicopter you can deploy them via a parachute while flying. -b3ck
  8. @dobrowney I followed your instructions now when loading the server I get this error and the whole server just stalls: Any ideas? Never mind that error is an RHS addon issue, and I renamed my map file and forgot to change it in my server config, derp.. My server seems to be running fine, just logged on, all the items are in the traders and spawn points, but for some reason I can't sell anything to traders.. I'll have to look into this further. Thanks in advance, -b3ck
  9. b3ck

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Getting all these errors after following instructions: And this is just a small chunk, my server is constantly spamming this in my .rpt file.. Any ideas? EDIT: I had to stop my server because after just 3 minutes my .rpt file was at 35MB and rising =( UPDATE: Must have been something wrong with the download, I just re-downloaded the files and no more errors.. odd =/ Kind Regards, -b3ck
  10. b3ck

    Restart Script

    So quick question.. I noticed that if the shutdown fails it just let's us know it failed.. is there anyway to loop the process if it does fail so that it will keep trying to restart the server until successful? Kind Regards, -b3ck
  11. I followed the update procedure and I am seeing these errors in the RPT file, the server seems to run fine, but just thought I would let you all know: Kind Regards, -b3ck
  12. b3ck

    swing object

    I just searched for the item list of the forum and found these:
  13. b3ck

    swing object

    That's for the actual axe, this is what you need to give a player the swing for the axe: Exile_Magazine_Swing -b3ck
  14. b3ck

    Lightweight Exile Downloader and ArmA 3 Launcher

    To build, rebuild, or clean an entire solutionIn Solution Explorer, choose or open the solution.On the menu bar, choose Build, and then choose one of the following commands: Choose Build or Build Solution to compile only those project files and components that have changed since the most recent build. (Once your solution has been built it will save it as an .exe)