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About Robbhimself

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  1. Robbhimself

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    im using this ported to desolationredux on chernarusredux. Mod is installed and configured properly. I also have the missing map marker issue. First mission creates map marker just fine, after that no additional markers show. The missing map marker thing is definitely a bug, maybe related to certain maps? Edit: marker issue went away not sure why. However i still cant seem to get a mission to complete..
  2. Robbhimself

    How to add mods to the server?

    all those spaces this is doomed. you should pay someone to do it for you.
  3. Robbhimself

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    temp fix: open generate_zone.sqf find // _back = _back + [[_civiltype, _position, _civilrole]]; // old code uncomment, and comment the _back line above it. that block should look like _number = ZOMgroupsize; //1 + round (random ZOMgroupsize); _group = creategroup ZOMcivilianside; for "_x" from 0 to _number do { _civiltype = civilclass call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _position = _positions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _civilrole = "civil"; //_back = [[_civiltype, _position, _civilrole]]; _back = _back + [[_civiltype, _position, _civilrole]]; // old code }; zombies spawn for me normally now it seems. i still think something snot working right but this helped a little bit.
  4. Robbhimself

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    In rpt Error in expression <ilrole = "civil"; _back = [[_civiltype, _position, _civilrole]]; }; while { tr> 11:50:16 Error position: <_position, _civilrole]]; }; while { tr>Ok for some reason no matter what i set in fn_init only ONE zombie spawns per town. Just the one. His name is Fred, Any ideas? Using 3.2 serverside.
  5. Robbhimself

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    so for some reason no matter my settings i can only get one, yes 1, single zombie to spawn per area lol. I named him Fred. using 3.2 server side. included bornholm coords for testing. They spawn. Just one single zombie lol. also have Error in expression <ilrole = "civil"; _back = [[_civiltype, _position, _civilrole]]; }; while { tr> 11:50:16 Error position: <_position, _civilrole]]; }; while { tr>in console
  6. Robbhimself

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Same here. kinda seems like it works when it wants to.
  7. Robbhimself

    Revert to old Arma weapon sway system

    works great on my server
  8. Robbhimself

    Seeking a little help with Esseker
  9. Robbhimself

    Script Restriction #28

    hey man if you need help getting cba working, my scripts txt is a wreck right now and needs cleaned up but it does work fully with cba. might help
  10. Robbhimself

    Can't get my custom trader to show

    i see. thanks
  11. Robbhimself

    Can't get my custom trader to show

    there's no npc. nothing there if i use my custom trader. however if i change it to an already set up trader ie the spec ops trader, he appears fine.
  12. Ok what did i miss here initplayerlocal /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // black market /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ "Exile_Trader_Black", "GreekHead_A3_01", ["HubStanding_idle1", "HubStanding_idle2", "HubStanding_idle3"], [14515.8, 5222.5, 0], 0 ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; config.cpp class class Exile_Trader_Black { name = "BLACK"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "BlackMarket" }; }; did i derp somewhere or what? if i test with something like the spec ops trader in the same position it works fine. my added trader doesn't for some reason.
  13. Robbhimself

    Compatible Sound Mod

    can you hear shots past 100m? lol
  14. Robbhimself

    Compatible Sound Mod

    i'm sorry but if you ask this you shouldnt be running a server.
  15. Robbhimself

    Compatible Sound Mod

    no it won't. distant sounds wont work correctly. full dragonfyre without cba does NOT work. do not listen to this guy