The Antichrist

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About The Antichrist

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  1. The Antichrist

    Infistar BAN

    @MetalHead Going by that logic anyone who has ever had any traffic violation should have their license revoked and be denied the chance to get their drivers license in most countries around the world.
  2. The Antichrist

    Garbage Collector

    You could use add action on a dead vehicle so player can scrap it himself.
  3. The Antichrist

    [solved] Respect issue

    Change this line format["setAccountScore:%1:%2", _playerRespect, _playerObject getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", 0]] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; To this format["setAccountScore:%1:%2", _playerRespect, (getPlayerUID _playerObject)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; That is what handles respect saving and it differs from exile default though i don't think it should.
  4. The Antichrist

    Safe labels

    pen and paper mate or just use google docs
  5. 1 or 2 loadouts ? You can fit 6 lynx and some ammo in each safe which means you can easily fit 4 full kits unless they each include like 5 rpg rockets and 4 navid belts
  6. The Antichrist

    Base doors unlocked after restart?

    So far i've noticed that doors actually lock themselves over restarts however safes and cars don't, safes graphically appear locked but they do stay open.
  7. The Antichrist

    Thermal Scanner Pro?

    You may be too far from the vehicle/door It might not have been used within last 15 minutes or if it was used then the code was never entered (it was already unlocked) Also some vehicles require that you get extra close and scan from underneath of them somewhere in the midsection (large aircraft mostly)
  8. The Antichrist

    No output for upgraded concrete floor port

    When you upgrade your concrete floor port using fortification kit (so it has that sliding door) and remove it you get nothing back however when you remove default floor port you can get it back. Pretty sure same would go for upgraded concrete window however i can not confirm that right now. Server i play on is running dev branch on Tanoa map.
  9. The Antichrist

    Base Wall Health?

    I've found it that it doesn't really matter if you put your explosives down one by one or all at once. Most of the time regular walls fall with 4 or 5 satchels and reinforced usually never take more than 12
  10. The Antichrist

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    How many servers run CUP stuff ? I checked on gametracker and from 125 servers listed with CUP in their title only 20 are not exile or epoch (not even 100% sure about those 20 anyway as some might be running exile or epoch aswell and some have been literally dead for a while) so that's 1/6 from all of the ones marked but there's about 2000 more servers which aren't using their stuff. So if we go by this data and most server owners ditch cup they will sink because 20 servers with very low population (i mean few people on few servers on a good day) won't do much for them
  11. The Antichrist

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    Still breathing as far as i can tell
  12. The Antichrist

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    I don't think CUP devs really understand what they're getting themselves into because without mods like epoch and exile they wouldn't even get 20% of the downloads/traffic and recognition they're getting right now. No servers with cup mods means they will slowly but surely disappear off the radar. Sure they have the right to do it but I personally think they haven't thought this one through to the end
  13. The Antichrist

    Carry a second primary weapon in launcher spot

    Edit: It should be possible if devs can somehow change around what kind of things you can stick in your launcher inventory slot but then again it's arma so i'd only assume it would be too much of a pain to do.
  14. The Antichrist

    The Sea

    That's a good idea however that will never happen in arma
  15. The Antichrist

    New weight value for sand and cement bag

    If you want to adjust cement/sand weight then you need to adjust every other item. Sure it doesn't make sense why it's 100 arma units instead of given 20/25kg but Navid is ~300 or 400 arma units so that makes it 80 or 100kg and since this is arma, nothing makes sense.