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Everything posted by Frontliner

  1. Frontliner

    Color Corrections

    Color Corrections Original created by: Ice9 Vanilla Mediterranean: Mediterranean with color correction: Create a init.sqf, Put the following code inside, [] execVM "effect.sqf";Create a effect.sqf, Put the following code inside for: Mediterranean corrections. "ColorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true; "ColorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [0.88, 0.88, 0, [0.2, 0.29, 0.4, -0.22], [1, 1, 1, 1.3], [0.15, 0.09, 0.09, 0.0]]; "ColorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;Or if your hosting a Desert like world, Try the Afghan color corrections: "ColorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true; "ColorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [0.9, 0.9, 0, [0, 0.1, 0.25, -0.14], [1, 1, 1, 1.26], [0.15, 0.09, 0.09, 0.0]]; "ColorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;Vanilla Afghan: Afghan with color correction:
  2. Frontliner


    Awesome!!!! Congratulations on your release!
  3. Frontliner

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Hello Guys Thank you Super Jerome for reposting this unique piece of scripting. But guys... Keep in mind this updated version of ExaD is missing a couple of stuff, Like the fn_createCombo.sqf wich is needed for Apoc Airdrop..
  4. Frontliner

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    Nicely done!
  5. Frontliner

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    Somehow the dropdown menu function is not loading, i've installed the original files like 5 times, i've try'd yours ( =TZI= TWIIST ) to with no results. BRAham's cookbook is working fine including a couple of other apps, i've try'd placing Apoc's apps in first app place holder with no results. Im using infistar so i've try'd whitelisting the menu (seems odd but brahams menu is whitelisted to) but -> 6601,6602,6603,6604,1116, are the wrong ones.. As far as i know the dropdown menu function is called from the Function file inside Apoc's XM8 app, i've try'd combining the Function scripts with the config scripts but with no results.. I have the same problem like anthonymax09 on the previous page and i find it interresting why it doesn't work... .rpt log doesn't show any error, the app shows but with no dropdown menu / content. But my trouble shooting skills are limited.... and i know the problem exists for a while now... i got a feeling it has to do with whitelisting, but i have no clue how to look up wich IDD code's are used... or how to look them up in the first place.. Scrap that, i found a fix, fix is on page 36, sending a message to Apoc, to include this note within his main post.
  6. You could, just an example:: Setup a Static ai roaming location + radius, en set the Ai-side to whatever our (exile player) ingame-side is... im not sure but i think We are the Civ-side ingame..
  7. Frontliner

    Question about spawn icons and trader icons

    post your mission.sqm...... my first gues? i think you added an extra : in the mix class Item1 { position[]={23355.7,4.79928,24191.1}; name="TraderZoneSilderasIcon"; text=""; <----- maybe? type="->TehExileMapIcon-xD<-"; };
  8. First of all Thank You! Defent - Second_Coming - Kuplion - And all the others for keeping teh community alive! and helping each other. Its brilliant using freeze and un-freeze Ai from a certain player radius! Best sollution i have come across yet! But, I do have a problem with static ai Re-spawns and i think mine "SC_liveStaticGroups" isn't updating with _staticUID,, (Mine eventHandler failed to deliver the ai status = dead signal...) -fnc_spawnStatics.sqf- // Don't spawn if a previous round of AI are already in place <--- Killed Them Bastards 30 minutes ago... (body's are cleaned up, no trace to be found, using infistar to check for ai) _newStatic = [_staticUID,_spawnPosition]; if(_staticUID in SC_liveStaticGroups) exitwith <-- So i gues the Dead Soldiers UID is still in the liveStaticGroup pool? even if its cleaned up? { _okToSpawn = false; if(_debug) then { _logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION Static]:: %1 already has active AI patrolling",_spawnPosition]; <----- .rpt debug log explanation [_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log; }; }; -occupationPlaces.sqf- // Don't spawn additional AI if there are already AI in range _nearBanditAI = { side _x == SC_BanditSide AND _x distance _pos < 500 } count allUnits; <--- So i thought maybe its the range(from the spawn location)radius he's looking for additional (patrolling/roaming) ai's? So i turned everything off (config.sqf,, Roaming Heli's/Land Patroll vehicles etc.. ((DMS mission isn't in reach at all times)) but kept the Static ai's, killed everyone of them but still no luck... _nearSurvivorAI = { side _x == SC_SurvivorSide AND _x distance _pos < 500 } count allUnits; <-- i dont use Survivors if(_nearBanditAI > 0 AND _nearSurvivorAI > 0) exitWith { _okToSpawn = false; if(SC_extendedLogging) then { _logDetail = format ["[OCCUPATION:Places]:: %1 already has active AI patrolling",_locationName]; <-- Teh same .rpt log [_logDetail] call SC_fnc_log; }; }; So at this point im looking for the handler: SC_liveStaticGroups.... I came across: -unitMPKilled.sqf- // remove all eventhandlers from the dead unit _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit"; _unit removeAllEventHandlers "fired"; [_unit] join grpNull; So i was thinking... mine signal is getting blocked before it could trigger this script??¿. -staticUnitMPKilled.sqf- // Get the variables from the event handler _unit = _this select 0; <-- No signal recieved from my Database? / eventHandler? _staticUID = _unit getVariable "SC_staticUID"; _spawnPosition = _unit getVariable "SC_staticSpawnPos"; _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit"; _group = group _unit; if((count (units _group)) == 0) then { SC_liveStaticGroups = SC_liveStaticGroups - [_staticUID,_spawnPosition]; if(SC_mapMarkers) then { deleteMarker format ["%1", _staticUID]; }; }; Try'd vanilla DMS and Occupation, Still no Static-ai re-spawns,, Can anyone confirm this?? #Kuplion? It does not remove the eventHandlers from the dead static-ai units,, Im working on it trying to find a solution for it, but i think this might be above my skills.... But! If the static-ai respawns DO respawn for you guys then i can look for the problem else were,, At the moment i dont think i'm creating this on my own..
  9. Frontliner

    Simple Player Marker System

    Simple Player Marker System: Create a init.sqf, Place the following into your init: [] execVM "PlayerMarker.sqf";Create a file named: PlayerMarker.sqf, place the following code into your file: if(hasInterface)then{ [] spawn { waitUntil{uiSleep 0.2;!isNil "ExileClientPlayerScore"};//wait for player to load _playerPos = createMarkerLocal ["PlayerPOS", position player];//create marker "PlayerPOS" setMarkerTextLocal "You"; "PlayerPOS" setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_destroy"; "PlayerPOS" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; while{true}do{ waitUntil {uiSleep 0.2;visibleMap};//update marker only while map is open "PlayerPOS" setMarkerPosLocal position player; }; }; };Save it and place them into your mp mission folder. First of all: i did not created this script, Im just sharing it, If i knew the orginal creator i would have placed his name on top of this topic. Second: These BE filters are ment for Epoch, And im to lazy to investigate wich filters i add'd to prevent kicking. Third: I noticed there was a similar script release on the old exile forum.(not quite similar it had a green dot, Instead of a red cross) A quick and easy way for adding the filters yourself. (Tha Nooby way, But it works! ) When gettings kicked: 05.04.2015 21:14:08: Frontliner (IP of your server.) (your guid or player guid) - #26 "player;player forceAddUniform"U_O_PilotCoveralls";player addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo";player addHeadGear "H_Bandanna_mcamo";"A second .txt file is created in your battleeye filter folder, In this case its my script.txt file. In script.txt always count +2 on the kick number you recieve, In this case its #26, Add +2 so its line 28, Then add the following line to 28: !="player;player forceAddUniform"U_O_PilotCoveralls";player addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo";player addHeadGear "H_Bandanna_mcamo";"Note: Dont forget the != Im not pro in creating filters, There is a easy way for this, If you want to learn how to, Use google or Read:
  10. Frontliner

    Adding loaded acp .45 gun to load out!?

    Just add the ammo twice. I noticed when add Halo spawn your trying to reload your pistol spawned with you, add some reason your parachute handling blocks it. But if u add the ammo twice u will have 1 ammo clip in your inventory. loadOut[] = { "ItemCompass", "hgun_Rook40_F", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "ItemMap", "Exile_Item_XM8", "ItemRadio", "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater", "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich" };
  11. Frontliner

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    I got the same problems like you, Try'd every kick exception there is, But it doesnt fixx the weird kicks, The only thing that works is turning off scripts. First of all i had alot of trouble finding the SetVariable Value then i found it out thanks to you! My next problems was like yours AttachTo kicks.. Add'd exception like always but it was the same problem.. None of it make'd any sense, so i had to turned it off to.. Just wanted to say your not alone in this :P! If i might find a sollution i'll let you know..
  12. Frontliner

    Simple Player Marker System

    Yes turn off those Global Marker Checks, Otherwise infistar will block this script and in addition some Ai mission scripts to..
  13. Frontliner

    Zombie Script Fix

    I gues its possible yes,, but with the configuration we have, we could 'kinda' adjust the amount to: zombielimit=3; respawntime = 40; So there's a little break for the player(40 sec) when they kill zombies, but there's Always 3 around him.
  14. Frontliner

    Problem With Infistar Godmode

    And can you add God mode function for Ryanzombies.. Im getting killed by zombies when i'm 'flexing' ingame Thanks in advance!
  15. Frontliner

    Zombie Script Fix

    Hi First of all,, is there a fix for random error: Sound zomb1 - zomb2 - zomb3 not found? every restart i have of 1 of these errors randomly.. its Always 1 error at a time... I had difficulties with: _zombie setFriend [East, 1]; //or add in [West, 0];With this add zombies wont attack no more... I try'd changing side's to West, 0 but no luck, i even try'd: _zombie setCaptive true;But i expierenced the same thing,, well kinda... becouse: 'unit can shoot at enemy, but enemy will not return fire' But anyway, Does this setup work for you guys? Also i tested anti-zombie SafeZone add-on script... but im using PlayerLocationMarker.sqf and it seems that zombies wont spawn near me,, so i presume its my location.sqf script that triggers it.. but i cannot confirm this... But i had a great idea for this,, but im lacking the knowledge how to.... Here it goes: All safezones has its Guards.... can't we switch the Guards team side? so that they'll attack zombies when they entering the safezone's? And if we managed to setup the Guards that they will engage the Zombie, we could like using this for the guards so they wont attack us? EAST setFriend [WEST, 1]; Im trying to help you guys to come up with a sollution for this... Becouse this mod is really awesome..