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About DaweLocked

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  1. DaweLocked

    Vehicle Skins

    Hi, Im trying to add new skins at the Vehicle Skin Trader at the main airfield. I know that I navigate to CfgVehicleCustoms in order to add the skins and their prices. Ive loaded all the .paa files i have downloaded into a folder called VehicleSkins in my Exile.Altis pbo. Exile.Altis > VehicleSkins > filename.paa How do i write a line that will navigate to my ExileAltis pbo and load the .paa files from there? Thanks for any help
  2. DaweLocked

    infiStar & ExAd

    Fixed, Infistar & ExAd hare odd to work together as Infistar moves some of the files around. Just takes a bit of fiddling.
  3. DaweLocked

    infiStar & ExAd

    Hi, Im currently trying to install ExAd onto my server. I already have infiStar installed as well as infiStar's XM8Apps. After following the ExAd installation tutorial step by step, and attempting to connect to the server, i get stuck on "connecting"... What could be the possible cause of something going wrong? would it be the fact that i have the XM8Apps addon installed. Would that interfere with the ExAd addon? Thanks for any help